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Text File | 1994-09-12 | 248.9 KB | 4,425 lines |
- Archive Last Updated: Mon Sep 12 1994 at 11:35:51 PM EST
- **
- ** Index of Microsoft Access Files in ~ftp/pub/pc/win3/access
- ** at ftp.cica.indiana.edu []
- **
- ** Last Updated: Mon Sep 12 23:15:22 1994
- **
- acc_in.zip 931202 Utility for acc_kb.zip
- acc_kb.zip 931202 Knowledge Base for Microsoft Access for Windows
- acc20ann.zip 940406 Access 2.0 Fact Sheets and Press Releases, March 1994
- accessv.zip 940617 .dbf file of add-ons for the MS-Access DBMS
- accpac.zip 940121 compact or repair your MS Access databases
- accpan.zip 930521 Maintain common settings in the MSACCESS.INI file
- accut.zip 930521 List of EMS Pro Shareware Libraries for Access
- accv20.zip 940830 List of Access Products on BBSs in USA
- accv20.zip 940830 List of Vendors for Access Products
- acexpo.zip 940121 Access Export v1.3
- adst2.zip 940121 ADSTools is a developer's tool for Microsoft Access
- carry.zip 940121 Access database tool
- chgprn.zip 930521 Sample code to change certain printer settings
- contac.zip 930803 Managing personal and business contacts in Access
- contin.zip 930521 Make labels print at the top of each page on multipages
- dbtips.zip 930521 Outlines diffs on dBase and Access programming
- ddl110.exe 930803 Microsoft Access Data Definition Language DLL
- dejean.zip 940120 Access db to track classical/non-classical recordings
- export.zip 940124 Access db tool
- first.zip 940121 FIRSTLIB is a Microsoft Access library database
- galxy2.zip 930521 Planetary database with multiple subforms
- hlpanl.zip 940121 Access Help Analyzer
- instruct.zip 931117 An Access tutorial in Winword format
- inummdb.zip 940408 Increment numbers in a mdb with code
- litbas20.zip 940713 DISSERT1.MDB is an academic reference database
- maxs11.exe 940718 Maxess 1.1 is a communication utility for MS Access
- member.zip 930906 Access database for tracking membership information
- mmlit132.zip 940820 Acad lit reference database for MS-Access (German)
- msajt110.exe 930803 Updated Access Engine Library, v 1.10.0001
- mslb.zip 940813 Multiselect List Box OLE Control for Access 2 [503k]
- outputas.zip 940124 Add-in to simplify report exports to winword,Excel,txt
- refnote.zip 930808 Academic reference database interface for Access
- secwiz.zip 931118 A Security Wizard which will secure your database
- secure.zip 940407 SECURE Lan Manager security checking for SQL Server
- selfstud.zip 931117 An Access tutorial file in WinWord format
- spelrite.zip 930807 Help with spelling of object names, field names
- sql2va.zip 940121 Fmt long SQL stmnt and assign to Access or VB variable
- tab.zip 940721 Tab OLE Control for Microsoft Access 2.0 [621kb]
- toolbx11.zip 940207 ToolBox V1.1 Access Library Toolbox
- uniadr20.zip 940713 Uniadres is a german address-manager for Access
- vbfix.zip 940912 Fixes some bugs with Crystal Reports in Access
- **
- ** Index of Demo Windows Files in ~ftp/pub/pc/win3/demo
- ** at ftp.cica.indiana.edu []
- **
- ** Last Updated: Mon Sep 12 23:05:22 1994
- **
- 123demo.zip 920622 1-2-3 Demo for Windows
- 3dmenus.zip 930715 Control Works Demo of Custom Controls for Win Apps
- 3drender.zip 920415 Demo of 3D RenderLib for Windows
- accentwm.zip 940503 Accent Working Model - multilingual word proc [1.2m]
- accsdemo.zip 921208 DOS Graphics Demo of Access for Windows
- amipro31.zip 921127 AmiPro for Windows 3.1 Demo (Disk 1)
- amipro32.zip 921127 AmiPro for Windows 3.1 Demo (Disk 2)
- bars3.zip 920913 Bar Code Label Printer Demo Program
- bcom22.zip 930215 Bcomm Communications Program Demo
- bib30.zip 930203 Demo of Bibliotech Version 3.0 (10/27/92)
- bothside.zip 920301 Print ASCII Bothsides on DeskJet (crippled demo)
- btdemo.zip 911009 Demo of ButtonTool
- button.zip 911009 Ancillary Files for ButtonTool
- cadwdemo.zip 921102 Demo of Cadenza: A MIDI Sequencer
- cbdemo.zip 910412 SQL Windows ComboBox DLL demo
- chemwin2.zip 930209 ChemWindow version 2.1 demo
- chessnet.zip 920305 ChessNet Shareware/Demo version 1.1
- cmotion1.zip 930728 Eval copy of Windows Fax/Data Communications Program
- cmotion2.zip 930728 Eval copy of Windows Fax/Data Communications Program
- cmotion3.zip 930728 Eval copy of Windows Fax/Data Communications Program
- csheet1.zip 940105 CleanSheet: Demo of modeling type spreadsheet (1 of 3)
- csheet2.zip 940105 CleanSheet: Demo of modeling type spreadsheet (2 of 3)
- csheet3.zip 940105 CleanSheet: Demo of modeling type spreadsheet (3 of 3)
- cubase_d.zip 940210 demo for the Cubase midi sequencer [540kb]
- cura22.zip 920110 Simu of Sterile Insect Release Method of Pest Control
- cwdemo.zip 920602 CakeWalk (Midi) Demo
- dbdemo.zip 920622 dbFast Demo (1.1Mb Zipfile)
- demo3d.zip 930302 Sculptura Demo: a 3D modeling package
- demow32s.zip 940720 BMPEF : Win32s/NT/Win3.1 rotate bitmap demo
- devdict.zip 940316 Demo of Devil's Dictionary, cond ver, by Ambrose Bierce
- ecodemo.zip 940214 Full-Featured demo of ECCO Simplicity 1.1 PIM [2.0Mb]
- ed3demo.zip 940810 ED: Adv Configurable Editor Demo V3.00 22Jun94 [1.14mb]
- editron.zip 940815 Professional programmer's editor (crippled demo)
- extradem.zip 910524 Demo of EXTRA! for Windows
- faxdemo.zip 920415 WinFAX PRO Demo for Windows
- fgw1.zip 921104 Lotus Freelance Graphics (working demo/no save)
- fgw2.zip 921104 Lotus Freelance Graphics (working demo/no save)
- fgw3.zip 921104 Lotus Freelance Graphics (working demo/no save)
- flowdemo.zip 940707 FLOWDEMO v1.0 - FLOW Research Demo Disk [1.3mb]
- fmdemo.zip 920503 FM Demo Sound Kit for Windows
- forehelp.zip 940706 Demo of ForeHelp 1.03: WYSIWYG Win help writer [1.4mb]
- formfact.exe 940210 Demo of combo DOS/MS-Windows and GEOS PDA [1.13mb]
- fshtdemo.zip 910821 FullShot 1.0: Demo of Image Capturing Utility
- fswindem.zip 940814 Demo of Fittingly Sew, pattern drafting software
- fw10demo.zip 940510 Font Works 1.0 demo [1.2mb]
- gcp_24.exe 940602 Demo of VBCControls: TCP, UDP, TFTP, TELNET and VT220
- hcf2demo.zip 931028 Head Coach Football Version 2.0 Demo
- hgdemo.zip 920622 Harvard Graphics for Windows Demo (1.1Mb Zipfile)
- hlpbrz_d.zip 931019 Demo for HelpBreeze a Windows help authoring tool
- hmidemo.zip 930910 Sound Operating System Demo by Human Machine Interfaces
- hyperdmo.zip 930920 HyperAct Demo
- informs.zip 940407 WPCorp Demo of Informs Form Design/Filler System
- ips_disk1.zip 940302 IPS Image Processing Demo Program (1/2) [485k]
- ips_disk2.zip 940302 IPS Image Processing Demo Program (2/2) [1.07mb]
- kidpuz.zip 920718 Kiddie Puzzles Demo Program
- lotorg.zip 930201 Lotus Organizer Demo (Personal Info Manager)
- macdraft.zip 930329 Demo version of MacDraft for Windows (CAD)
- mapmak.zip 930509 Demo of Mapmaker, a map drawing program
- mcademo1.zip 911001 MathCad 3.0 Working Model Disk 1
- mcademo2.zip 911001 MathCad 3.0 Working Model Disk 2
- mcademo3.zip 911001 MathCad 3.0 Working Model Disk 3
- mhdemo11.zip 931112 MiniHost Mail System Demo for Windows v.1.1
- mornstar.zip 920112 Morning Star Demo: Screen Saver VGAMoire
- movdemo.zip 920520 Windows Movie Demo
- movie40.zip 931202 MOVIE Animation Utility for Windows
- mpegview.zip 930913 XingIt! MPEG Player Software Demo
- msproj1.zip 910523 Disk 1 of MS Project Working Demo (File is 892K)
- msproj2.zip 910523 Disk 2 of MS Project Working Demo (File is 704K)
- musicato.zip 930301 Musicator for Windows 3.1 Demo
- mwpiano.zip 940717 Demo of Musicware Piano: Music Ed system [1.19mb]
- netdemo.zip 931116 NetMinder Internet address book program
- nndt099.zip 940912 Neural Network Dev Tool Eval version 0.99 [627kb]
- nwave1.zip 920509 HP NewWave 4.0 Demo Part 1 (1.11Mb)
- nwave2.zip 920509 HP NewWave 4.0 Demo Part 2 (1.06Mb)
- originfx.zip 930225 OriginFX Demo
- osf112.zip 910412 OSF Demo for Windows
- packrat.zip 910412 Polaris Software's PackRat Demo (hypercard-like)
- pg-demo.zip 940612 Demo version of Power Graph v1.0 for Windows
- pmelcore.zip 940708 PMEL Motorola FPGA Layout Software - Exe/help
- pmelexmp.zip 940708 PMEL Motorola FPGA Layout SW-Exemplar synthesis support
- pmelmpa.zip 940708 PMEL Motorola FPGA Layout SW-Motorola support files
- ppdemo1.zip 910222 MicroSoft PowerPoint Demo Part 1
- ppdemo2.zip 910222 MicroSoft PowerPoint Demo Part 2
- progen11.zip 940302 ProGen 1.1 Genealogy Demo for Windows [1.19mb]
- protelw.zip 931022 Version 1.0 of Protel Circuit designer demo
- pwplus1.zip 911007 Trial Version of Professional Write Plus (Part 1)
- pwplus2.zip 911007 Trial Version of Professional Write Plus (Part 2)
- pwplus3.zip 911007 Trial Version of Professional Write Plus (Part 3)
- pwplus4.zip 911007 Trial Version of Professional Write Plus (Part 4)
- pwrtcp11.exe 940810 PowerTCP Tools for Windows - SDK Demo [490k]
- quasrsql.zip 920827 QuasarSQL Server for Windows (DEMO)
- recdemo.exe 930908 Recipes for Windows 2.0 Demo by Odyssey Computing
- reunion.zip 940119 DEMO of Reunion for Windows a Genealogy db program
- rocks.zip 910412 Demos of MicroApps Manager and the Rocks MicroApp
- sc20d_w.zip 940314 demo for SearchCity 2.0, a text retrieval util [500k]
- sf171dem.zip 931118 WinScenario SF171 demo for Windows
- soshp201.zip 940429 SOS Help! for Windows v2.01 (Demo version) [1.3mb]
- sphmail.zip 930319 Demo of Mini-Host: UUCP for Windows
- spssdemo.zip 920729 SPSS/Win Demo
- sqlcode1.zip 940525 SQL Code Profiler for Windows Test Drive (1/2) [1mb]
- sqlcode2.zip 940525 SQL Code Profiler for Windows Test Drive (2/2) [614kb]
- sqlsniff.zip 940525 SQL Sniffer for Windows Version 1.1 Sample
- statemkr.zip 931115 StateMaker: C/C++ CASE tool, state diagrams, code gen
- tbkdemo.zip 910528 Asymtrix ToolBook version 1.5 Demo Disk
- td25demo.zip 940510 Type Designer 2.5 Demo
- tgdemo.exe 930909 TrueGrid, a bound database table control demo for VB
- therm.zip 910620 The Circuit Board Thermometer Demo
- timwin.zip 931005 TIM For Windows: An Image Processing Tool (demo)
- truelist.zip 940801 Eliminates Mailing List Duplicates Demo App
- tscdpro2.zip 940309 TommySoftware CAD/Draw Pro 2.01 <DEMO> [1.27mb]
- twindemo.zip 921125 ** REMOVED: MISBEHAVED PROGRAM **
- upmsaver.zip 940404 Cirrus Logic Power Management Demo Version 1.04W
- vbxdem.zip 920702 VB Demos for Microhelp Products
- vlib20.zip 931004 VISUALIB (c) Graphics Library Demo
- vox_alph.zip 940311 Vox-L Inc Interact Volume Visualizer (NT) [870k]
- vox_fast.zip 940311 Vox-L Inc Interact Volume Visualizer (Win SVGA) [1M]
- vox_intl.zip 940311 Vox-L Inc Interact Volume Visualizer (NT) [770k]
- vox_mips.zip 940311 Vox-L Inc Interact Volume Visualizer (NT) [840k]
- vox_smal.zip 940311 Vox-L Inc Interact Volume Visualizer (Win VGA) [415k]
- vtskt10i.zip 940330 Visual Products VTSocket VBX ver. 1.0i Demo
- warfare.zip 940427 Demo for the latest electronic book pub by OmniMedia
- winbody.zip 931102 Body Insight from Informative Graphics
- wincake1.zip 930922 Cakewalk Pro Midi Sequencer Demo Ver 2 (1 of 2)
- wincake2.zip 930922 Cakewalk Pro Midi Sequencer Demo Ver 2 (2 of 2)
- wincrib.zip 920224 Demo of Windows Cribbage Game
- windraw.zip 910830 Working Model of WinDraw Drawing Program
- winfo.zip 930215 Demo of Information Manager (uses multiple databases)
- winsmart.zip 921127 Lotus SmartPic Sampler Working Demo (Windows Graphics)
- winsp3_d.zip 940910 WinSpell 3 Demo for Windows [627k]
- wintss.zip 940827 Demo of GIS and spatial library routines for Windows
- withclas.zip 931115 C++ CASE tool, object diagrams, auto. code generation
- wmdemo1a.zip 940303 WorkingModelDemo:build/analyze mech systms 1/3 [656k]
- wmdemo1b.zip 940303 WorkingModelDemo:build/analyze mech systms 2/3 [564k]
- wmdemo1c.zip 940303 WorkingModelDemo:build/analyze mech systms 3/3 [651k]
- wmortpro.zip 930325 Demo of loan and mortgage calculation tool
- wmpdemo.zip 910810 Blue Sky Software's Demo for Windows Maker Pro
- wripdm13.zip 931008 Demo of WinRIP Lite, RIPscrip-based drawing program
- wwdemo.exe 940214 Worktime Workout Demo v1.01 [964kb]
- xl3_demo.zip 910531 New MicroSoft Excel 3 Demo (12/90 version)
- xwave.zip 921105 Plots of 3-D Mesh Surface Oscillating in Real Time
- xwindemo.zip 940428 Functional PC X server under MS Windows 3.1 [1.4m]
- **
- ** Index of Windows Desktop Apps, Screen, Image, and
- ** BitMap Files in ~ftp/pub/pc/win3/desktop at
- ** ftp.cica.indiana.edu []
- **
- ** Last Updated: Mon Sep 12 22:38:09 1994
- **
- **
- 3dmania2.zip 940114 Displays rotating box frames as a screen saver (.scr)
- aclock.zip 921106 Astronomy Clock: Mean/Greenwich/Loocal/Universal Time
- acubo11.zip 931020 Cumulative Clipboard for MS-Windows 3.x
- adbricks.zip 930311 After Dark Screen Saver Module
- admakr35.zip 940516 Create small display ads in Windows
- affirm.zip 940103 Randomly chosen affirmations popup on desktop
- albm10.zip 930823 Album1.0:view/print albums of pcx,gif,bmp,wmf w/VC++src
- all3d130.zip 940325 New 3D look for dialogs of most Windows apps
- alw32s.zip 940621 Astronomy Lab 2 for Win32s (includes Win32s software)
- amosdpak.exe 921212 Amos Draw Program
- animdsk1.zip 940404 AnimDsk is a windows 3.1 3D desktop animator
- ants.zip 920705 Ants Scurry Around the Desktop
- appman20.zip 940228 Allows launch buttons anywhere on the desktop
- apppad42.zip 940811 Application Pad (Version 4.2)
- aslpaint.zip 940822 ASL Painter! is a 256 color paint program
- att302al.zip 931111 All the Time 3.02 Clock Utility
- autowall.zip 930429 Automated Windows Wallpaper Management
- avipro2.exe 940812 AVI Player for Windows [492k]
- ball.zip 921209 Another Crazy Balls Screen Saver for Windows
- ballsvr.zip 921015 Ball Screen Saver for Windows
- barclk24.zip 940601 Clock, date, resources in the Title Bar of Active Win
- bcolor1a.zip 940601 Better Colors 1A: change the shades of sys colors
- bgdsk234.zip 940131 Big Desk v2.34 virtual window manager
- bird_anm.zip 940224 Bird in Flight Animation Sequence
- blank20.zip 940216 Blanker Screen saver with password
- blanker.zp 940622 Fade to black screen saver (.scr)
- bmp2bgi.zip 910626 BMP->BGI Conversion Program
- bmpicovu.zip 940203 Click on a bmp/ico file to display image
- bmpld301.zip 921118 Random Bitmap Loader (ver 3.01)
- bmpsav10.zip 930302 Bitmap Saver, Windows 3.1 Screen Saver
- bounce.zip 920714 AfterDark Screen Saver Module
- bouncer.zip 921021 Win3.1 Screen Saver Module (with source)
- bstar5.zip 940506 ButtonStar Deluxe program launcher [WinMag]
- bugfix.zip 940531 Bugfix 1.01 Animation [821k]
- bungee.zip 930422 An After Dark for Windows Module
- capclock.zip 910707 Dynamic Caption Clock Display in Active Title Bar
- capt20.zip 940310 Capture It! Ver.2.0 Windows Screen Capture Util
- capture3.zip 931103 Capture Windows Screens
- catchme.zip 940104 Stay-on-top clock and reminder
- cb211.zip 940809 Clysmic Icon Bar (Clysbar) V2.11 [671kb]
- cd4model.zip 940707 CorelDRAW 4.0 Free Working Model (no save/help) [3.8mb]
- cdeject.zip 931220 Software Eject for CDROM (req Windows MCI CD driver)
- cfgsave.zip 911011 Save Desktop Configuration
- chgwall.zip 930910 Changes the Desktop Wallpaper each n seconds
- cigbox11.zip 940713 Automaticaly creates folders of program and file icons
- climate.zip 940307 Graphically displays climatological data
- clipart.zip 940724 Triangle ClipArt v1: TIFF format collection [713k]
- cliplib1.zip 931105 Clip Art files in CorelDRAW library format
- clipmt.zip 940911 ClipMate for Windows v3.02 <ASP> - Clipboard Enhancer
- clpext20.zip 940517 Clipboard Extender adds functionality to the Clipboard
- clpmon11.zip 931213 Copy clipboard text to 2nd mono monitor
- clpmt207.zip 930913 ClipMate for Windows v2.07 Clipboard Enhancement
- cloak10.zip 920915 Hides Unwanted Icons from View
- clock41.zip 921021 Crito's Clock Ver 4.1
- clock5.zip 910530 Configurable Analog Clock Display Version 5 (demo)
- clockcal.zip 930719 Icon Displaysthe Current Time and Date
- cman12a1.zip 930209 Clockman: Intelligent Alarm Clock for Windows (1 of 2)
- cman12a2.zip 930328 Clockman: Intelligent Alarm Clock for Windows (2 of 2)
- co40.zip 930917 Chez Otto 4.0-a Win menu system w/icons & text menus
- colpal21.zip 921022 Interactive 16/256 Color Palette Display
- colrclp.zip 940803 Color Bits Vol I: 90+ color PCX clipart images v1.1
- colrmast.zip 930215 ColorMaster: control desktop color schemes
- colscr.zip 940622 Colours Screen saver (.scr) for Windows
- conceal.zip 940329 Hide the window bearing a given title
- coolsyf.zip 940308 Steal your face BMP (Grateful Dead?) (800x600x256)
- cpixel.zip 930203 Two Pixel Screen Saver Modules (.scr) for Windows
- cpmagic.zip 940124 Business graphics/presentation manager (2.3mb)
- crabs.zip 921117 Crabs Scurry Around the Desktop
- cripwin1.zip 940203 Crip for Windows 1.0 Internet Message Program
- cschange.zip 930501 Automatic color scheme changer (vbrun100.dll req)
- curpan.zip 940622 Allow mouse to pan off screen to reappear on opp side
- cuseemez.exe 940618 Desktop Videoconferencing Software from Cornell Univ
- custwin.zip 940311 CustWin 1.0 tool for customizing the Win environment
- cview097.zip 920512 Color View: JPEG/GIF/BMP Viewer for Windows
- dashv09.zip 940111 System monitor with a dashboard look
- daub124.zip 931129 Vector-based drawing program
- dbear.zip 930323 Dancing Bear Windows Screen Saver (.scr/vbrun200.dll)
- decay10.zip 931101 Screen melting Windows Screen Saver (.scr)
- desfun3.zip 921116 Bugs, Fried, Burst, Wiz, Eye, Face, Mole, Closer Apps
- desk.zip 940331 A desktop animation utility
- desk1win.zip 931105 Desktop Assistant Personal Info Mgr for Windows
- desk300.zip 940302 BackDesk/BigDesk Desktop Tools For Windows 3.x [513k]
- desklau2.zip 940323 Program launcher, clock, resource monitor, taskman
- deskmenu.zip 930903 Replacement or addition to the Program Manager
- desknav.zip 921001 Metz Desktop Navigator for Windows
- desktool.zip 940103 DeskTools is a PIM, a Personal Information Manager
- desktop.zip 931005 Metz Desktop Manager
- deskwall.zip 930924 Wallpaper Utility
- deus.zip 910511 Mac-like Interface For Windows
- dh15b.zip 940316 Desktop Helper: Windows Desktop Utility
- dialer.zip 921001 Metz Telephone Dialer
- diamond.zip 940623 Bouncing Diamond Screen saver (.scr)
- diaryw.zip 930728 Windows Diary System
- dibquant.zip 940623 Perform color quantization and dithering on 24-bit dibs
- digi138.zip 930728 Reverse plotting program
- digitl.zip 910409 Yet Another Digital Clock
- dih220.zip 940318 Desktop Icon Hider
- dirclimb.zip 930314 Replacement for progman and winfile: like a MAC desktop
- doll.zip 930217 A bitmap image of a doll
- doom.zip 940109 350x220 RLE-4 image of id's "Doom" opening screen
- dosbr140.zip 940712 DosBar V1.40 - A Toolbar for DOS-Windows
- dpain11.zip 930820 A simple RIP graphics editor
- dragvu20.zip 930805 Drag And View v.2.0 - File Viewers for File Manager
- drop_12.zip 930723 perform drag and drop to the Windows desktop
- drpdsk.zip 920829 Yet Another Drag and Drop Utility
- drtrash.zip 931021 Drop files you want to delete onto the icon
- dskint10.zip 931001 Desktop Intercepter
- dsktop.zip 921031 Desktop Bitmap Randomizer (10-31-92 ver)
- dskwal14.zip 940712 DeskWall - Change wallpaper from DOS and Windows
- dtools11.zip 940304 DeskTools Personal Information Manager
- dustbn14.zip 930308 Windows Macintrash-like Garbage Can Utility
- dwm103.zip 940810 Gregorian Programmers Guild dwm suite of desktop apps
- dz15.zip 930519 Drag And Zip for Windows
- dz17cw.zip 940816 DeZkTop is a program launcher/shell for Windows
- earths42.zip 940729 Earth's Sunny Side in Dynamic Icon
- ecotrash.zip 940218 The Ecologic Trash (ver 1.01) drag-n-drop trashcan
- ecu15.zip 940328 Earth Centered Universe v1.5 Computerized Planetarium
- ekg21.zip 930226 Real-time graphical display of CPU usage
- endsk200.zip 940125 version 2.0.0 of Enhanced Desktop
- eosun.zip 931208 Sunrise, sunset, moonrise, moonset, % full moon for loc
- epqs.zip 930519 Eyes/Position/Qtime/Status Util for Windows
- equator1.zip 931021 Equator: Reverse Polish Notation Desktop Calculator
- executor.zip 910818 Quickly Launch Windows Apps
- explosiv.zip 920222 DOS/Windows Screen Blanker
- fastscrn.zip 931129 Pops up a screen of your chosen text with hotkeys
- fbclck23.zip 940831 Football Clock V2.3: Any team logo on clock face
- fbsb41.zip 921102 FileBoy's Status Bar Application Ver 4.1
- fedpro.zip 920503 Launch Frequently Used Apps from Pick List
- ferkel10.zip 931101 Ferkel is an MS Windows 3.1 screen saver
- fextnd15.zip 921125 Add Useful Tool Icons to FileManager
- fflw10.zip 921216 Allows the keyboard focus to follow the mouse
- finder.zip 930329 A Mac Finder clone for Windows
- findr400.zip 940104 Adds task-switch icon to active title bar
- fire54.zip 910312 Fireworks Screen Saver
- flash200.zip 940224 Simple menu utility for Microsoft Windows 3.1
- foldsort.zip 921103 Arrange ProgMgr Folders Alphabetically on the Screen
- fracpain.zip 910623 Fractal Paint 1.04
- fracview.zip 940621 FracView for Win 3.1 v. 1.05
- fracxtr5.zip 930713 Fractint Extras Collection for Fractint (large ver)
- freedock.zip 940619 Freedock is another Windows dock program (w/src)
- frog_anm.zip 940303 Frog Animation Sequences
- frxtrsm4.zip 930228 Fractint Extras Collection for Fractint (small ver)
- fworks.zip 940622 FireWorks Screen saver
- gcad110.zip 940311 GammaCAD v1.10 <ASP> - Full featured CAD program
- gcp42s.zip 910820 Display, Manipulate, Convert Picture Files
- gdesk_22.zip 940329 Desktop Menu program for Windows 3.1
- gfile21.zip 931103 Windows desktop management package
- ghost12.zip 930731 GHOST App-launcher ver 1.2
- gif2bmp.zip 910820 Convert .GIF Files to .BMP Files
- gobrz.zip 920912 Go Bears Screen Saver
- gonew11.zip 920415 Display Away Messages on Windows Screen
- gpa.zip 940707 Interactive 3D animation to fold paper airplanes
- grabpro.zip 921025 GrabIt Pro Ver 3.1: Screen Capture Utility
- graf10.zip 920503 Grafiti: Auto Change BMP at Regular Intervals
- graphicn.zip 931208 Study parameterized functions in an interactive way
- grav.zip 940622 Gravitate screen saver (.scr)
- gtmenu12.zip 940519 Add popup menu to the active window system menu
- gwswn11l.zip 940518 Alchemy Mindworks Graphic Workshop for Win 1.1l [916k]
- handy11.zip 930907 Handyman Wallpaper Hanger 1.1 (vbrun300 req)
- hedron.zip 940731 Spinning polyhedrons
- heyblox.zIp 930913 Create 3D objects out of cubes
- hideap11.zip 940715 HideApp lets you start an application hidden
- hider10.zip 920807 Hide Windows or Icons from Windows Desktop
- hlpcol.zip 940818 Set colors in Windows Help Engine and Multimedia Viewer
- hotbsw.zip 940516 Hot Button For Windows: BMP/GIF/Txt/etc Viewer
- hotpop.zip 910517 HOTPOP: Complete Pop Down Menu Kit
- hotspot.zip 920810 HotSpot: Hot Screen Corners for Win3.1 Screen Saver
- house200.zip 930316 Progman and Winfile replacement
- hshl11.zip 920512 HalfShell: Minimal Replacement for Win ProgMgr
- htspt1.zip 920124 HotSpot: Quickly Launch Frequently-Used Apps
- hubble14.zip 940502 Hubble solar system simulator [400k]
- hypo2.zip 940216 HyperPoint Hypertext/media author/presenter [650k]
- icomin11.zip 940830 IconMini v1.1: compact minimised icos horiz/verti
- iconbar.zip 940723 IconBar Ver 2.0 Icon Docking Bar
- id_wt484.zip 940824 World Clock for Windows
- ima.zip 931213 Image'n'Bits image converter/processor
- imach10.zip 940429 Image processor for windows with FITS support
- imagecom.zip 940216 ImageCommander v1.0 image mgr and manipulation
- imgcon.zip 921221 Image conversion utility works with File Manager
- imgprep.zip 921027 ImagePrep: Graphics File Converter and Image Editor
- imorg001.zip 940530 ImageOrganizer papersaving Information Archive [1.3mb]
- imposter.zip 921025 Command Shell Enhancement for Windows
- inandout.zip 931208 30 Enhancements to Window Event boxes
- info34.zip 940104 InfoRecall PIM info organizer and retriever
- isolin11.zip 940826 Create isoline diagrams and cross-section diagrams
- isomedia.zip 921117 ISOMedia Utilities for the Control panel
- jetchut2.zip 930715 JetChute Windows Animation
- jjj.zip 940826 Bang The Drum Screen Saver v1.0
- jmchrono.zip 940207 Simple desktop stopwatch program
- jokebag.zip 940705 Fortune Cookie screensaver (.SCR) with 7000 jokes
- jottr_10.zip 940523 WinJottr v1.0 - EverReady Desktop Notepad
- jurassic.zip 930712 1024x768x16 BMP of Jurassic Park logo
- jview100.zip 920914 JPEG Viewer for Windows
- kaleid20.zip 930419 Kaleidoscopic Simulation Windows Screen Saver (SCR)
- kbdock.zip 930314 AppBar Replacement for ProgMgr (vbrun100.dll req)
- kc_res.zip 910412 Color Registration Codes for Windows
- kdraw201.zip 940825 Kwikdraw: An Object Oriented Drawing Program
- keymeter.zip 931116 On-screen odometer for your keyboard
- krunch.zip 921219 Liven up your windows with Kolor Kruncher MK IV
- kswin.zip 920718 The Kitchen Sink AppBar AppLauncher
- kwiked20.zip 940323 KwikEdit - Not Another Button-bar
- lathe151.zip 930309 MicroLathe/MiniMovie Image Program
- launch11.zip 920512 Launch Programs from Desktop (3/92 ver)
- launchx.zip 940429 Launch! version 1.8, toolbox style app (WinMag)
- layout.zip 900812 Automatically Arrange/Save Window Positions Util
- leadview.zip 921205 JPG Image Compression/Decompression/Conversion
- legobmp.zip 930910 BMP for Lego Lovers
- lens13.zip 920818 Lens 1.3 : A Windows Magnifier
- li130.zip 930309 LI: File viewer/finder/editor/remover/printer,etc.
- li_bta.zip 921215 Prerelease PostScript File Viewer for Windows
- life_ad.zip 930421 Life game module for After Dark
- loader13.zip 931116 load and change your Wallpaper and Sounds
- lockset.zip 931129 Password-protect your desktop
- logo212.zip 940725 Util to change your startup logo
- logogo31.zip 920826 Change your startup logo with this program
- lp_pad22.zip 940411 Launch Pad: pallete of 24 buttons to launch apps
- lview31.zip 930921 Image Viewer (JPEG JFIF, GIF, Truevision, Targa, BMP)
- lviewp16.zip 940731 Lview Pro, JPG/GIF/BMP/TGA editor/viewer
- magic111.zip 920305 Magic Windows Screen Saver Version 1.11
- magnify.zip 930718 Magnify a portion of your screen
- makeover.zip 920920 Makeover for Win: Changes look of 2-D Win to 3-D
- malot10.zip 940304 Sir Mousalot: Finally Use the Middle and Right Buttons
- mandlb.zip 920503 Produces a display of the Mandelbrot Set
- mandog.zip 940324 .FLI morph of a man turning into a dog [1.15mb]
- martin10.zip 930302 Martin Fractals, Windows 3.1 Screen Saver
- mathgraf.zip 920101 Ver 2.4.1: Plot the Graph of User Defined Functions
- matisseg.exe 931215 Grayscale version of paint package Fauve Matisse
- mazespx.zip 900920 Maze Pattern for Screen Peace Util
- mazess1b.zip 940714 Mazes Windows Screen Saver (.scr)
- mb10.zip 940113 BlastOFF: Drag-n-Drop Multimedia Player
- mbar11.zip 920515 MenuBar Toolbar Version 1.1
- mbw.zip 920305 Mandelbrot for Windows
- mciclb.zip 930714 More Control: Enhanced Control Panel for Win31
- mclock1.zip 920415 Clock/Alarm for Windows
- mcontrol.zip 931215 an extention of the windows control panel
- mcsirm.zip 940325 Windows resource monitor
- mdraw07e.zip 940104 MDraw, object-oriented drawing program
- meltdown.zip 910817 Meltdown Screen Module for AfterDark
- metz-dn.zip 910820 Metz Desktop Navigator Util (ver 2.50)
- metz-dt.zip 910820 Metz Desktop Util (ver 3.20)
- miata.gif 920731 Miata GIF
- miataguy.gif 920731 Another Miata Gif
- minicalc.zip 940911 Mini Calculator for Windows
- mininfo.zip 940531 Mini Status Bar (GDI Resources, etc.)
- missm.bmp 920831 Marilyn Monroe in 640x480 256 grey scale BMP file
- mjack3.zip 930901 Michael Jackson MPEG with audio
- mjack4.zip 930903 Yes, another Michael Jackson MPEG with audio
- mkh12spx.zip 910504 MKH (ver 1.2) Screen Peace Saver Module
- mmou15.zip 931129 MetaMouse to make cursor more visible
- mnyth2.zip 940224 ManyThings v2.0 Screen Saver
- modm12.zip 931020 Counts your mouse's mileage as you move it around
- modsta13.zip 940730 3-d modem status iconic indicator
- monitor.zip 940811 Resource Monitor version 1.5
- morespx.zip 900925 Can of Worms/Life Saver SPX Files for Screen Peace
- motd.zip 940809 Provide random messages on the desktop
- motorola.zip 930303 BMP of the Motorola Logo in 3-D w/ a marble backgrnd
- mpegw32g.zip 940823 MPEGPLAY V1.61 Berkeley port of Mpeg Player (win32s)
- mpegwin.zip 930329 MPEG Player for Windows
- mpegxing.zip 920610 VTMotion Scalable MPEG Player
- mport.zip 930913 ShareWARE magnification product
- mrphss.zip 940801 3-D screen saver plays 320x200/640x480 FLI/FLC file
- ms20b.zip 910820 Monitor Saver 2.0b Windows 3 screen blanker Util
- msgscn11.exe 940911 Message Screen v1.1: Leave messages on your screen
- mst3kwin.zip 931003 Saver/wlppr/snds tribute to MysteryScienceTheater3000
- mural102.zip 940912 Wallpaper changer supports JPEG FIF, GIF, and BMP
- mvtime.zip 930727 Win Screen Saver (SCR): Show AVI movies or gif,pcx,bmpz
- mwfish.zip 930222 UL-Fish is an Aquarium Simulation for Windows
- mwtask12.zip 940826 Task Manager V1.2 - A new Windows Task Manager
- nail.zip 920718 Force a Window (nail it) to the Top of the Stack
- navigate.zip 910710 Metz Desktop Navigator
- newpaper.zip 931024 Wallpaper Randomizer
- newscren.zip 920809 System.Ini Rotator for Various Video Configs
- newspxs.zip 900812 Two New Patterns (dragon, solids) for Screen Peace
- newton10.zip 930730 Construct your own planetary or solar system
- nin1.zip 920629 Nine Inch Nails Album Cover (BMP)
- nmfw12ae.zip 940827 New Menus for Windows v1.2a-Shell and Enhancement
- nn_cpl.zip 930317 Collection of add ins to the Control Panel (ATM,etc)
- noblank.zip 940822 A non-screen blanker module w/password prot (w/src)
- noshel09.zip 940412 NoShell is a replacement for Windows' Program Manager
- noter.zip 940607 Leave notes for yourself
- np20.zip 920605 Button's Random Wallpaper Util (with C source) Ver 2.0
- oberv4nt.exe 931222 Oberon for Windows 3.1 and NT
- odbtn.zip 921021 BTNBAR.DLL: create buttons and button bars
- odometer.zip 931116 On-screen odometer for your mouse
- oj.zip 940911 OJ Simpson Windows Screen Saver (.scr)
- ontop221.zip 931020 Window management tool to keep apps on top of others
- pals.zip 920904 Windows Color Palette Exerciser
- panic11.zip 930302 Windows 3.1 Sreen Saver Module
- paper122.zip 940125 Wallpaper Changer: auto wallpaper changer/manager
- papers.zip 940815 Clysmic Papers V1.12 <ASP>: Wallpaper Utility
- parsn101.zip 940418 Windows Farsi/Arabic/Urdo Editor with TTF [784k]
- patbrush.zip 940813 Brush Pattern Designer 1.0
- pcx2bmp.zip 921222 Convert PCX->BMP and back (vbrun200.dll req)
- pegif.zip 940120 Freeware desktop menuing utility/fast program launch
- phbar21.zip 940124 Windows PhoneBar 2.1
- phishsav.zip 931116 ver 1.5 of PhishSaver the Windows 3.1 screensaver
- pholab10.zip 930226 PhotoLab, view and manipulate image files
- phone2.zip 940822 Yet another Phone/Address Book program for Windows
- pitalk21.zip 940603 Talking Clock files for Plug-In (plugin21.zip)
- pixch050.zip 940620 Map Each Pixel of a Small Bitmap Picture to a Character
- pixf20.zip 940722 PixFolio Image Catalog System version 2.0.137 [670k]
- pixfix.zip 931129 Fix damaged headers in graphics files
- pixs32.zip 940418 Pixfolio 2.0.122 WIN32S files [816k]
- plant130.zip 931024 DOS app to swap wallpaper, screen saver, and sounds
- plnwch20.zip 940607 PlanetWatch 2.0: simulation and atlas of the Solar Sys
- plsmabmp.zip 920721 Plasma Fractal BMP
- plugin21.zip 940603 PLUG-IN for Windows v2.11: Fills the holes in Windows
- plyit151.zip 940809 PlayIt is an image viewer/animation playback utility
- pman155.zip 940614 Graphics manipulation program
- pmlock10.zip 940504 Protect Your Program Manager Layout
- pmm201.zip 921125 Add Custom Menus to Any Apps with a Menu
- polyg210.zip 940125 Polygeometrics Screen Saver (.scr) (nagware)
- popout11.zip 940217 Popout v1.1 Windows Stereogram Generato
- poster22.zip 940118 Stickup notes program for Windows
- povcad3.zip 931129 3D CAD program for Povray 2.0
- powerm15.zip 940714 PowerMon monitors battery stat as icon or win caption
- pprboy.zip 900719 PaperBoy: Random Presentation Utility of Wallpaper
- pract10.zip 930921 Integrated todo list and program launcher
- prggrp19.zip 940712 Groups in groups with program manager
- privater.zip 930303 BMP of Origin's upcoming Privateer game
- prj195.zip 940321 Projector is a Windows 3.1+ standard screensaver
- profft.zip 920530 Transform BMPs via Fast Fourier Transfer
- prsc11.zip 940727 Otto's PrtScr:capture/print 6 scrnshots using PrtScrKey
- prvlns10.zip 940801 Private Lines Screensaver displays userdef'd text
- ps202.zip 911215 Paint Shop Version 2.02
- ps2icon.zip 930722 PS2ICON is program for users of PAAI_SHELL 2.09c
- pshape11.zip 910820 ProShape 1.1: A Paint Program for Microsoft Windows
- pspro200.zip 930825 Paint Shop Pro Ver 2.00
- punchavi.zip 930330 AVI Video Movie File
- puzzle.zip 940622 Screen shuffling saver (.scr)
- pview10.zip 931020 Viewer for icon, metafile, bitmap files
- pwrstrip.zip 930223 Icon Bar App Launcher
- pyrmd_lk.zip 921217 BMP of Landsat Image of Pyramid Lake, NV USA
- qcal11.zip 940103 Small, quick, and easy calendar
- qclick10.zip 940516 Assign actions to the corners of the screen
- qg10-1.zip 940404 QuikGraf 1.0 ZIP 1 of 3: A Windows Graph Creator (1/3)
- qg10-2.zip 940404 QuikGraf 1.0 ZIP 1 of 3: A Windows Graph Creator (2/3)
- qg10-3.zip 940404 QuikGraf 1.0 ZIP 1 of 3: A Windows Graph Creator (3/3)
- qixspx.zip 910830 Another ScreenPeace Saver Module
- qrunner.zip 920725 Simple File Launcher
- qtw111.zip 940524 QuickTime for Win (REMOVED by wayneb@apple.com)
- quick-10.zip 930827 A Program Mngr Replacement/Application Launcher
- quik16.txt 930904 Quick Note is a notepad/jotter
- quikt10a.zip 940724 Quik Task utility enhances <Ctrl>-Esc
- qview.zip 921213 Quick file viewer - picture and text formats
- r1v4_ai1.zip 930806 28 Animated Icons for Route 1.4
- r1v4a_up.zip 930829 A Program Mngr Replacement/Application Launcher
- randot1a.zip 940623 Random dot stereogram generator
- ray_bmp1.zip 940330 High resolution (1024x768x256) ray-traced BMPs [791k]
- ray_bmp2.zip 940330 High resolution (1024x768x256) ray-traced BMPs [534k]
- ray_bmp3.zip 940330 High resolution (1024x768x256) ray-traced BMPs [1.15m]
- ray_bmp4.zip 940330 High resolution (1024x768x256) ray-traced BMPs [581k]
- ray_bmp5.zip 940330 High resolution (1024x768x256) ray-traced BMPs [376k]
- ray_bmp6.zip 940330 High resolution (1024x768x256) ray-traced BMPs [750k]
- rclick12.zip 940214 PCMAG: provides a pop-up menu at cursor position
- resduet.zip 931208 Windows Restart and Resource panel/strip
- resmon.zip 940128 RESMON 1.1 resource monitor for Windows
- resta22.zip 920920 Resta Powerful Windows Screen Saver
- restrt10.zip 920829 Restart button for windows
- ripbar60.zip 940502 App drag and drop launcher, memry and resrc mon, clock
- ripspace.zip 930814 Graphical display of drive usage
- riteon23.zip 940523 RightOn 2.3, a mouse utility for Windows 3.1
- rndtask1a.zip 930916 Randomize your sounds and wallpaper on startup
- rolisa02.zip 910526 Windows 3 program to draw Lissajous-type figures.
- rose1.zip 931206 Interactive rose diagram plotting program
- roses102.zip 940405 Random display of Polar Roses - Screen saver (.scr)
- route1p1.zip 940816 Route 1 Pro App Bar for Windows [934k]
- rpcalc32.zip 931020 MS-Win RPN style scientific calculator
- rssavers.zip 930628 After Dark modules: Messeuse, Pattern Tiler, YABL
- runner.zip 920925 Double Click Desktop to Get Favorite App List
- rwin05a.zip 940801 Starts Windows with random startup logo from ZIP file
- santascr.zip 921214 Santa Screen Saver
- saver.zip 910719 Screen Saver (Randomly Displays Chinese Chars)
- savers.zip 920530 Windows Screen Saver
- savers1.zip 940221 Set of screen savers for Windows 3.1
- savrman.zip 931101 Screen saver manager, bypass Control Panel
- savscrns.zip 920907 Collection of Windows Screen Blank Modules (.SCR)
- scap13.zip 931111 Windows Screen Capture Utility 1.3
- scavengr.zip 920318 Allow Drag/Drop Routines into a Trashcan
- sch0-2u.zip 930923 Schematic drawing, printing, and metafile export
- scoast.zip 930712 Supercoast Roller Coaster Screen Saver (scr) File
- scract10.zip 940126 Hot spot Screen Saver Activator - version 1.0
- scratch.zip 940520 Scratch Pad Application
- scrgo.zip 940622 Hot spot for mouse to invoke Windows Screen Saver
- scribble.zip 920912 Scribbler/Doodle Pad for Windows
- scrnac12.zip 920927 Activate Windows Screen Blanker with Hot Spots
- scrpe12.zip 900831 New Screen Peace Windows3 Screen Saver Util
- scrutl91.zip 910823 {S,V,E}GA Screen Blanker Util Ver 9.1 (was egautil)
- seascape.zip 930727 Seascape, a screen saver for Windows 3.1
- seashl08.zip 930221 SeaShell Program Launcher and Status Display Util
- secgrp11.zip 930719 SecureGroup - Protect your program manager groups
- sense300.zip 940207 Activates a window by just moving the mousecursor on it
- serpent.zip 930303 BMP of Origin's upcoming Ultima 7: Serpent's Isle game
- sh93v100.lzh 930927 Front-End Shell for Windows
- shf12spx.zip 910214 Screen Shuffler SPX File (ver 1.2) for Screen Peace
- shoot12.zip 920601 Shoot!: Yet Another Screen Image Grabber
- shootout.zip 940828 Shootout SCR Screen saver [322k]
- showcur.zip 931102 Hide or show the cursor in Windows
- sinfo100.zip 931207 System information/Task Manager replacement
- sizeit.zip 910518 SizeIt Util Make Apps Remember Window Size/Position
- sizer110.zip 920415 Sizer Remembers Windows Size/Position
- skymp21a.zip 940724 SkyMap v2.1 Win31 Planetarium Part 1 of 2 [631k]
- skymp21b.zip 940724 SkyMap v2.1 Win31 Planetarium Part 2 of 2 [644k]
- skyvw30.zip 940418 SkyView 3.0 is a free planetarium simulator [730k]
- slideshw.zip 940616 Slideshow is a Windows slideshow program
- slpman12.zip 920518 Sloop Manager: Complete Graphical Replacement ProgMgr
- sm135.zip 940218 Windows system toolbar applets
- smedley.zip 931028 After Dark Screen Saver Module
- smtppr14.zip 940111 Puts wallpaper inside Program Manager or File Manager
- smttop11.zip 940111 SmartTop 1.1 - Always-on-Top utility for Windows
- snagit16.zip 910421 SnagIt Ver 1.6 Screen Capture/Print Utility
- snapsh17.zip 920415 Screen Snapshot Utility
- snapgrfx.zip 940730 Micrografx ABC SnapGraphics Free Graphics app [1.39m]
- slrtme12.zip 940322 SOLARTME 1.1 displays a worldmap showing the terminator
- sparta12.zip 940221 Macintosh/Win4.0 like file management shell for Win3.1
- sperm.zip 921220 Sperm - a Screen Peace SPX for Mircosoft Windows
- spextn.zip 900717 Package to Create Screen Peace Saver Extensions Util
- spinner.zip 920520 Spinner SPX Module for Screen Peace
- spltsfx2.exe 940110 a GIS contouring tool
- sprclk.zip 920823 SuperClock: The "Definitive" Alarm/Clock System
- spx2.zip 900831 New SPX Graphic Images for the New Screen Peace Util
- spx_logo.zip 910925 Personal LOGO Saver extension for Screen Peace
- ss14.zip 910412 Yet Another Screen Saver (version 1.4)
- ssblind.zip 920730 Screen Saving "Blinds" for Each Window
- sscorp14.zip 930323 Screen saver lets you use your own .bmp logo
- sspw31.zip 940620 Screen Saver Pack for Win 3.1 - 7 Screen Savers [456k]
- ssrand12.zip 940819 Randomizer 1.2 - Screen Saver Randomizer
- sss10.zip 940815 Launches the configured screen saver and exits
- ssvwr400.zip 931101 Sound and Sights - view GIF files and play .WAV files
- stars.zip 910820 Moving Stars for Windows Background
- startrek.zip 921204 Five BMP Sequences from Star Trek
- stat40.zip 940411 System Resource Monitor Status Line
- status20.zip 940311 Another status util: date, time, resources, diskfree
- stkynote.zip 920913 Sticky Notes Util for Windows
- stm201.zip 930226 Super Task Manager: Replacement for Win Task Mgr
- strbar31.zip 930812 Standard, Military, Present Stardate based on STTNG
- strtap11.zip 940712 Start apps: standard, normal, max, min, hidden
- swapper.zip 930907 Change the Microsoft Windows startup screen.
- swift15.zip 930817 Swift Access Version 1.5: Iconbar for Apps
- switch20.zip 940524 Version 1.4 of Jerry Petet's screen saver switch
- sym.zip 940723 Create historical graphs of your financial data
- syscolor.zip 910808 Change the 256 colors from 256,000 color pallette
- sys_info.zip 940911 Monitor Resources & display Time,Date,Info
- takeone.zip 930920 Powerful user friendly animation program
- tbar10.zip 940310 Define a toolbar for a particular task
- tchao403.zip 940408 Time and Chaos: Appt/Cal/Phonebook Util for Win
- tclock.zip 940620 Talking Clock for Win 3.1 v. 1.08
- tech15.zip 940610 Technetium 1.5 X-Window Style Menus for Windows
- tel101.zip 940324 Your very own Tiny Elvis
- term20.zip 920904 Terminator: An Electronic File Shredder
- textanim.zip 920728 Animated Text: Moving Message Display for Windows
- thetrash.zip 920807 Yet Another Trashcan Utility for Windows
- thmpls20.zip 940718 Thumbs+Plus:locate and organize your graphic files
- tickit24.zip 940202 Tick-It! customizable replacement for the Clock
- timclk10.zip 940828 Time clock/usage tracking system for Windows
- timefram.zip 910518 Digital Clock for the Topmost Window's Caption Bar
- timepict.zip 920720 Cosmic Wristwatch BMP/GIF
- timing13.zip 940622 Draw & analyze Timing Diagrams on your PC
- tip151-2.zip 930204 TIP for Appbar (requires bwccdll.zip)
- tits.zip 920913 The Interactive Task Switcher Utility
- tlbar211.zip 931022 Drag-and-drop toolbar and shell replacement
- tman110.zip 940111 Replacement for the Task Manager
- toilet.zip 920503 Mac-like Trashcan Utility
- topdesk.zip 920723 Virtual Windows for Windows
- topdr20a.zip 940728 TOP DRAW v2 object-oriented drawing (1/2) [400k]
- topdr20b.zip 940728 TOP DRAW v2 object-oriented drawing (1/2) [417k]
- toptools.zip 940520 TOPTOOLS adds a float button bar in CorelDraw desktop
- tracan.zip 920515 Mac-Like Trashcan Utility (w/sound)
- tracks11.zip 930302 Windows Screen Saver Module
- trashcan.zip 920414 Mac-Like Trashcan Utility
- trekwall.zip 930825 Star Trek BMPs
- tribaldr.zip 931012 TribalDraw 2.1 for Windows
- triplot2.zip 940110 Display and print ternary (trilinear) diagrams
- ts_panel.zip 930817 Always-on-top desktop information panel
- tspanl.zip 940429 Always-on-top desktop information panel
- ttcalc.zip 940814 Simulation of the calculator HP41-CV
- ttrax.zip 930807 Windows appointment book/calendar
- tu14.zip 940505 Thumbsup: Picture viewer/organizer/finder v1.3d [373k]
- turtle.zip 920413 Teenage Mutant Ninja Bitmaps
- twgyro.zip 940801 320x200x256 FLI of animated spinning gyroscope
- twi_11.zip 940811 Twilight Dream AfterDark Module
- twrun.zip 940801 320x200x256 FLI of chrome textured man running
- uclp17.zip 930212 UltraClip: Clipboard Extender (OLE aware)
- utl105.zip 900731 Clean, Closer, Run, Win 3 Utils to manage your desktop
- uzblk100.zoo 940623 Uzblank Laptop Screen Blanker
- vaseavi.zip 940817 320x200 256-color animation AVI file
- vclock.zip 940429 Voice Clock!, Version 2.0
- vcp11.zip 940204 Visual Calendar Planner 1.1 for MS Windows 3.x
- vdt02w.zip 931203 Virtual desktop, group manager(nice toolbar), dsk mgr
- vfw11a.exe 940624 MS Video for Windows runtime, v1.1a [1.3mb]
- vgacolor.zip 910719 Allows Selection of 16 Colors from 262,144 Pallette
- vhold.zip 910628 Module for AfterDark Screen Saver
- vidvue10.zip 931020 Play .AVI videos and views most still graphics formats
- vip23.zip 940322 VIP 2.3 phonebook (supports .BMPs and .AVIs)
- virtual.zip 940811 Virtual Desktop version 1.3
- vsw14.zip 931129 Switch video modes without Control Panel
- vt.zip 920503 Virtual Tablet Interfac: high performance digitizer
- vuepri31.zip 940822 Windows JPEG/GIF Display & Print Utility
- vuesav22.zip 940428 Win Screen Saver (.scr): Random GIF JPEG JPG BMP viewer
- waaplay.zip 920418 AAPLAY.DLL: play Autodesk Animator Animation Files
- wallpeep.zip 921213 WallPeeper: Wallpaper Manager
- wallppr.zip 920805 Miscellaneous Homemade BMPs
- warp20.zip 930814 Change mouse cursor/make it re-enter at side of screen
- wavclck1.zip 940503 Windows 3.1 alarm clock that plays WAV files
- wb21.zip 920819 WAV/BMP Randomizer
- wbltinst.exe 940623 Win-Blot is a desktop calendar utility program
- wcaplock.zip 930814 Makes caps lock key work like a typewriter
- wclock.zip 940505 transparent clock inherits underlying wallpaper as bgnd
- wdock10a.zip 940411 WillDock: toolbar and a global popup menu
- wecj.zip 930223 Fast .JPEG viewer for Windows
- wezp13.zip 940708 WinEZ Pro: Windows task switch and launch
- wgalry04.zip 930219 Wallpaper Gallery BMP Randomizer
- wildspx.zip 930311 Wild Forest and Sky in the Night ScreenPeace modules
- win-view.zip 930323 Collection of small image viewers, various formats
- win3d.zip 940614 Win3D is an interactive 3D drawing program
- winblank.zip 920413 Win3.x Screen Saver for Toshiba Laptops
- winclk12.zip 930519 displays info in the caption bar of the active windo
- wincolor.zip 910724 PCMag Utility to Customize Colors
- windiary.zip 921130 Combination Calendar/Diary
- windim12.zip 920723 Windows SVGA Screen Dimmer (Blanker)
- windrp.zip 930727 drag and drop program launcher for Windows with hotkey
- winez32.zip 940310 A Windows Desktop Util: launch;dir browse;task switch
- winfli.zip 940118 View Autodesk Animator files from within windows
- wingif14.zip 910820 WinGIF: View GIF Files
- winhur15.zip 930823 PC-Hurricane moviegrabber
- wininit.zip 911022 Init Desktop from list of apps/window sizes in WIN.INI
- winjp265.zip 940709 WinJPEG v.2.65 image viewer/processor/convertor
- winlabv2.zip 931213 WinLab: display and converts various image formats
- winldr.zip 940730 Replacement for WIN.COM for displaying 256-color bmps
- winlmp15.zip 940601 WinLamps: free RAM, HDD space, and clock in display
- winman.zip 921108 Float, Sink, and Exit Windows
- winmaze4.zip 940523 Display mazes in 3D in Windows 3.1
- winmdm3.zip 931129 Status Lite Display Util for Internal Modems
- winmenu.zip 940224 Windows-based menuing system
- winmnu17.zip 940321 WinMenu Shareware Menu Program for Windows 3.1
- winocr.zip 931101 WinOCR 2.0: Optical Character Recognition program
- winpak1.zip 930309 Collection of eight animated screen savers (.scr)
- winpas11.zip 931208 Lock Windows from snoopers
- winptr.zip 920316 Configure Windows Pointer (PCMag)
- winqu103.zip 930726 symmetric fractal generator for Windows
- winres.zip 910614 Change Your Multisync's Resolution On-the-fly
- winsaver.zip 910425 Restore Windows Session as You Left It
- winsec10.zip 931108 Secure your windows
- winstick.zip 940810 WinStick - Use a joystick with all your Windows games
- winsyf.zip 940308 Replace startup screen with steal your face image
- wintiff6.zip 930921 Port of Sam Leffler's TIFF Library to MS_Window 3.1
- wintz.zip 930814 World TimeZones: disp time in many major world cities
- winwal.zip 921220 Windows BMP Wallpaper Loader (vbrun200.dll req.)
- winwall1.zip 920603 A Collection of 40+ BMP Patterns
- winwater.zip 930723 granite WinLogo floating over a water scene
- winwis41.zip 940812 WinWisdom v4.1 - Quote-of-the-day and quote reference
- winworks.zip 940119 Organize your Windows Wallpaper
- winx150.zip 940426 WinX 1.5: Windows User Interface Extensions
- wlock16u.zip 940119 WinLock - Access Control System for Windows
- wnlab21.zip 940202 WinLab V2.0: image editing processing/viewer/converter
- wnotes21.zip 940120 WillNotes 2.1 Sticky Notes System
- wmagic11.zip 930907 Easily Assign Icon to PM Group or Application Icon
- wmf2bmp.zip 930814 Convert .WMF metafiles to .BMP format
- wmigr.zip 940707 Shows all important system and Windows data (Deutch)
- wmigrd.zip 940707 Shows all important system and Windows data (Deutch)
- wnbrw34.zip 931008 WinBrowse: Windows File Browser
- wolfscr.zip 930908 SCR Screen Saver with Wolf 3D Bosses
- world21.zip 940204 WorldClock 2.1 - daylight position map
- wotd_18.zip 940318 What Happened On This Day In History
- wp_spx.zip 910902 Yet Another ScreenPeace Saver Module
- wpaper01.zip 931130 Shareware Custom Wallpaper
- wpopup10.zip 940218 WinPopUp 1.0: click windows to pop them to the front
- wpost32b.zip 930712 PostIt Notes for Windows Version 3.2b
- wprand.zip 930916 Wallpaper Randomizer
- wrksft16.zip 920915 WokShift Graphical Virtual Desktop (ver 1.6)
- wslogo11.zip 931108 Weresoft Logo v.1.1 teaches geometry,programming,logic
- wspace.zip 930318 Virtual desktop for Windows
- wtm21d.zip 930804 WorldTime 2.1d for Windows
- wuk21.zip 930628 PIM, rolodex, autodialer, labels - Address Book
- wwplus.zip 940222 WinWall Plus:wallpaper randomizer/manager/editor [420k]
- xvtdraw.zip 901117 Drawing Program
- y_lake2.zip 940726 1024x768x65K bitmap of Yellowstone lake [1.30mb]
- yacc10.zip 930820 Yet Another Clipboard Collector
- yak101.zip 920913 Talking Clock for the Desktop
- yellow20.zip 940310 Yellow Sticky v2.0 <ASP> - A "To Do" manager
- zgtool.zip 940616 Business/Technical Graphs for MS-Windows and Windows NT
- zipap13b.zip 920728 Zip Paper: Displays Random BMPs
- **
- ** Index of MicroSoft Excel Files in ~ftp/pub/pc/win3/excel
- ** at ftp.cica.indiana.edu []
- **
- ** Last Updated: Mon Aug 15 22:29:53 1994
- **
- astute.zip 940118 Astute Statistics Add-In for Microsoft Excel 4 and 5
- bpmwin10.zip 921221 Business Plan Master, creates small business plans
- clnt_tx3.zip 930712 Spreadsheet Calculates Clinton's effects on taxes
- cltx2e.zip 930827 Another Sheet for Clinton's Tax Plan
- iterate1.zip 940815 Create value tables or calculate iterations with Excel
- shadei.zip 920811 Excel Macro to Shade Alternate Lines in Spreadsheet
- toolba.zip 920811 Toolbar Util for Excel 3
- we0125.exe 920418 MS App Note: Excel Cell Referencing from a Macro
- we0127.exe 920418 MS App Note: Excel Dates and Times
- we0146.exe 920418 MS App Note: Excel Most Frequently Asked Questions
- we0404.exe 920418 Excel Custom Help File Conversion Utility
- we0801.exe 940126 excel macro for reading in text files (delimited)
- we0820.exe 940126 excel macros for interpolating smooth curves w/beziers
- xlmth30.zip 931213 Excel add-in for matrix manipulation, smoothing, etc
- xl3qa.exe 920418 Questions and Answers for Excel 3 (install,print, etc)
- xl_click.zip 940721 Double-Clicker for MS Excel 4.0
- **
- ** Index of Printer Drivers for Windows in
- ** ~ftp/pub/pc/win3/drivers/printer at ftp.cica.indiana.edu []
- **
- ** Last Updated: Mon Aug 15 23:24:49 1994
- **
- 24pin.zip 910320 Enhanced Drivers for 24-pin Epsons (and compatibles)
- bj200drv.zip 930902 Canon BJ-200 Windows Printer Driver (10/1/92)
- bjc600-2.zip 940321 Canon BJC-600 v2.0 printer drivers [640k]
- brohl.zip 930927 Brother HL Laser Printer Drivers
- calcomp.zip 921111 CalComp ColorMaster Plus (PostScript) printer driver
- cit24.zip 921109 Citizen GSX-140 Drivers (ver 2)
- citizen.zip 920211 Ver 1.05 Citizen printer drivers
- ctrld10b.zip 940202 produce a leading Ctrl-D in the pr data stream (PS)
- d5wn31.exe 940623 Deskjet 500 Series Printer Driver Version 4.1
- escp2.exe 920615 Epson LQ-570/870/1070/1170 esc/p 2 Win 3.1 (4/92)
- ep24.exe 920828 Epson 24pin Printer Drivers (08/12/92)
- ep9.exe 920831 Epson 9pin Printer Drivers (07/27/92)
- eplq.exe 920615 Epson LQ-570/870/1070/1170 Scalable Fonts Driver
- epsdrv.exe 930510 Epson Stylus 800 & updated printer drivers (4/15/93)
- epson.exe 930921 Epson Printer Drivers (Mar 93)
- epson.zip 931028 More Epson Printer Drivers
- fuji24dr.zip 911104 Drivers for the Fujitsu 24 Pin B&W/Color Printers
- gendrv.exe 930217 IBM (Lexmark) laser printer drivers
- hp4win.zip 940217 v3.1.27 drivers for the HP Laserjet 4s (11/93) [360k]
- hp500dj.zip 940218 HP Deskjet drivers (11/93) [1mb] *REMOVED: BETA-WARE*
- hpdjw30a.zip 921002 DeskJet 500C, DeskJet 500, DeskJet Plus for Win3.1
- hpdrvrs.zip 930803 07/93 Versions of HP line of printer drivers
- hpljets.zip 931028 Drivers for all HP LaserJet Printers
- hpother.zip 931028 Drivers for all HP non-LaserJet output devices
- hppcl5.zip 921125 HPPCL Driver Version 10-22-92
- hppjet.exe 920828 HP PaintJet Drivers Version 8/12/92
- hppcl5a.zip 920317 PCL5A Driver Version 10/25/91 (Supports IIIP/IIISi)
- hppscrpt.zip 910513 HP PostScript Driver 3.4 for IIP,IID,III,IIID and IIISi
- hpqjet.zip 910820 HP QuietJet 192x96 DPI Driver
- hpwfwg01.zip 940426 W4WG: print to HP net prns with JetDirect/EX pserver
- ib2390.exe 920803 IBM 2390 Series Printer Drivers
- lanprt.zip 920320 Connect/Disconnect Network Printers in Windows
- lino.exe 920831 Linotronic Drivers for Windows 3.1 (08-12-92)
- lj_drvrs.zip 930804 Various drvrs for the HP range. LJ4 inc, dated 7/14/93
- lj4win31.exe 921109 Windows 3.1 driver for the LaserJet 4
- necp24.exe 921207 NEC Drivers (CP{6,7},P{5XL,6,7,9XL,2200,5200,5300},etc.
- necpin.exe 920615 NEC P3200/3300/6200/6300/9300 Win 3.1 Driver
- necpnser.zip 910531 Driver for NEC 24-pin Pinwriters
- oki24.exe 920831 Okidata 24pin Printer Drivers (08/12/92)
- oki400.zip 911204 Oki L400 Windows 3.0 Driver ver .31
- pan24.exe 921031 10-16-92 Drivers for 24pin Panasonic printers
- pan9-w3.zip 911209 Panasonic 09-Pin Drivers
- panakx.exe 920504 Panasonic Printer Drivers for Win3.1
- panasonc.zip 931028 Drivers for most all Panasonic printers
- panaw31c.exe 920708 More Panasonic Printer Drivers for Win 3.1
- panawdrv.zip 920118 Panasonic Laser Drivers
- pprtr43.zip 94-8-2 V4.3 PPRTR: DLL that allows massive printer control
- pscrip.exe 920828 PostScript Printer Driver (07/23/92)
- star.exe 920808 Win 3.1 Drivers for all STAR printers (from MS BBS)
- star_24.zip 910605 Star Micronics Driver
- starclr.zip 920209 Jan91 Star Micronics 9 pin driver
- unidrv.exe 920828 Microsoft 6-29-92 Version of Unidrv.Dll
- winprt.zip 920214 NWWINFIX - Fix for Windows Garbage Printing on NetWare
- wravndmp.zip 920130 Roland 9/24 Pin Drivers
- **
- ** Index of Video Files, Drivers for Windows in
- ** ~ftp/pub/pc/win3/drivers/video at ftp.cica.indiana.edu []
- **
- ** Last Updated: Mon Sep 12 22:11:37 1994
- **
- 1280bnch.txt 911030 Benchmarks for Orchid ProIIs vs Fahrenheit 1280 Card
- 14851141.zip 940524 MGA Power Drivers, v 1.41.1 [1.2mb] 1 of 2
- 14852141.zip 940524 MGA Power Drivers, v 1.41.1 [730k] 2 of 2
- 24_all.exe 930813 Diamond Stealth24 ISA video (8/11/93 ver)
- 24x_beta.exe 931023 SpeedStar 24X - Windows 3.1 ver 2.04 Beta Drivers
- 24xwin31.zip 921026 Diamond Speedstar 24x video drivers
- 5426-d2.zip 930726 Ver 1.32 drivers for the Cirrus logic GD-5426 card
- 542xvga.exe 940404 Cirrus CL-GD542X Display Drivers and Utilities
- 5434wn.exe 940911 Ver 1.02 SpeedStar 64 drivers
- 678win3b.zip 910820 Everex EVGA Drivers (1024x768x16/800x600x16/640x480x16)
- 864dos.exe 940827 Stealth 64 DRAM Utilities/CAD/NT 3.13 v1.03
- 864wn1.exe 940827 Stealth 64 Dram Drivers v1.10 [1.14mb]
- 90c0031.zip 921014 Paradise/WD SVGA 640x480x256/1024x768x16/1024x768x2
- 964106.exe 940823 Stealth 64 VRAM Drivers release 1.06 [827k]
- 964wn1.exe 940831 Stealth 64 VRAM Drivers [1.04m]
- actix131.zip 930501 GraphicsENGINE Software Driver Rev. 1.3 (1 of 2)
- actix132.zip 930501 GraphicsENGINE Software Driver Rev. 1.3 (2 of 2)
- aheadvdd.zip 920913 Ahead VGA Video Driver for Windows 3.1
- aticpl.zip 930702 Control panel applet for Mach FlexDesk driver
- atiult59.zip 930325 Win 3.1 Drivers for ATI Ultra series as of 22-Feb-93
- ativg3.zip 920425 ATI Wonder{Plus,XL}, Integra Video Drivers for Win3.1
- atiw300.zip 910922 New (08-29-91) ATI Windows 3 Drivers
- atiw3256.exe 910802 256 Color Drivers for ATI Cards
- atiw3400.exe 910918 Upgrade for ATI 640x400x256 Driver (needs atiw3256.exe)
- atiult.exe 920612 ATI 8514/Ultra drvr for Win 3.1 dated 4/6/92
- bigwin21.zip 940817 Spea V7 - S3 Videodrivers (6/94) [1.25mb]
- blitfix.zip 911102 Speed Up Windowing on Large (1024x768) Displays
- bocasx31.zip 921014 Boca SXVGA drivers for Windows 3.1 (Tseng 4000 compat.)
- bwlit21.exe 940804 v2.1 SPEA V7 Mirage BigWin/V7Setup/SPEAview Dvr [1.3mb]
- bwmer21.exe 940804 BigWin Drvr v2.1 for SPEA V7-MERCURY PCI/VL/ISA [1.2mb]
- bwmip21.exe 940804 REMOVED: CRC ERRORS; FILE CORRUPT
- bwmir21.exe 940804 BigWin Drvr v2.1 for SPEA V7-MIRAGE VL/ISA [1.14mb]
- bwpro21.exe 940804 BigWin Drvr v2.1 for SPEA V7-MERCURY PRO [1.17mb]
- celsius.zip 931129 Orchid Celsius VLB driver v1.3 (Oct 1993)
- cirruswd.zip 920414 VGA drivers for Cirrus Logic VGA controllers
- diastlth.zip 921022 Diamond Stealth VRAM Win3.1 Video Drivers (9-25-92)
- dib.zip 931023 Windows 3.0 DIB display driver
- eizow30.zip 900902 Eizo Windows Video Drivers
- et3-w31.zip 920414 Tseng ET3000 - Windows 3.0 and 3.0a Display Drivers
- et4_dyna.zip 911002 "DynaLink" for the Orchid ProDsgnrII (chgs rfresh rate)
- et4cview.zip 920728 ColorView Windows 3.1 Video Drivers
- et4kw32.zip 940606 Tseng Drivers for the W32/i/p cards [604kb]
- evga800.zip 900828 EV-673 Windows 3.0 Drivers
- fah60.zip 940114 Version 6.0 drivers for Orchid Fahrenheit 1280+
- g1221w.exe 940610 Hercules Graphite 1MB Drivers rel 2.21 [536k]
- ge64v122.zip 940716 Driver is for ACTIX Graphics GE 64 VL and PCI boards
- gemvp.zip 920414 S3 Carrera Display Driver for GEM
- genoadrv.zip 910820 Genoa SVGA Drivers (800x600x256/1024x768x16/800x600x16)
- gr221i.exe 940610 Hercules Graphite Series Installation Diskette
- gss1000.exe 920502 Updated DGIS firmware for AT1000 series video card
- gstune31.zip 921009 Tweak Crystal Fonts w/the ATI Graphics Accel Cards
- gxe64mod.zip 940623 GXE64 and GXE64 Pro DOS refresh rate setting util
- gxe64win.exe 940831 Number #9 GXE64 Windows 3.1 drivers v1.45 [690k]
- hznwn31.zip 940329 STB Horizon VL Video Card drivers v1.32b
- ibm4029.zip 921127 **COPYRIGHTED PROGRAM REMOVED**
- igc10tig.zip 930825 TIGA 2.05 files for HP IGC-20 video card (1 of 2)
- igc20tig.zip 930825 TIGA 2.05 files for HP IGC-20 video card (2 of 2)
- jwin2628.zip 940404 Cirrus Logic GD542x JWindows 3.1 Drivers [1.18mb]
- loader.zip 930201 ATI driver installation utility
- k5426-d2.zip 940124 Win 3.1 drivers VER 1.32b for cirrus 5426/5428 v1.41
- k542x-d1.zip 940404 Cirrus acad/3ds drivers disk 1 [576k]
- k542x-d3.zip 940404 Cirrus acad/3ds drivers disk 3 [1.30mb]
- k542x-d4.zip 940404 Cirrus acad/3ds drivers disk 4 [390k]
- k5422-d2.zip 940404 Win 3.1 drivers for Cirrus GD5422 [720k]
- k5422-d5.zip 940404 NT drivers for Cirrus GD5422
- k5426-d2.zip 940404 Win 3.1 drivers for Cirrus GD5426 [876k]
- k5426-d5.zip 940404 NT drivers for Cirrus GD5426 [876k]
- k542xvga.zip 931129 Cirrus Logic drivers 542x based video cards
- kelv5434.exe 940612 Kelvin Install/Driver Disk version 1.21 (Orchid) [1.3m]
- m32utl.zip 940525 Install/Config Utils for ATI Mach32 Cards v2.3
- m32w23.zip 940525 ATI mach32 Windows drivers v2.3 [612k]
- m8w30.zip 940728 ATI mach8 revision 3.0 drivers [574k]
- mgetiga.exe 921106 TIGA 2.05 Driver for the NEC MGE board
- mgewn31.exe 921106 DGIS Display Driver for NEC board
- mi64bw21.zip 940827 SPEA Mirage P-64 BigWin drivers V2.1 for Windows [1.2m]
- mirbw21.zip 940827 SPEA Mirage BigWin drivers V2.1 for Windows [1.13m]
- mmdisp.exe 921201 Drivers from the MS DL BBS for all VGA cards
- newtseng.zip 911019 9-91 Tseng Drivers (640x480,800x600,1024x768/16+256)
- ntrident.zip 931028 Drivers for most all Trident video cards
- oak.zip 931028 Drivers for most all Oak video cards
- oakwin31.zip 930730 Oak Technologies (OTI) 67/77 based VGA cards 5/26/93
- op9000.zip 940201 Orchid's P9000 Windows driver release date November 93
- orchfa51.zip 931026 Orchid Fahrenheit VA/VLB video cards (v5.1)
- orchid31.zip 920531 New Orchid Video Drivers for Windows 3.1 (5/19/92)
- p2win31.exe 930720 6/15/93 drivers for Orchid ProdesignerIIs video card
- p9000.exe 940316 Orchid P9000 release disk v1.3 [947k]
- parad31.zip 920429 Paradise Drivers for Windows 3.1
- paradise.zip 931028 Drivers for most of the Paradise video cards
- pm4drvrs.zip 910919 PageMaker4 (?) 640x480x32768/800x600x32768 VGA Drivers
- pvga1024.exe 930211 All Paradise/Western Digital 90c30 drivers (1/18/93)
- rmdd100.zip 920817 Remove Display Driver: lists/deletes unwanted drvrs
- rtvga01.zip 940307 RealTek VGA display card drivers [1.01mb]
- s3-24b6.zip 940829 S3 beta drivers for Windows [522k]
- s3-924.exe 940222 drivers for S3-924-based Video cards [1.09mb]
- s3-928.exe 940222 drivers for S3-928-based Video cards [550k]
- s32win.exe 940617 Diamond Stealth 32 Drivers for Windows v1.02 [955kb]
- s3c805.zip 940214 S3FLAT.DRV v2.21 for S3C805 VLB card [692kb]
- s3win230.zip 940715 2.3B11- S3 Flat Model Windows Driver Disk1-04/25/94
- sd1024.zip 920617 1024x760 ProII Driver for Ventura Publisher
- setbus.zip 911230 Speed up Tseng-based video cards with dual monitors
- sko1430.exe 910919 Tweeks 800x600 ProDesigner board w/Seiko 1430 Display
- ss24drv.zip 931203 SpeedStar 24x Drivers
- ss24x1.zip 931220 Speedstar 24x drivers FULL version 2.03 (1 of 2)
- ss24x2.zip 931220 Speedstar 24x drivers FULL version 2.03 (2 of 2)
- sspro.exe 940504 SpeedStar PRO Drivers
- st2430.exe 940607 v3.00 drivers for the Diamond Stealth 24 [883k]
- stbwin31.zip 920521 STB PowerGraph and ERGO Video Drivers
- stl24201.zip 940107 Stealth 24 drivers (v2.01) for bios 2.00
- stl24v30.zip 940616 Ver 3.00 of the drivers disk for Diamond Stealth 24
- stlben.zip 920622 Diamond Stealth VRAM Benchmark Results
- stlbwn31.zip 940503 BETA windows 3.1 drivers for the Stealth VRAM cards
- stlp30.exe 940615 Diamond Stealth Pro Video Drivers - Version 3.00
- stpro2.exe 940310 Beta drivers V3.0 for Diamond Stealth Pro [835k]
- sv800.arc 900613 Generic 800x600x16 SVGA Driver for Windows 3
- svga.exe 930907 Generic SVGA drivers (4/93)
- svgapen.exe 940622 SVGA drivers that are compatible with PenWindows
- switch.zip 920223 Switcher: Windows Video Mode Switcher
- swan.zip 900918 Swan Computers VGA Video Drivers
- t3600256.zip 910810 Tseng ET-3000 800x600x256 Windows3 driver
- tds3.zip 920903 S3.DLL File for S3 Chip Support
- trident.zip 930826 Ver C4.50S/May 1993 TRIDENT TVGA8900CL/9200CX Drivers
- tsg40627.zip 910711 Tseng 4000 Drivers (New/Improved over tseng4311.zip)
- tvgaw31a.zip 920908 Final Drivers for All Trident8900c/9000 Cards (1 of 2)
- tvgaw31b.zip 930310 Final Drivers for All Trident8900c/9000 Cards (2 of 2)
- tweak3.zip 910722 Run 800x600x16 on Standard VGA Cards
- twinet54.zip 911210 Diamond SpeedSTAR video drivers (dated 10-31-91)
- v7m1293.exe 931213 Latest (12/93) SPEA V7 Mirage Windows Driver Disk
- v7mirage.exe 931206 (rel. 993.0) for the SPEA V7 Mirage graphics card
- vfwrun.zip 921219 Microsoft's Video for Windows runtime
- vlwn3117.zip 940428 STB VL-24 graphics adaptor drivers
- vmode.zip 911025 Select the SONY 1304/Crystal Scan 1024NI as Monitors.
- vpciwn31.exe 940316 Viper PCI Win 3.1 v.3.02 + utilities [603kb]
- vpr200.exe 931103 Viper VLB v2.00 Win 3.1 drivers
- vprm202.exe 931207 version (2.02) of viper vesa drivers and mode setter
- vpros21.zip 931116 A Collection of Viper VLB v2.00 Win 3.1 Drivers
- vprvesa.zip 931202 B rev of VESA driver for the Diamond Viper
- vprvsf.zip 940307 ShareWare VESA driver for the Diamond Viper,v1.2 rev F
- w256-31.exe 920504 Ahead Wizard VGA Drivers for Windows 3.1
- w31_3000.exe 920502 Orchid ProDesigner+ (512K) Drivers for Win3.1
- w31-b13.zip 920505 Beta Trident 3.1 Video Drivers (4/27/92)
- w31dgis.exe 920502 Win3.1 Drivers for DGIS Spectragraphics Cards
- w31et4.zip 930329 March 1, 1993 revision of the ET4000 drivers for Win31
- w31ncr.zip 920803 NCR 77C22E Chipset Video Drivers
- w31vga.zip 930302 Windows 3.1 ATI video drivers (08/92)
- w31w32au.zip 940912 Tseng labs ET4000 w32p drivers [638k]
- wd_31.zip 940614 WD90C31 drivers (March '93) [1.1mb]
- win22.zip 931201 Windows drivers for Actix GE 32 (v2.2c Nov93)
- win3_16.exe 910313 Paradise 16 Color Drivers (Self-Extracting)
- win3_16f.exe 910313 Paradise Fast 16 Color Drivers (Self-Extracting)
- win3_256.exe 910313 Paradise 256 Color Drivers (Self-Extracting)
- win30drv.zip 910115 Latest Paradise Chipset Extended Video Drivers
- win31.zip 920619 Video 7 Drivers for Win3.1 (6/12/92 ver)
- win31acc.zip 920614 ATI Windows 3.1 Accelerator Drivers
- win31xtl.zip 920719 ATI Crystal Font Driver for Win31 (7/16/92 ver)
- win3prod.zip 901004 Orchard VGA Drivers
- win3r17.zip 930825 TIGA Windows drivers (Jul 93)
- win3xdrv.exe 920414 Win31 Drivers for Video7 Cards
- windrvc.zip 920312 Latest (03/92) Trident VGA Drivers (8900 chipset)
- winflow.txt 920312 Flowchart for Video Driver Trouble (Trident)
- wizard.zip 900812 VGA Wizard VGA Drivers
- wyse700.zip 910416 Wy-700 Video Drivers
- xgav210.zip 930723 XGA Windows Drivers Version 2.10
- zyvgaw3.zip 910224 Zymos Poach VGA (Northgate) Video Drivers
- **
- ** Index of Windows Font Files in ~ftp/pub/pc/win3/fonts
- ** at ftp.cica.indiana.edu []
- **
- ** Last Updated: Mon Sep 12 22:18:30 1994
- **
- aardvark.zip 920610 Aardvark Font
- animal.zip 910624 Animal Shape Font
- ansikey.zip 920831 Another Font Viewer
- ararat1.zip 930813 Armenian Language font (TT and ATM)
- arax1p.zip 931028 Armenian Allcaps-Decorative font (TT and ATM)
- araxba1p.zip 931028 Armenian Decorative Font (All Caps/Hollow; TT and ATM)
- architec.zip 910624 Yet Another Architect Font
- arc13p.zip 910110 Architect Handwriting Type 1 Font
- autofont.zip 910705 HP AutoFont Support System
- bach.zip 940608 Musicological font (symbols and numbers/Type 1+TT)
- bedrock.zip 910425 Bedrock Font
- befit10.zip 930209 Scale fonts to fit document to page
- bizarr.zip 920610 Display Caps-Only Font of Shadowed Bizarre Chars
- blkcha.zip 910110 Black Chancery Type 1 Font
- cafont11.zip 921213 CheckAllFonts, verification/search for PostScript fonts
- caligu.zip 910114 Crude Calligraphic Bitmap Type 1 Font
- chitown.zip 910114 Chicago-like Type 1 Font
- chpsf301.zip 920413 Chinese characters in Kaishu style
- cmps1-64.zip 921121 View Fonts/Compose Chars
- cocacola.zip 920610 Coca Cola Font
- cop-goth.zip 910623 Engraver-Light PS Font
- cw_distr.zip 920725 Cyrillic (Russian) keyboard driver and screen fonts
- cw_src.zip 920725 Source for cw_distr.zip
- diego1.zip 910114 San Diego?-like Type 1 Font
- dmpfm153.zip 920720 DumpPfm: Printer Font Metrics Dumper (ver 1.53)
- dosfonts.zip 910813 Change Fonts in DOS Window
- durango.zip 910624 Durango Font
- dw101.zip 920725 DownWind: Soft font downloader
- enya.zip 930316 True Type Font of Enya album lettering (Freeware)
- europe20.zip 931129 European letters with diacritical marks (TT and ATM)
- finfo.zip 910905 FontInfo: Print/Display All Fonts
- fmons35.zip 940606 Font Monster v3.5 Font Management Util (ATM/TT)
- fntsee24.zip 921204 FontSee: Print All Available Fonts
- fntcnt.zip 920723 Font Control Panel
- fntlin10.zip 930323 Stretch or rotate a line of text
- fntprn.zip 930323 PCMAG's Font Cataloging Utility and Source
- fontbo.zip 940506 FONTBOOK view onscreen or print typeface specimens
- fontcl10.zip 940809 FontControl: ATM/TT/Type 1 Font Manager
- fonter60.zip 930323 View, print, select from all installed fonts
- fontlist.zip 910705 Font Enumeration Program (with C Source)
- fonts.lzh 900813 PostScript Type 1 Screen Fonts
- fontsh50.zip 920911 FontShow Version 5
- fontslzh.txt 900930 Listing of files in fonts.lzh
- fontspec.zip 940126 FontSpec Pro Font Utility Program
- fpower.zip 930724 FontPower is a font management system
- fsp60.zip 940705 FontSpec Pro font manager
- garmnd1.zip 910114 Garamond Type 1 Font
- garrett.zip 910416 Yet Another Font
- gdips120.zip 910423 120 DPI (8514 resolution) 1:1 Aspect Ratio Screen Fonts
- gdips_96.zip 910423 96 DPI (VGA resolution) 1:1 Aspect Ratio Screen Fonts
- gralig.zip 910114 GraphicLight Type 1 Font
- heidelbe.zip 910114 Calligraphic Heidelberg Font Like MacHumaine)
- ifw11.zip 920123 Hewlett Packard Intellifont Kit Ver 1.1
- iglesia.zip 910114 Iglesia Font
- kaufmann.zip 901102 Kaufmann:Bold Screen Font
- loadfont.zip 921006 Point-and-Shoot Fonts to the Printer
- macfontx.zip 931020 Mac => PC Font Conversion Toolkit (Type 1 and Truetype)
- machineb.zip 910624 MachineBlock Font
- mariage.zip 901102 Mariage Screen Font
- masis1p.zip 931028 Armenian Text font. (Previously Ararat; both ATM/TT)
- masni1p.zip 931028 Narrow version of Masis Font (Armenian Lang; ATM/TT)
- miamib.zip 910518 Miami Beach Light Font
- midd1.zip 910114 Middleton Type 1 Font
- news.zip 901102 News Screen Font
- okfonts.zip 921130 Util to Check Systems Fonts
- oldtown.zip 901102 Old Town Screen Font
- pa57.zip 940120 Printer's Apprentice Font Management System (v5.70)
- palladam.zip 910624 Palladam Tamil Font
- pcx2font.zip 921006 Convert mono .PCX images to HPLJ portrait soft font
- pfbview.zip 911212 PFB File Viewer (beta)
- previe.zip 910711 Preview1.0: A Tool to Preview Windows Fonts
- psx200.zip 920116 PSX - PostScript Soft Font Downloader
- recycle.zip 910624 Recycle Font
- redlette.zip 910624 RedLetter Font
- refont11.zip 920211 Type 1 Font Utility: Use MAC Type 1 w/Windows ATM
- rentt.zip 920819 DOS Util to Rename TrueType Fonts
- roissy.zip 901102 Roissy:Bold Screen Font
- rr_psngr.zip 940911 AKA Railroad Passenger TT/ATM Font version 2.0
- saloon.zip 910624 SaloonExt Font
- sasoun1p.zip 940228 Armenian Language Font (Sassoun) TT/ATM
- savannah.zip 910624 Savannah Fats Font
- sfonts10.zip 940124 Greek/Hebrew/Latin fonts & Right to Left Util
- sgaon.zip 920624 Bengali Fonts for Windows
- show.zip 910416 Type 1 Font
- slabface.zip 910624 SlabFace Font (very bold)
- smtfon11.zip 940111 SmartFont font previewer with stay-on-top option
- sntfra.zip 910110 Mac San Francisco Font
- stencilc.zip 910624 Stencil Font
- steve.zip 940113 Handwriting font with all standard accents (tt/atm)
- stfranci.zip 910624 StFrancis Font (like Mac San Francisco)
- symbol8.zip 901102 Symbol Screen Font
- sysfon10.zip 931201 Create your own Windows system fonts.
- tiempo.zip 910416 Type 1 Font
- tkrtape.zip 940216 Stock ticker tape letters & symbols font (TT/ATM)
- torah.zip 940216 Torah style Hebrew font (TTF & ATM)
- ttinfo.zip 920801 TrueType Information Utility
- typfac31.zip 940404 Typefacial is a powerful typeface viewer
- typevw10.zip 910902 TypeView: Display/Print Available Faces (uses ATM)
- ultrabla.zip 910624 UltraBlack<?> Font
- vbfont.zip 911106 Display/Print Available Fonts
- vectrfon.zip 900913 Scalable Vector Screen Fonts
- viewfont.zip 940117 A small, simple, but attractive font previewer
- vireofon.zip 910624 VireoFonts Font
- westsd.zip 910416 Type 1 Font like the New Yorker Magazine
- winbdf.zip 910815 ViewBDF: X11R4 .bdf font files w/font size 16x16
- wgreek18.zip 930307 WinGreek: Greek and Hebrew Package for Windows 3.x
- woafon14.zip 930928 Larger Screen fonts for Windows DOS boxes in SVGA modes
- **
- ** Index of Windows ATM Font Files in ~ftp/pub/pc/win3/fonts/atm
- ** at ftp.cica.indiana.edu []
- **
- ** Last Updated: Mon Aug 29 08:39:50 1994
- **
- 36psfnts.zip 910121 36 Type 1 Fonts for Adobe Type Manager (ATM)/Windows
- afms.zoo 910729 240 Adobe Font Metric Files (AFM) for CICAs Fonts
- alfdrake.zip 921113 AlfredDrake Arabic-like Font
- aneirin.zip 921113 From the Scriptorium Font Library
- annstone.zip 920610 Ann Stone Dropcap Woodcut Font (includes AFM file)
- apollo.zip 921113 Apollo Font
- atm_info.zip 920414 ATM Font Info Program
- atm-ball.zip 910416 Ballet Engraved Font
- atm-beff.zip 920610
- atm-coli.zip 920610
- atm-coma.zip 920610
- atm-crak.zip 920610
- atm-dabk.zip 920610
- atm-dobk.zip 920610
- atm-elan.zip 920610
- atm-engl.zip 920610
- atm-flor.zip 910416 Florence/Florence-Light Font
- atm-gocm.zip 920610
- atm-grnc.zip 920610
- atm-hari.zip 920610
- atm-holt.zip 920610
- atm-kafk.zip 920610
- atm-keyt.zip 920610
- atm-kocr.zip 920610
- atm-kosh.zip 920610
- atm-line.zip 920610
- atm-liva.zip 920610
- atm-lntx.zip 920610
- atm-murl.zip 910416 Muriel Font
- atm-naur.zip 920610
- atm-nouv.zip 920610
- atm-otwn.zip 910416 Old Towne Font
- atm-pant.zip 910417 Post Antiqua Roman Font
- atm-shoh.zip 920610
- atm-smup.zip 920610
- atm-tekt.zip 910416 Tekton Font
- atmfix.zip 910409 ATM/Ventura Discussion
- atmfonts.zip 911107 A Collection of ATM Fonts
- baghdad1.zip 940826 Type 1 postscript Arabic (Persian, Urdu) font
- baskrvil.zip 921018 Baskerville Font
- blackfor.zip 910624 BlackForest Font
- boneblak.zip 921113 BoneBlack Font
- bodidlyb.zip 910624 BodidlyBold Font
- braille1.zip 931214 Braille Type 1 Postscript Fonts
- brushstr.zip 921113 Brushtroke Paint Brush Typeface
- capri.zip 910417 Sinaloa-like Font
- cartwrig.zip 910624 CartWright Font (like Adobe Ponderosa)
- carrickc.zip 920924 Rakowski: Cap Font
- channels.zip 921113 Font for printing TV listings
- chessfon.zip 910624 Adobe "Cheq" Font
- classhvy.zip 910416 More Type 1 Fonts for Adobe Type Manager
- comics.zip 921113 ComicsCarToon Font (like used in cartoon dialogs)
- crillee.zip 910624 StarTrek-like Font
- cunei.zip 910416 Cuneiform-like Font
- davyding.zip 910624 DavysDingbats Font
- davysoth.zip 920610 DavysOther Dingbats
- dolmen.zip 921113 Dolmen Font
- dragonwi.zip 910624 DragonWick Font
- duncan.zip 921002 Casual Script Font
- eglat1.zip 931101 Eglantine v1.1 - Scriptorium Font Library (ATM)
- eimzr___.zip 920910 Eileens-Medium Zodiac-Regular Font (Rakowski)
- erarc201.zip 940504 English-Russian Architect ATM Font
- erco201.zip 940504 English-Russian Courier ATM Font
- frquad.zip 910416 ATM Fonts
- genoa.zip 910624 Genoa Font (like "Venice")
- goodt1.zip 931101 Goodfellow v. 2.6 - Scriptorium Font Library (ATM)
- grauman.zip 920910 Grauman Font
- hartin.zip 920610 Harting Font: Typewriter Running out of ribbon font
- heather.zip 921002 Handwriting Script Font (Allard)
- herat1.zip 931109 Heraldry v 1.0 -- Scriptorium Font Library (ATM)
- hspdball.zip 921113 Macintosh Type 1 PostScript font
- iab_____.zip 920623 Ian-Bent Dropcap Art-Nouveau Font
- igloolas.zip 910624 IglooLaser Font
- joeperry.zip 921002 Barnum-like Typeface (Allard)
- judas.zip 910624 Judas Font (like Adobe "Ironwood")
- juliet.zip 921002 Bold/classy handwriting font (Allard)
- karkode.zip 910624 Karkode Font (based on Goudy OldStyle)
- karloff.zip 920910 Karloff Haloween Font
- kellybro.zip 920910 KellyBrown Cursive Font
- kelmscot.zip 921113 Ragnarok's scriptorium Font
- kkursive.zip 921113 KavalerKursive bold cursive font
- klyanngt.zip 921002 KellyAnn Gothic Font (Allard)
- krtrussl.zip 920910 KrtRussel Font
- laurnscr.zip 921002 LaurenScript Cursive Font (Allard)
- leftycas.zip 910624 LeftyCasual Font
- lintsec_.zip 920924 Lintsec Stencil Font (Rakowski)
- lmccrary.zip 921113 LauraMcCrary: A Narrow Semibold Sans-Serif Font
- loopdelo.zip 910624 LoopDeLoop Font (like "Bee Line")
- lscs____.zip 920924 LSC Script Font
- luxembrg.zip 910417 ATM Fonts
- manzanit.zip 910624 Manzanita Font (like Victorian wood type)
- mazama.zip 910624 Mazama Font (based on MGB Patrician)
- mesozic.zip 910624 Mesozoic Gothic Font (based on Publicity Gothic)
- msbrooks.zip 921001 Handwritten Cursive Font (Allard)
- muriel.zip 910624 Muriel Font
- oswaldbl.zip 921018 Oswald Black Font (Fontographer Shareware)
- parismet.zip 910624 Paris Metro Font
- perrygot.zip 921002 PerryGothic Font (Allard)
- polosems.zip 910624 Polo-SemiScript Font
- rechtman.zip 920910 Chisled Rechtman-Script Font (Rakowski)
- rhyolite.zip 910624 RhyoLite Vertical Font (based on Huxley Vertical)
- romeo.zip 921002 Romeo Old Style Serif Font (Allard)
- roosthea.zip 910624 RoostHeavy Font
- rudelsbe.zip 910624 Rudelsberg Font
- salter.zip 920610 Salter Font
- secretco.zip 910624 SecretCode/UnSecretCode Fonts
- shaloold.zip 921114 ShalomOldStyle Font
- shaloscr.zip 921114 ShalomScript Font
- sharktoo.zip 910624 SharkTooth Font
- showboat.zip 910624 ShowBoat Font
- spooky.zip 921113 SpookyPlain Shareware Font
- sumdumgo.zip 921113 Sumdumgoi Oriental Display Face
- taranis.zip 921002 Taranis Shareware Font
- techphon.zip 920608 TechPhonetic Int'l Phonetic Alphabet Font
- tempofon.zip 910624 Tempo Font
- tribeca.zip 910624 Tribeca Font
- uppereas.zip 910624 UpperEastSide Font
- upperwes.zip 910624 UpperWestSide Font
- v-secret.zip 921113 Victorias-Secret Handwriting Font
- varahcap.zip 910624 VarahCaps Font
- viking.zip 920910 Viking Font (Allard)
- walrodin.zip 921002 Walrod Initials Font (Shareware)
- westslnt.zip 921113 Western Style Poster Fonts
- windsord.zip 910624 Windsor Font
- wfn2atm.zip 910128 How to Convert Fonts for use with Adobe Type Manager
- zalescap.zip 910624 ZaleskiCaps Font
- **
- ** Index of TrueType Font Files in ~ftp/pub/pc/win3/fonts/truetype
- ** at ftp.cica.indiana.edu []
- **
- ** Last Updated: Mon Sep 12 22:16:10 1994
- **
- 3of9.zip 930816 3 of 9 Barcode Font for Windows (TrueType)
- barcod39.zip 920518 Barcode Font
- bln-ttf.zip 930803 Beth-Luis-Nion Celtic ogham characters
- burgtt.zip 931109 Burgundian v.1.0 - Scriptorium Font Library (TT)
- cyrttf.zip 920916 Cryllic TrueType Kit
- eglatt.zip 931101 Eglantine v1.1 - Scriptorium Font Library
- emp_bldr.zip 940911 Empire Builder 1.0 TT Font
- enya.zip 930316 Inspired by Enya's Watermark Album
- gaelach.zip 931004 Irish/Gaelic/Gaeilge TrueType Font
- gal-tt.zip 930915 Gallaudet TrueType font
- gc0651.exe 930302 Latest update of the MS LineDraw font
- goodtt.zip 931101 Goodfellow v. 2.6 - Scriptorium Font Library
- heratt.zip 931109 Heraldry v 1.0 -- Scriptorium Font Library (TT)
- jugett.zip 931109 Jugend v 1.3 -- Scriptorium Font Library (TT)
- kashmir.zip 930209 Houses Of The Holy/Led Zepplin Font
- malafont.zip 940117 REMOVED: COMMERCIAL PRODUCT
- parsziba.zip 930321 Persian/Farsi True Type Fonts for Windows 3.1
- pie4map.zip 930803 Pie charts for maps - TrueType symbol font
- quenya11.zip 940112 Win3.1 Truetype font, Tengwar-Quenya ver 1.1
- rr_roman.zip 940911 AKA Railroad Roman TrueType Font, version 1.0
- safatt.zip 920804 Romulus and Safari Demo True Type Fonts
- sil-ipa.zip 930328 SIL Encore IPA Fonts (includes Type 1 fonts)
- sora.zip 931017 Korean (Hangul) truetype font
- theott.zip 931109 Theodoric v. 1.0 - Scriptorium Font Library
- trekfont.zip 930308 StarTrek: The Next Generation True Type Font
- **
- ** Index of Windows Games in ~ftp/pub/pc/win3/games at
- ** ftp.cica.indiana.edu []
- **
- ** Note---The Microsoft Visual Basic Runtime Library (vbrun100.dll)
- ** Version 1 may be found in win3/util/vbrun100.zip. Version 2
- ** of the Runtime Library (vbrun200.dll) is also in the
- ** win3/util subdirectory. Version 3 of the Runtime Library
- ** (vbrun300.dll) also lives in the win3/util subdirectory.
- ** One of these versions will indeed be necessary to operate
- ** and run most Visual Basic applications contained herein.
- **
- ** Last Updated: Wed Aug 31 14:23:54 1994
- **
- 0x-10.zip 930306 Noughts And Crosses Game
- 1stmate.zip 921218 1stMate - The Pilot - navigation program
- 3dxwd.zip 920920 Cyberspace Crossword Puzzle
- 4play12.zip 940104 Windows version of the classic Connect 4 game
- 4wins.zip 931207 Another version of the classic Connect 4(TM) game
- 7crdstud.zip 940812 Seven Card Stud Poker Game for Windows
- 8ballwin.zip 940323 Magic Eight Ball for Windows v1.0
- abm_cmd.zip 930726 A Windows 3.X version of the old Atari Missile Command
- ada_t100.zip 931118 Solitaire card game where the entire deck is visible
- advsln.zoo 930209 Text of a Perfect 550-point Adventure Game
- aforce.zip 920415 AlienForce Shoot-Em Up Game
- alientic.zip 920907 Alien TicTacToe Game
- alpha.zip 940408 Mission Alphatron (a Scramble variant)
- amaze407.zip 940208 3D maze game for Windows 3.x
- arachnid.zip 920415 Arachnid Card Game
- arch_tb.zip 920415 Archery Game for Toolbook
- astero03.zip 931206 Strategy game for MS Windows 3.1
- astlite.zip 930814 Each morning's horoscope for the day utility
- atmoids.zip 900831 Asteriods Game
- atoms10.zip 920718 Atoms Game
- attaxx.zip 910327 A Reversi-like Strategy Game
- aztec.zip 930814 Ancient Aztec puzzle
- backup13.zip 940208 Backup v1.3 - MS Windows board game
- bago317.zip 920123 Boggle Game for Windows
- bang20.zip 920912 Machine Gun/Hand Grenade Game
- bangbang.zip 910115 Yet Another Shoot 'Em Up Game
- bangsnds.zip 921020 Additional Sounds for bang20.zip game
- barteye2.zip 930320 Barteyes II: Mouse Tracker/Screen Saver w/digital snd
- bcubes.zip 920916 BrainCubes Version 1.00 Game for Windows
- bdd.zip 930419 Battles In A Distant Desert Battle Game
- bestpokr.zip 921105 Video Draw Poker Challenge Game
- bg06.zip 910201 Backgammon Version 0.06 for Windows
- bgames.zip 920102 Brain Games for Windows (requires VBasic Runtime DLL)
- blackbox.zip 930422 Find all the Whatsits hidden in the Black Box
- blackout.zip 920305 Seek and Find Game
- blce12.zip 911115 Block Breaker 1.2
- blitzer.zip 910828 Helicopter Gunship Game
- blkjack.zip 910404 A Black Jack Game
- blwin350.zip 930816 Block-Logic (Version 3.50) for Windows
- bog.zip 940620 Bog Word Game for Win 3.1 v. 1.07
- bomb16.zip 940716 Bomb Squad Game for Windows 3.1
- boxworld.zip 920321 Box Game
- brick3.zip 901118 Mindless Breakout Game (Pong-like)
- brickv10.zip 940817 Fast-paced falling blocks game [1.17mb]
- bugworld.zip 940712 3D graphics screen saver game [874k]
- butmad20.zip 931214 Puzzle: goal to turn all buttons gray
- bwblkbox.zip 940308 Black Box is a logic board game
- camaze.zip 930419 Create, edit and solve simple mazes
- canfld.zip 920724 Canfield Game
- cardws17.zip 940504 CardsWorkShop V1.7f for Windows 3.x
- castle1z.exe 920918 Epic MegaGames Castle of the Winds Adventure
- cat.zip 940331 Cat on your desktop follows the mouse cursor
- cbp94t.zip 940316 Pairings for the mens 1994 NCAA tourney for CBPOOL1
- cbpool1.zip 940310 College Basketball Pool Manager
- cellwr10.zip 930215 Cell War Game for Windows
- cheat100.zip 930419 Check off which cards have been played in a card game
- checkers.zip 900904 Checkers Game
- chess200.exe 940331 Modem Chess for Windows [470kb]
- chess321.zip 910819 Gnu Chess Version 3.21 Game for Windows 3
- clickit.zip 920912 Double-Click Dexterity Game for Windows
- cofmug10.zip 930510 CoffeeMug Spills on Desktop
- columns.zip 910712 Columns Game for Windows
- comet.zip 940428 Comet Busters: high-speed arcade game for Win 3.1
- concentr.zip 940828 Concentrate 3.0b is a concentration game
- confnd10.zip 930520 Confound It game for Windows
- constut3.zip 940818 Windows 3.1 card game Constitution
- compound.zip 930419 An "annoying" addictive little word game
- cookie.zip 910107 Fortune Cookie Program
- crib11.zip 920727 Cribbage Game
- cribbage.zip 931003 Cribbage the card game for Windows
- croquet1.zip 920912 Croquet Solitare Card Game
- crypo13.zip 940828 Crypto! v1.3 Windows cryptogram game
- csbt.zip 930419 CardShark Bridge Tutor
- cshrts37.zip 930226 Card Shark Hearts, play the computer
- csno21.zip 930419 Casino Black Jack for Windows V.2.1s
- cstone10.zip 930814 CornrStone: Rubick's-Cube-type of puzzle
- cubic.zip 921209 Rubik's cube for Windows
- cvbj.zip 940812 Casino Verite Blackjack game [1.15mb]
- cweval10.zip 930718 Cross Words Deluxe v1.0
- cws30.zip 940215 Computer Word Search: Find hidden words
- dare2drm.zip 930309 Dare to Dream: Graphic adventure game
- dbm10.zip 930718 Double Match - match pics, then guess secret phrase
- deapsea.zip 911105 Deep Sea Adventure Game
- des4win.zip 920903 Destroyer Game
- desk1.zip 910409 Desktop Animation
- dialword.zip 921007 Create All Possible Words from Telephone Numbers
- discard.zip 930419 Discard: Windows Solitaire game meant to drive you nuts
- dodger.zip 940623 Arcade style Windows game
- dogcow.zip 920503 Dogcow Animated Icon
- draughts.zip 930216 Draughts/Checkers player and tutorial system
- draw530.zip 921022 Draw Poker Game
- drift.zip 911109 Icons Drift All Over the Place
- duckhunt.zip 931124 Kill as many ducks as you can *CORRUPT REMOVED 12/20/93
- eggcartn.zip 930323 "Egg Carton" strategy game
- electro.zip 940729 Electro-Cute: Windows word-guessing game
- elvisd10.zip 930510 Elvis Scanner for your Windows System
- euch11.zip 930923 Freeware card game Euchre for Windows 3.1
- f18nfz.zip 940520 F18: No Fly Zone Game [1.26mb]
- fibsw121.zip 940615 First International Internet Backgammon Server [FIBS]
- fibswsfx.zip 940509 WAV files for FIBS
- fish3.zip 900831 Microsoft Fish!
- flasher.zip 910412 Strobe Lights for Windows
- fraint18.zip 930914 Fractint for Windows (ver 17.30)
- fs101.zip 930930 New solitaire for Windows
- fuse.zip 900613 Yet Another Fuse Program/Game for Windows 3
- gatling.zip 910225 Annoying Noisy Game to Riddle the Screen w/Bullet Holes
- gems10.zip 930718 Windows brain-teaser: turn all gems from red to green
- getalife.zip 930818 Conway's "Game of Life"
- goldhunt.zip 911104 Gold Hunt Version 1.1 Treasure Hunt Game
- gradit10.zip 920131 Graditor is an action game for Windows
- hangm.zip 940620 Hangman 2 Word Game for Win 4.0, NT, and Win32s
- hangman.zip 921106 Hangman Game for Windows
- hanoi10.zip 940321 Hanoi game
- herecome.zip 940426 Here They Come! is a fast-paced shoot 'em up game
- hextris.zip 910226 Yet Another Tetris Game
- hman10.zip 940207 Hang Man word puzzle game
- horse.zip 900831 Galloping Horse in an Icon
- hyperoid.zip 911115 Asteriods Game w/Source
- iconrmbr.zip 940818 Icon Remember Game ver. 2.0
- ishidot1.zip 920429 Tiles Game for Windows
- jewels.zip 920914 Tetris-type Game of Dropping Jewels
- jwlthf.zip 920503 Updated Jewel Thief Game
- kltz211a.zip 901126 Tetris-like game for Windows 3 (version 2.11a)
- kismet.zip 930509 Kismet dice game for Windows
- kloks10.zip 930718 Kloks v1.0 Puzzle for MS-Windows 3.1
- knighttr.zip 921101 Knight's Tour Game for Windows
- kye2.zip 920515 Pacman Like Game
- lander3.zip 900710 Lunar Lander Game for Windows 3
- laser.zip 940216 Laser Trace game based on the Black Box game
- lava.zip 910412 Lava Lamp for Windows
- life.zip 910528 Windows Implementation of Conway's Life
- light.zip 920503 Electric Light Game
- lil256.zip 930818 Lost In Labyrinth 256 Color Game
- link4130.zip 940321 LINK FOUR Version 1.30 - A Strategy Game
- lnbtlshp.zip 921106 LAN Version (also Standalone) Battleship Game
- ltblit31.zip 920511 A Plant Disease Management Game
- loopz11.zip 930422 A game of action/reflexion
- lostrl.zip 921213 Frustrating puzzle game
- macblast.zip 920518 Destroy the Evil Fruit Empire
- magic.zip 910722 Dominoes for Windows
- maze.zip 940813 Maze game for Windows
- mb.zip 920819 Mile Bones Automobile Card Game
- mcheat.zip 930302 Program cheats at MS-Minesweeper w/tpw-src
- medwar11.zip 940209 Wargame set in Medieval times
- memgm10.zip 911029 The Memory Game, Version 1.0
- merlin.zip 921129 Merlin: A Windows Game
- micro1.zip 930405 Action-adventure game for Windows 3.1
- mind12b.zip 940621 Another MasterMind For Windows
- mineh11a.zip 940823 International Minesweeper assistant/solver
- mines.zip 910820 Minefield Game for Windows 3 (with source)
- missile.zip 920914 Missile Attack! Game (with sound)
- missmast.zip 920909 Another Missile Game (vbrun100.dll req)
- mjwin.zip 931130 Mah Jongg for Windows
- motels.zip 940217 Based on the board game, Hotels [367k]
- mother12.zip 940329 Mother Of All Battles! v1.2b
- mrmind.zip 901020 Tile/Bagel Game for Windows
- mycats.zip 911119 Cats Running All Over
- ncc1701.zip 920928 Star Trek game
- nedworld.zip 930814 Neural network to train a little critter
- neko20.zip 920928 Neko the Cat Chases Your Mouse Around
- nmmw08.zip 931208 Nine Men's Morris Chesslike Game (ver 0.8)
- nuts.zip 930501 Rotate and move hex nuts so numbers match up
- omywd1e.exe 930819 Find the 5 letter word chosen by the computer
- oooc.zip 940706 Order Out Of Chaos - A hypnotic Windows game
- ouija.zip 930330 Ouija Board for Windows
- ouijawin.zip 930323 Electronic Ouija Board
- paigow.zip 921021 PaiGow Poker for Windows Ver 1.0b
- pal21.zip 920903 Dragon's Plight Game for Windows (vbrun100.dll req)
- patumn14.zip 920306 Collect all the Pills in the Labyrinth
- pegpuzl.zip 910608 A Peg-jumping Puzzle
- pend12.zip 940310 Pendulous: Win3/3.1 strategy game based on warfare
- pent1020.zip 921022 Pentomino Puzzle for Windows
- pentpuzl.zip 940502 Try and fill a rectangle with pentominoes
- pensate.zip 921016 Pensate Strategy Game for Windows
- pfw.zip 920903 Panzerkrieg Two Player WWII Game
- pipe.zip 910327 A Pipe-laying Game
- pkrvlt10.zip 940809 Video Lottery Terminal style poker game
- poker.zip 910118 Draw Poker for Windows
- pokerpat.zip 940530 Poker Patience Game
- pprof.zip 940708 Piano Professor(tm) for Windows [1.6mb] w/patch
- prank.zip 940331 Windows Trick Drags your desktop around
- pundit.zip 910412 PopUp Useless Sayings
- puzzle.zip 921007 A Puzzle Game
- pzl8.zip 940620 Puzzle-8 for Win 3.1 v. 1.04
- qcwgam25.zip 940412 Shoot-everything-that-moves Space adventure [1.39mb]
- rangoon.zip 931014 Rangoon is a game of solitaire
- reversi.zip 920422 Microsoft Update to Reversi
- roach.zip 910722 Roaches Everywhere!
- robots.zip 931021 Robots is a solitaire-like game
- roulette.zip 930727 Roulette Version 1.0
- s&d24.zip 921221 Search & Destroy battleship game with sound
- scarywin.zip 920212 Scared Windows Toy
- scw101d.zip 930317 Strategic space game of colonization and conquest
- seahav16.zip 940712 v1.6 of Seahaven Towers, a solitaire card game
- simone12.zip 940810 Simone: shareware memory game for Windows
- soko.zip 930727 Sokoban for Windows Release 2.2.5
- solo0-04.zip 940826 Solitaire graphical game maker and player
- spacew.zip 901129 Shoot the center of the rotating walls
- spanit.zip 930701 Span-It! is a two-player connect-the-dot game
- spider.zip 940802 Spider is a Windows 3.1 solitaire game
- squirmer.zip 940211 A centipede-like game for Windows with extras
- ssbatl.zip 930715 THE BattleShip game for Windows with a twist!
- stellar.zip 920723 Stellar Explorer Game Ver 1.0
- stlemp10.zip 930814 Stellar Empires, conquer the stars
- stopbus.zip 940507 Stopbus v1.11 for Windows is a card game3
- stv100.zip 940609 Story Twister for Windows Version 1.0
- sublim20.zip 930323 Select subliminal messages to appear in Windows
- swatm11.zip 930718 Swat objects as they appear on screen
- taipei.zip 900613 Taipei Game
- tank.zip 940814 Combat Tanks V1.0 for Windows
- target.zip 920920 Target: Dart Shooting Game
- tetris11.zip 940214 Tetris, Version 1.1
- tetriss.zip 900613 Yet Another Tetris Game
- things.zip 930814 Thieves and Kings card game
- tictacto.zip 930909 TicTacToe game
- tiles.zip 930309 Tiles and Tribulations v1.0 is an action arcade game
- tiletrib.zip 930318 Game of tiles
- tobor.zip 911118 Tobor Shoot 'Em Game
- towers11.zip 940503 4 Towers Solitare Game
- tre7.zip 931116 Italian Tresette game
- tryme.zip 940223 BrickBreaker II brick-breaking game [360k]
- tslot22.zip 920901 Slot Machine Game for Windows
- ufotk10.zip 940104 UFO Tracker, space shoot-em-up w/sound support
- vbdaleks.zip 910813 Daleks Game for Windows
- vermin.zip 921023 Squish Bugs Game
- vidpoker.zip 940623 Video Poker for Windows
- w5card.zip 940706 W5CARD is five card draw poker for Windows
- w-hop.zip 900831 Hop-Over Puzzle Game for Windows
- w_ohack.zip 940617 The game of Hack for WinOne Windows Shell
- warhead.zip 920515 War Head City-Missle Attack Game
- wempire.zip 921125 Empire game for Windows
- weyes11.zip 920415 Yet Another Eyes App
- wfball11.zip 920120 Windows Football Game
- wfight08.zip 930210 WinFight Version 0.8
- wgram10.zip 940327 Windows Anagram Word puzzle game
- whearts.zip 920210 Hearts Card Game for Windows
- willi.zip 930727 Windows STONE-AGE DELUXE Game
- winadd11.zip 920608 Advanced Dungeons and Dragons Windows Game Tool
- winadv21.zip 921026 Colossal Cave Adventure for Windows
- winchs.zip 920515 Windows Chess Game
- wincow.lzh 920612 Windows Cow Game
- wincrib1.zip 940729 Black Dog Cribbage game for Windows
- windog10.zip 930814 Prairie Dog Hunt, arcade-style game
- wineyes.zip 901029 New WinEyes with Source
- wing_wri.zip 940802 Microsoft Game Developer's Handbook
- wingo1.zip 930728 Game of Go for Windows
- winjack.zip 920515 Windows BlackJack Game
- winoj.zip 940712 Not really O.J., but an incredible simulation game.
- winpoker.zip 901108 Poker! for Windows
- winrisk.zip 930203 Conquer the world game
- winroll.zip 940607 Generate money like a money machine
- winpool.zip 930306 Windows Billiards Game
- winsiege.zip 930726 Siege! strategy game to capture land
- winslot.zip 920515 Windows Slot Machine
- winso11.zip 920616 Sokoban Game for Windows
- winsolit.zip 920223 Windows Solitare (Ver 92.01.04)
- winspidr.zip 920515 Windows Spider Solitare Game
- wintrek.zip 920520 Windows Alien Destruction Game
- wintrek2.zip 920120 WinTrek 2.0 Game
- wintris.zip 900730 Yet Another Tetris Game
- winttt.zip 910719 3D Tic-Tac-Toe Game
- winuhs.zip 921021 Windows Hint System for Games
- winzee.zip 930330 Winzee V2.21: A Yahtzee (dice) game; 6 cols, 6 players
- wlife.zip 940726 W-Life version 1.0 is a port of XLife 2.0
- wlotto.zip 920912 Windows Lotto Game
- wm_usa.zip 940720 WinMind 2.0: mind game for Windows 3.1 and NT
- wmake5.zip 920712 Five-in-a-Row Game for Windows
- wordhunt.zip 921207 Computerized Version of a Word Search Puzzle
- wordman.zip 931214 A pac-man clone
- wordstok.zip 920920 Word Stalk Game
- worm.zip 920921 Worms all over the place game (with source)
- wormwar.zip 901222 Centipede-like Game
- wpong.zip 911115 Pong Game
- wroids20.zip 940719 Version of Asteroids Game for Windows
- wslam.zip 940801 Air hockey game for Windows
- wslot2.zip 920709 Windows Slot Machine Game
- wsrch10.zip 940321 WordSearch Mania v1.0 - Solve Word Search Puzzles
- wtarot.zip 930226 Automatic Tarot card spread - tell your fortunes
- yabweye.zip 920108 Yet Another Eyes App
- yaht-c.zip 940221 Windows version of the popular dice game Yahtzee
- yaht-see.zip 940722 Yaht-See for Windows v1.0
- yahtze11.zip 940511 Chinese dice game called Yahtzee
- ytz110r.zip 910610 Yacht-Z: A dice strategy game
- xword.zip 910222 Crossword Puzzler
- yalife.zip 930908 Yet Another implementation of the game of Life
- yat105.zip 920415 Yet Another Tetris Game (23 Mar 92 ver)
- yatc.zip 930217 Yet Another Tetris Clone Game
- yova105.zip 940711 Yet Another Version of Attacks: Othello-like Game
- yow.zip 911102 WinYow - An Interactive GUI Fortune for Windows
- yowsrc12.zip 920321 Source to WinYow
- **
- ** Index of Windows Icons and Icon Related Files in ~ftp/pub/pc/win3/icons
- ** at ftp.cica.indiana.edu []
- **
- ** Last Updated: Thu Sep 1 17:30:59 1994
- **
- 3000icon.zip 940830 Over 3,000 icons [589k]
- aziced18.zip 920913 AZ Icon Edit Program (ver 1.8)
- animator.zip 930905 PCMAG: Icon Animator
- bibicon1.zip 930720 35 icons for Bible programs
- clrbut.zip 910409 Colorize Your Buttons!
- demoicon.zip 900709 A Collection of Icons
- dih310.zip 940520 Desktop Icon Hider (DIH) v3.10
- dosicon.zip 920226 Display minimized DOS apps with user defined icons
- frite20.zip 911107 Afflict Your Icons with "Cursorphobia"
- gameicon.zoo 920929 Icons for Historik and Lemmings Game
- gpicn103.zip 920926 Modify Program Group Icons
- gredsp36.zip 940217 Jupiter's Great Red Spot in an icon
- hr7icn.zip 910710 A Collection of Icon (.icn) Files
- huskies.ico 921204 Washington Huskies Icon
- icm34.zip 940506 Icon Manager Version 3.4 (WinMag)
- icnbls10.zip 930223 View & clean unwanted .ICO files off your disk
- icnpwr25.zip 921007 IconPower: Multiple Icon File Management Tool
- ico2bmp.zip 920226 Read and icon, extract colors to BMP
- icobmp20.zip 930516 Windows 3.1 utility to convert .ICO files to .BMPs
- icochz12.zip 910811 Categorize/Delete/Choose .ICOS w/Drag-Drop Operations
- icoext30.zip 940516 Extract/save as .ICO files icons from exe/dll files
- icolib2a.zip 930805 A collection of over 3000 icons in 66 catgories
- icomag20.zip 930814 Icon Magic icon editor
- icomst.zip 920508 IconMaster
- icon330.zip 900924 ICONLIB.EXE: Compilation of icons from Compuserve
- icon.zip 900904 Icon.exe version of ICON.DLL
- iconb215.zip 930223 VB Icon Browser; list, view icon files
- iconlib.zip 931104 350 railroad-related icons for Windows
- iconm205.zip 930519 Icon Maker 242 version 2.05
- iconwk5.zip 930807 IconWorks - create, view, and edit icon files
- icondll.zip 930228 Program to convert icon files to DLL file
- icondrw.zip 910710 Icon Editor (8-16-90 version)
- icons.zip 900904 Collection of Icons in icon.dll
- icons2.zip 900904 Another Collection of Icons
- icons3.zip 911119 Yet Another Collection of Icons
- icosimp3.zip 940712 Collection of 165+ Simpsons icons
- ifx110.zip 920117 Fix Background of DOS Icons (ver 1.10)
- iinject.zip 910323 Icons for the Windows Environment
- ike.zip 910716 Ike the Icon Editor
- im21.zip 920226 IconMaster: Another Icon Manager Util
- ipal11.zip 920819 Icon Palette Ver 1.1
- is112.zip 920907 IcoShow 1.2: Icon Management Tool
- lico20.zip 910820 DOS Utility to Display Windows Icons (VGA/EGA req)
- marsic26.zip 940217 MarsIcon-Current view of Mars in icon w/clock
- moreicon.zip 901124 A Collection of over 400 .ICO Files
- nicon03.zip 920920 Nicon Icon Editor
- noaa.zip 921204 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration logos
- nodos2.zip 910507 Eliminates Standard DOS Icons for non-Windows Apps
- pbicon.zip 901124 pbIcon 1.1: Customize Program Group Icons
- pcl_icon.zip 901222 Two Icons for PC-Link
- pmico102.zip 931129 Assign icons to Program Manager groups
- recrun.zip 900904 Attach recorder macros to your Icons Util
- showicon.zip 910322 Icon Viewer
- solsys10.zip 940217 SolSys-Solar System's nine planets in an icon
- sprtico1.zip 920817 Over Ninety Sport-Related Icons
- tamr101.zip 901214 Icon Tamer: Icon Management Program
- tgicons1.zip 910628 TheGate's Collection of Icons
- viewicon.zip 901212 Views Windows 3.0 icons on the screen
- w3ico_ed.zip 910828 Yet Another Icon Editor
- watch.zoo 940208 a little icon with eyes that follows mouse
- wmicon.zip 930301 WindowsMagic: Create a palette of icons
- worldwin.zip 911104 WorldWin displays a Spinning Globe that Runs as an Icon
- **
- ** Index of Miscellaneous Windows Files in ~ftp/pub/pc/win3/misc
- ** at ftp.cica.indiana.edu [].
- **
- ** Last Updated: Mon Sep 12 22:52:26 1994
- **
- 20bfiles.zip 930701 Crosstalk for Windows v2.0 maint rel for use w/rev b
- 3com.zip 931028 3Com NIC Drivers for Windows for Workgroups
- acc-sec.txt 930702 Additional Microsoft Access Security document
- accbug.txt 930304 MicroSoft Access Anomolies
- accp.exe 930716 Windows Access Aids for Individuals with Disabilities
- aesop12.zip 940210 Aesop's Fables in Windows .HLP File Format
- ami_mcro.zip 931208 Two AMI Pro Macros
- amimacr3.zip 940830 30 Files of AmiPro Macros and style sheets
- amistuff.zip 910503 Miscellaneous Tips and Tricks for Ami Pro!
- aviatorw.zip 931101 Aviation calculator for pilots: conversion, fuel, etc.
- batmemes.zip 940718 BatMemes aid for Writers, Poets, and Creative Thinkers
- bbstat10.zip 931109 Baseball statistics manager
- bible20a.zip 930922 Holy Bible for Windows 2.0 King James Version
- bible20b.zip 930922 Holy Bible for Windows 2.0 King James Version
- bible20c.zip 930922 Holy Bible for Windows 2.0 King James Version
- bible20d.zip 930922 Holy Bible for Windows 2.0 King James Version
- bible20e.zip 930922 Holy Bible for Windows 2.0 King James Version
- bible20f.zip 930922 Holy Bible for Windows 2.0 King James Version
- biograf.zip 920920 BioRythym Program for Windows
- bioplot2.zip 940203 Biorhythm Plotting Program
- biorythm.zip 940616 Biorhythm for Windows
- brewhaha.zip 940422 Track your homebrewing [455k]
- bw2-31-2.zip 920518 The Best of Windows Shareware List
- cardfile.zip 910425 Discussion of Cardfile format
- cbook110.zip 931006 version 1.10 of the Cookbook Manager for Windows
- cd4-755.zip 940830 Cardfile database of 755 fonts included with CorelDRAW4
- cd-tbk.zip 901208 Toolbook File Example (?)
- cdrchk.zip 930728 Displays fonts used in CorelDraw Files
- cdrom.inf 920318 Info on Getting CICA Windows files on CD-ROM
- centl091.zip 930902 Win app to teach and learn statistics and probability
- cfk.zip 940221 Cash For Kids 1.0T: Teach kids to save/spend wisely
- cheminfo.zip 940727 Cheminfo.hlp is a windows3.1 help file for Chemistry
- cica2csv.zip 930419 Convert CICA Index Files to comma-sep Version 2.2
- cica2cq.zip 920910 Convert CICA Index files into comma delim (BAS src)
- cica2sim.zip 940519 Convert CICA Index files into SimTel format
- cisnod10.zip 931103 Find a location when you enter a CIS node
- clip10.zip 940821 Look up CorelDraw! clip art by keyword
- clip_art.zip 910406 MicroSoft Clip Art for Windows Write and Paint
- cltx2i.zip 930827 Clinton Tax Worksheet for Improv
- cnews_1.zip 931111 Windows .HLP files of CompuNews Online
- cnews_2.zip 931111 Windows .HLP files of CompuNews Online
- cnews_3.zip 931111 Windows .HLP files of CompuNews Online
- cnvcica1.zip 940531 Converts the CICA INDEX file to the IDX format
- collegio.zip 930820 College Football Datebook Program for Windows
- color1.zip 931117 ShareWare educational coloring program
- color12.zip 930822 Audio/visual color educational tutor for kids
- combus10.zip 910412 Windows Cardfile of Computer-related Businesses
- comm56.zip 930731 replacement for the MS Windows serial port driver
- commdlg.zip 930923 New version of COMMDLG.DLL
- connex.zip 931028 Win4WkGrps:drivers for a Connex 1000 EtherNet card
- constant.zip 921007 Windows Cardfile of Chemical/Physical Constants
- corelfix.zip 910518 PFBFix 1.1 fixes Adobe Type I fonts created by WFNBOSS
- correct.zip 930903 Correct! is a multiple choice quiz program
- crd2stn.zip 930217 Convert cardfile (.CRD) files to stickies (.STN) format
- crdexp.zip 940516 Convert cardfile (.CRD) to an ASCII delimited file
- cwask.zip 921021 Preset working Dir for Premias CodeWright 4 for Win
- cyberdrv.zip 931213 Replacement COMM.DRV for 3/486's with 16550 UARTs
- dbcoin.zip 921029 Coin Collection Management System for Windows
- demoregr.zip 940818 Click&Learn Regression interactive learning tool [372k]
- design11.zip 940104 Design-a-Room:design by arrange walls, furn, fixtures
- detector.zip 940510 Learn how to determine if somebody is lying
- devils10.zip 940408 The Devil's Dictionary in WinHelp format
- dir10.zip 940311 Directory of Internet Resources 1.0 (.HLP) [1.2mb]
- divemast.zip 940719 DiveMaster 1.0 for Windows Diving Program [1.33mb]
- divlog.zip 940811 Diver's Log Windows App
- dmdrvr.zip 910409 Windows/DMDRVR Discussion from Compu$erve
- dmonoumb.zip 920511 Free more UMBs for DOSApps w/Qemm 5.1x
- dpmi_txt.zip 910516 Version 0.9 of the DPMI specification
- dv2win.zip 920316 Deskview Help
- dviwn281.zip 931012 TeX DVI Driver for Windows 3.x
- ediins.zip 920223 Installation Utility for Custom Applications
- emag_v1.zip 940812 eMAG volume one 1994 for Excalibur BBS
- espdisk.zip 910501 Drivers for the Hayes Enh Serial Port Board
- etc_130s.zip 930728 Adds more functionality to EtCetera 1.30
- excal071.zip 940825 Excalibur BBS Terminal program version 0.71a
- excalbro.zip 940811 Excalibur BBS Preview in Windows .WRI format
- excalhlp.zip 940811 Help file for Excalibur BBS Terminal program
- excaltrm.zip 940811 Excalibur BBS Terminal program version 0.70a [624k]
- extract.zip 940527 Extracts ASCII datafiles into comma delimited files
- fastdisk.zip 940311 FASTDISK drivers for WD Caviar drives [328k]
- faqprg03.zip 940324 FreqAskedQuestions: Windows Programmer (from Usenet)
- faqwin03.zip 940324 FreqAskedQuestions: Microsoft Windows (from Usenet)
- fcc11.zip 930218 Fat & cholesterol counter, analyze your diet
- fed2_1.zip 940119 Windows 3.1 Book, The Federalist Papers
- filemgr.trk 910117 Tricks for FileManager
- firefur.zip 940910 Fire and Fur: The Last Sorcerer Dragon book in .HLP fmt
- flashs.zip 940911 Flash Cards for Windows: Study Aid/Memory Drill Tool
- fontinfo.zip 920320 Using Type1 Fonts with WordPerfect
- full800.zip 931004 Drivers for Mouse Systems' 2- and 3-button mice
- fx113.zip 940405 Mitsumi FX series CD-ROM drivers, version 1.13
- fxar10.zip 910402 Fix Arrow Pointer When it Dissappears
- gareth1c.zip 940812 Sir Gareth Statistical sware v1.0c for Excalibur BBS
- gc101.zip 940113 GoCIS: Win-based Compuserve session manager
- gcchrg10.zip 940221 Calc CIS online time and charges from GoCIS log files
- gep208a.zip 930911 General Purpose Simulator of Metabolic Pathways
- gmw202.zip 940119 Grocery, Menu and Food Shopping Organizer
- graphicn.zip 930826 Study parameterized functions in an interactive way
- gradebk.zip 940716 Gradebook for Windows v3.04
- grm13wb.zip 940201 Graphmatica for Windows beta test version 1.26
- gsrc208a.zip 930902 Source code of GEPASI 2.0, release 2.08a
- gww12_01.zip 931130 God's Word For Windows Ver 1.2 (part 01 of 12)
- gww12_02.zip 931130 God's Word For Windows Ver 1.2 (part 02 of 24)
- gww12_03.zip 931130 God's Word For Windows Ver 1.2 (part 03 of 24)
- gww12_04.zip 931130 God's Word For Windows Ver 1.2 (part 04 of 24)
- gww12_05.zip 931130 God's Word For Windows Ver 1.2 (part 05 of 24)
- gww12_06.zip 931130 God's Word For Windows Ver 1.2 (part 06 of 24)
- gww12_07.zip 931130 God's Word For Windows Ver 1.2 (part 07 of 24)
- gww12_08.zip 931130 God's Word For Windows Ver 1.2 (part 08 of 24)
- gww12_09.zip 931130 God's Word For Windows Ver 1.2 (part 09 of 24)
- gww12_10.zip 931130 God's Word For Windows Ver 1.2 (part 10 of 24)
- gww12_11.zip 931130 God's Word For Windows Ver 1.2 (part 11 of 24)
- gww12_12.zip 931130 God's Word For Windows Ver 1.2 (part 12 of 24)
- gww12_13.zip 931130 God's Word For Windows Ver 1.2 (part 13 of 24)
- gww12_14.zip 931130 God's Word For Windows Ver 1.2 (part 14 of 24)
- gww12_15.zip 931130 God's Word For Windows Ver 1.2 (part 15 of 24)
- gww12_16.zip 931130 God's Word For Windows Ver 1.2 (part 16 of 24)
- gww12_17.zip 931130 God's Word For Windows Ver 1.2 (part 17 of 24)
- gww12_18.zip 931130 God's Word For Windows Ver 1.2 (part 18 of 24)
- gww12_19.zip 931130 God's Word For Windows Ver 1.2 (part 19 of 24)
- gww12_20.zip 931130 God's Word For Windows Ver 1.2 (part 20 of 24)
- gww12_21.zip 931130 God's Word For Windows Ver 1.2 (part 21 of 24)
- gww12_22.zip 931130 God's Word For Windows Ver 1.2 (part 22 of 24)
- gww12_23.zip 931130 God's Word For Windows Ver 1.2 (part 23 of 24)
- gww12_24.zip 931130 God's Word For Windows Ver 1.2 (part 24 of 24)
- hebcl54.txt 940428 Hebrew Calendar for Windows, version 5.4
- help30.exe 940119 Ami Pro macros to create RTFs to .HLP documents
- helpinfo.zip 940119 Text file to help you w/the MS Windows Help Complier
- hc505.exe 931209 Version 3.10.505 of the Microsoft Help Compiler
- htmlasst.zip 940207 HTML Doc Writer Assistant (v1/9/94 Version Alpha .25)
- htmledit.zip 940103 Extensions to edit/create HTML hypertext docs for WWW
- hyptrk40.zip 931201 App attaches to Winhelp for extra Help functionality
- ibmjoy.zip 930419 Microsoft Windows IBM Joystick Driver w/ctrl panel
- id_sw487.zip 940828 ID LOGIC Simulator [525k]
- idxman.zip 940607 IDXMAN, CICA Index Manager, ver. .01 beta [703k]
- ikk12.zip 930814 International Keyboard Kit, use several langs at once
- inct100.zip 921029 Complete Personal Contact Manager for Windows
- interlan.zip 931028 Racal-Interlan EtherNet Cards for Win4WkGrps
- intl.zip 920507 DLL for Internationalizing Windows Programs
- ipwin.zip 940218 InfoPop Internet Guide for Windows (.hlp)
- iq11.zip 930913 Convert and import quotes into Quicken
- iqtest.zip 920920 Thirty-Minute IQ Test Program for Windows
- iv26_w30.zip 921006 Interviews 2.6 port to Windows 3.0 (not for the queasy)
- ixfw.zip 931019 Interactive Cross Reference for Windows
- jrg2912w.zip 930728 Jargon file, version 2.9.12 (.hlp format)
- jvrbs1de.zip 940120 Japanese Verbs reference and study program
- kyaw10.zip 931020 Program for studying aircraft systems and related items
- land221a.zip 940714 Landscape Explorer for Windows - Version 2.2.1
- lant41.zip 940614 Drivers for Lantastic 4.1 and WfWg 3.11
- lasso001.zip 940730 Free downloader (Zmodem-send) for Excalibur BBS
- llwin103.zip 940210 MCI videodisc driver collection for Windows3.x
- ltmd.zip 910411 LogiTech Mouse Routines for Windows
- hexmap10.zip 920103 Print Out Hexagon-Grid Maps
- hexview3.zip 920228 Hexmap Editing Program
- highmem.zip 910412 Notes on High Memory Usage with Windows
- instal.zip 911204 Create Sample Win-based Graphical Installation Program
- lanbuild.zip 921025 LAN Installation Assistant
- lissajou.zip 910510 Windows Sample Demo with Source on Using SDK
- logstc11.zip 920303 Plot/Zoom into Bifurcation Diags of Logistic Equations
- maillg10.zip 931020 PC-NFS Lifeline 2.0 Mail Notification Program
- mapafri4.zip 940812 AD Screens of 5 Excalibur BBSes in Africa
- maps.zip 940813 72 World Maps and AdScreens for Excalibur BBS
- metzcp.zip 930419 METZ Task Manager support under Cent Point PCTools4Win
- mcadangl.zip 940201 Mathcad: angular data from sexagesimal units to radians
- mietab42.zip 940503 Mie scattering program for Microsoft Windows 3.x
- mitsf112.zip 940318 Mitsumi CD ROM Drivers
- mmback.zip 910826 Multimedia Prsnl Computing: The Microsoft View (doc)
- mmtype1.zip 920223 MasterMind Typing Tutor (1 of 2)
- mmtype2.zip 920223 MasterMind Typing Tutor (2 of 2)
- moonpo22.zip 940516 Computes az/el of sun and moon by date
- moontl04.zip 910417 Moon Tool (Phases of the Moon)
- mouse800.exe 931220 Mouse Systems Drivers 8.0
- mqxdrv.zip 920908 Music Quest MultiMedia Drivers for Windows
- mr.zip 940720 For the curious: A .GIF of your CICA moderator
- msbbsdoc.zip 930405 Microsoft BBS Index file
- msbbslst.zip 921126 Microsoft BBS Information
- mscdex.zip 920414 Microsoft CD-ROM Extensions
- mscdex21.zip 920603 Microsoft CD-ROM Extensions 2.1 Description
- msdosexe.zip 920414 Microsoft MSDOS Executive
- msdn200.zip 940622 FreeWare MSDN/SoftLib Index Reader
- mslfiles.zip 940520 Search SLLIST.TXT at ftp.microsoft.com
- msoftfix.zip 910312 Serial Port and Mouse Discussion
- mudman12.zip 940822 MUD Man is a utility designed for mud players
- ndw.faq 940613 FAQ for Norton Desktop for Windows
- netprb10.zip 940802 Access data from Pathworks Datalink Driver
- newwords.zip 940228 Foreign Language Tutor
- nfl92.zip 920904 National Football League Teams Tracking Utility
- nfltpw11.zip 930804 OWL prog: track an office football pool
- nobanner.txt 910117 How to Skip Win3 Opening Banner
- nologo.zip 910412 Use Debug to Remove Opening Banner (see nobanner.txt)
- norsk.zip 940127 Windows English-Norwegian,Norwegian-English Translator
- noshare.zip 931220 Provides dummy SHARE functions (for Winword)
- nscd12.zip 931001 Allows diabetics to calculate and monitor their diet
- nsch22.zip 931019 NutriSoft: ControlHigh Blood Pressure version 2.2
- nshp23.zip 931208 NutriSoft: Heart Perfect v. 2.3: reduce heart disease
- nslyc32.zip 940910 NutriSoft: Lower Your Cholesterol v. 3.2
- nspreg21.zip 931001 NutriSoft: Pregnancy Nutrition version 2.1
- nsrcr30.zip 940503 NutriSoft: Reduce Cancer Risk version 3.0
- nswp30.zip 940517 NutriSoft Weight Perfect 3.0: weight control program
- ntwn32.zip 910821 PS/TXT/RTF of "The Windows 32-bit API: An Overview"
- ntmdr11.zip 940103 NetMinder Internet network address database
- nu5win.zip 910412 Notes Using Norton Utilities Ver 5 with Windows
- nugi.zip 940218 Users Guide to the Internet Windows Program
- nwutils.zip 920303 NewWave Technical Support Disk (1/23/92)
- o7odbc.exe 940818 Oracle7 ODBC Driver Version (Level 1) [545k]
- ole_101.zip 920826 Extensible Application Protocols: OLE Spec Docs (MS)
- ozw103a.zip 940117 Analysis / mapping of census/retail/GIS data 1/13
- ozw103b.zip 940117 Analysis / mapping of census/retail/GIS data 2/13
- ozw103c.zip 940117 Analysis / mapping of census/retail/GIS data 3/13
- ozw103d.zip 940117 Analysis / mapping of census/retail/GIS data 4/13
- ozw103e.zip 940117 Analysis / mapping of census/retail/GIS data 5/13
- ozw103f.zip 940117 Analysis / mapping of census/retail/GIS data 6/13
- ozw103g.zip 940117 Analysis / mapping of census/retail/GIS data 7/13
- ozw103h.zip 940117 Analysis / mapping of census/retail/GIS data 8/13
- ozw103i.zip 940117 Analysis / mapping of census/retail/GIS data 9/13
- ozw103j.zip 940117 Analysis / mapping of census/retail/GIS data 10/13
- ozw103k.zip 940117 Analysis / mapping of census/retail/GIS data 11/13
- ozw103l.zip 940117 Analysis / mapping of census/retail/GIS data 12/13
- ozw103m.zip 940117 Analysis / mapping of census/retail/GIS data 13/13
- packy104.xe 940216 host-mode packet radio app for AEA PK232 or PK88 ctrlr
- parwn306.zip 931101 Parents, genealogy database for your family tree
- pc-tcp.zip 931028 FTP SW PC-TCP network drivers for Win4Wrkgrps
- pcpmaint1.zip 930316 Procomm Plus Win Maintenance Release
- pdxcica.zip 930805 Load cica INDEX file into Paradox; display; ver 1.1
- petrarka.zip 931020 Petri Nets reachability and minimal structure analysis
- phnlist.exe 930906 Manager of employee phone extensions
- pktwin01.zip 921014 Packet TNC Controller for Windows (Ham Radio)
- pnr_7.zip 940511 Monthly magazine with PC news and reviews May94
- pnr_7pix.zip 940511 Monthly magazine with PC news and reviews w/pix May94
- port32.zip 910821 PS/TXT/RTF of Paper on Preparing for 32-bit WIN SDK
- price_10.zip 940523 WinPrice v1.0: select best pricing between two choices
- prodata.zip 921022 Observe Data from Acquisition Devices in Windows
- profile.zip 940820 Personality Profile v1.0. 40 Questions to analyze you
- progman.zip 920120 Rename Program Groups
- proqwk.zip 930823 Keep QWK packets from same source in dl dir at one time
- proqwk12.zip 940616 ProComm +/Win QWK/REP management util
- pt202.zip 930628 Perodic table v2.02 - Elements/chemicals/atomic wt.
- pts42.zip 931019 Understand the diversity and dynamics of personalities
- pwman10.zip 940802 DEC Pathworks App: maps disk and printer devices, etc.
- qdpmi.zip 921030 Quarterdeck Dos Protected Mode Interface (QEMM req)
- qemm511f.zip 910409 Bug Fix for QEMM 5.11f High Mem Driver
- qemmwin.zip 910409 Quarterdeck Tech Talk on QEMM+Windows
- qmver21a.zip 930713 Create; edit; merge and print quiz files from Windows
- qvt_sugg.zip 931116 Suggestions (.txt/.wri) for QVTNet/WinQVT
- review.zip 940530 Reviewers Guide to Chicago Beta-1 (Word fmt) [1.03mb]
- rsistn62.zip 920511 Fungicide Pathogen Simulation Program
- rtf-desc.zip 910425 RichTextFormat Discussion
- runstat2.zip 940425 Utility for Runners [421k]
- runtrk11.zip 940131 RunTrak: running (as in jog) logbook program for
- rusntutr.zip 930910 RussianTutor for Windows V1.0
- scsicdrm.zip 931028 SCSI CD-ROM driver for TOSHIBA CD-ROM 3xxxxx drives
- secreta.zip 930712 Secret Easter Eggs in Windows Revealed!
- sender.zip 930823 Dialog input box for PageMaker 5.0
- scsihlp.zip 930913 Anything you ever wanted to to know about SCSI (.hlp)
- sfbeta.zip 930901 Shareware & Freeware Report-Beta Newsletter
- sgnmkr10.zip 930902 The Sign Maker program for Windows
- shadow.zip 940801 Photoshop-compatible filter Drop Shadow
- sim_vw10.zip 930901 Search, browse, and view the Simtel file index
- softcop.zip 930928 Software metering system for Novell Netware Servers
- spline10.zip 940103 DLL for creating/interpolating spline curves in 2D/3D
- staffs1.zip 930807 Staff Sargeant 1.0: Print Blank Music Sheets
- startup2.zip 910412 How to Modify Win3 Opening Banner (Version 2)
- stats.zip 930727 Baseball Stats Program
- stealt.zip 911011 Diagnose/Cure Probs w/Stealth feat of QEMM-386, ver 6
- stfind.zip 920831 New York City Street Finder
- stresw21.zip 930217 Force Yourself to take Breaks at the Computer
- sunpo132.zip 940513 Calculate Sun's Azimuth/Elevation by Date
- supmk110.zip 940120 Super!Market v1.10 <ASP> creates shopping list quickly
- syntax.zip 921102 Convert WP Docs into Windows Hypertext-like Help Files
- tex2rtf.zip 931026 Converts LaTeX to linear or Windows Help RTF, and HTML
- theohelp.zip 940207 Theosophy Beliefs via Windows .HLP file format
- toqckn11.zip 940307 Cnvrt files of dl'ed stock/mut funds into Quicken
- tsfr9401.zip 940422 The Shareware/Freeware Report '94 - #1
- tsfr9402.zip 940601 The Shareware/Freeware Report '94 - #2
- tsfrbak.zip 940601 The Shareware/Freeware Report (Aug '93 & Nov/Dec '93)
- twain103.exe 940323 Epson Scanner Utility [300k]
- twn0394.exe 940302 The Other World BBS News Journal (.wri w/color/sound)
- tmwinpif.zip 910412 How to Run TeleMate under Windows
- tsfrv1n1.zip 931102 The Shareware/Freeware Report: Nov/Dec 1993 (.HLP)
- tttwin.zip 921007 Touch Type Tutor for Windows
- txt2rtf.zip 910529 TXT2RTF - Text to Rich Text Converter Version 1.0
- ucook10.zip 931024 USENET Cookbook in Windows Help format (500+ recipes)
- ultraisa.zip 920906 Drivers for Ultrastor Controller Card for 32bit Access
- umbdr521.zip 920307 UpperMem Device Driver
- undocfct.zip 910830 Print All Windows Undocumented Function Calls
- undocwin.zip 920621 Contribute to Undoc Windows Function Book
- unicon14.zip 940103 Unicon: unit conversion app for length, area, mass,etc
- univcolr.zip 900706 MS Windows Ad for Win3 misc
- upc12bad.zip 931004 UUPC/extended 1.12b documents and sample files
- upc12bap.zip 931004 UUPC/extended 1.12b documents in PostScript format
- upc12baw.zip 931004 UUPC/extended 1.12b Word for Windows Document Source
- uswthrwn.zip 931129 U.S. weather map shows average temps, rain,sun, etc
- ves12a.zip 940727 Statistics entry and reporting for softball [560k]
- vt220kbd.zip 940217 VT220 keyboard mapping for ProComm+ for Windows
- wallpapr.txt 900613 Keystrokes to get Win3 Authors Listed as Wallpaper misc
- wasp1-8.zip 930809 Procomm Plus for Win ASPECT language tutorial (.wri)
- wave_gen.zip 940519 Generates Trig & Custom Wave Forms for General Use
- wbd31a.zip 930807 Windows app to track and valuate Series EE bonds
- wcmeng.zip 940616 World Cup Manager Version 2.0
- wcicacsv.zip 930324 Convert CICA Index files into comma separated file
- wcmacref.txt 901023 Windows Macro Statement Reference Guide
- wcrd201a.zip 921125 Organize Ballgame Cards and Track Their Values
- wfit14.zip 940405 Non Weighted Linear Least Squares fitting program
- wflisten.zip 931129 Temp disable WinFax auto-receive to run DOS comm pgm
- wfnspace.zip 910128 How to insert a space in WFNBOSS-gen'd font
- wfwptp.zip 940218 Dial-in Access from remote PC (W4WG only) [336k]
- wfxcomm.zip 930628 WinFAX PRO 3.0 comm driver March 31,93
- wilref11.zip 931029 WinInterfcLang Technical Reference - 1.1 Documentation
- win3.exe 940828 WD Fastdisk driver, version 2.5 [328k]
- win3-uae.zip 910117 MicroSoft Document on Unrecoverable App Errors
- win3-nfs.zip 901029 Run Windows with PC-NFS
- win3.bug 910507 Discussion of SmartDrive Bugs
- win3infosrc 900613 Windows Information Source(s) misc
- win87em.zip 910826 MSWindows Floating Point Coprocessor/Emulator Library
- winadv.zip 930330 S.Gibson's Benchmarks on ISA/VESA LB Win Accel Cards
- winarea2zip 940618 WinArea is a small utility for looking up area codes
- wincat34.zip 940825 WinCat/PRO 3.4 Disk and CDROM Catalog [468k]
- winchamp.zip 940321 Permet de suivre tous les championnats D1 , D2 ou dist
- windskhc.zip 940207 Windows 3.1 FastDisk Drivers with HardCard
- wineb_26.zip 940612 WineBase:shareware cellar mangement software [859k]
- winfaq.zip 921125 Freq Asked Questions About Win3 in .HLP Format (c.w.ms)
- winfit11.zip 930628 Non Linear Least Square fitting prgm - Levenberg-Marq
- winfly.zip 930804 Track your frequent flyer miles in Windows
- winfreq.ask 920831 Freq Asked Questions About Win3 (from comp.windows.ms)
- winjdic.zip 940120 Japanese Dictionary for Windows (WinJDIC)
- winmap.zip 931207 WINMAP calculate and map german road-routes
- winmed_1.zip 940126 Analyze human illness and disease (1 of 3) [953k]
- winmed_2.zip 940126 Analyze human illness and disease (2 of 3) [885k]
- winmed_3.zip 940126 Analyze human illness and disease (3 of 3) [575k]
- winstack.zoo 940103 Help format db of Naturist/Nudist clubs/resorts in USA
- winstorm.zip 930727 Windows storm/hurricane viewer
- wintosh.zip 911208 Toshiba T2000SX Windows Control Panel
- winvibes.zip 920703 Display modes of vibrations for molecules
- wj_4.zip 931111 THE WINDOWS JOURNAL - Vol. 1, No. 4
- wnbrag.zip 910213 Change Windows Opening Screen
- wl4updat.zip 940709 Windows Latin Tutor v4.1a [536kb]
- wlatin42.zip 940814 Lingua Latina for Windows ver 4.2
- winter01.zip 940619 Windows Internet ("Winter") Software Packages
- wolr36.zip 940117 WinOnLine Review SHAREWARE EDITION #36
- wolr69.zip 930211 Windows Online Review magazine in Win 3.1 help format
- wolr75.zip 930701 On-line Review, Shareware edition, #75
- wolr81.zip 940104 WinOnLine Review, Shareware edition, #81
- wolrs35.zip 940104 Windows On-line Shareware Review #35
- wolrs42.zip 940620 Windows On-Line Review, Shareware edition, #42
- wolrs43.zip 940725 Windows On-Line Review, Shareware edition, #43
- wols37.zip 940207 Windows On-line Shareware Review #37
- wolw39.zip 920515 Windows OnLine Newsletter 39
- wolw40.zip 920515 Windows OnLine Newsletter 40
- wolw43.zip 920606 Windows OnLine Newsletter 43
- wormhole.zip 940813 Computer Animated Screens Generator for Excalibur BBS
- wprot100.zip 940504 Windows un-installer, German version
- wrk_doc.exe 920414 Win Resource Kit: Approx 550 pages of tech info
- ws052.zip 940221 Display/handle/analyze time-of-flight spectra [576k]
- wsim21.zip 940601 Simtel/CICA and others index search program
- wsisa301.zip 940412 Level 3 diags for IBM MWave WindSurfer crd 1/3 [1.08mb]
- wsisa302.zip 940412 Level 3 diags for IBM MWave WindSurfer crd 2/3 [694k]
- wsisa303.zip 940412 Level 3 diags for IBM MWave WindSurfer crd 3/3 [838k]
- wtp2.zip 940119 Windows 3.1 Book, Study of Democracy
- ww0323t.zip 910223 Microsoft's updated network documentation (11-27-90)
- ww0335.zip 920415 MS App Note: Memory Management with Windows3.1
- ww0524.zip 920415 MS App Note: Troubleshooting GP Faults (UAEs) Win3.1
- ww0525.zip 920415 MS App Note: T-shooting 386 Enhanced Mode Probs (w3.1)
- ww0526.zip 920415 MS App Note: T-shooting Win3.1 Setup
- ww0527.zip 920415 MS App Note: New Features in Windows 3.1
- ww0528.zip 920415 MS App Note: Fonts in Windows 3.1
- ww0530.zip 920415 MS App Note: SMARTDrive and 32-Bit Disk Access (3.1)
- ww0532.zip 920415 MS App Note: Object Linking and Embedding (OLE)
- x10msw20.zip 930312 Control X10 lights, appliances, etc. from your PC
- x10sch.exe 940713 Schedlr for X10 CP290 Home Automation IF Unit [1.26mb]
- your_bbs.zip 940813 The AdScreen for your BBS (Excalibur)
- zshare01.zip 930810 V1N1 of the ZiffNet Monthly Shareware Review (.HLP)
- **
- ** Index of Windows NT Files in ~ftp/pub/pc/win3/nt
- ** at ftp.cica.indiana.edu []
- **
- ** Note--For a most complete set of NT apps and utilities,
- ** check ftp.microsoft.com (aka gowinnt.microsoft.com)
- ** at address [].
- **
- ** Final Note--Files whose descriptions begin with "*" need
- ** "tar" to untar files in the zipfile.
- ** See tar.zip for binaries.
- **
- ** Last Updated: Mon Sep 12 23:12:11 1994
- **
- 2000nt39.zip 930406 Always IN2000 SCSI Driver for NT
- 4mms2.exe 940615 winNT driver for 4mm DDS2 DAT drives
- 4nt20c.zip 940303 4dos for Windows NT (4nt) version 2.0
- 6plus.zip 940714 6 NT apps:2CPO,CHAT2,DENET,TRASH,WINDESK,WINNER
- 82595.exe 931106 winNT driver for Intel PCLA82xx ethernet adapter
- aclk_2.zip 940620 Astronomy Clock 2 for Win 4.0, NT, and Win32s
- agx-nt.zip 930916 Pre-beta Hercules Graphite drivers for Windows NT
- alw200.zip 940620 Astronomy Lab 2 for Win 4.0, NT, and Win32s
- anagnt.zip 921215 Anagram finder for Windows NT
- anicurs1.zip 931029 Another collection of .ANI animated cursors
- anicurs2.zip 931106 Collection of .ANI and .CUR animated and normal cursors
- ami48.exe 940322 WinNT drivers for AMI SCSI card
- appcmp.zip 930301 Application Compatibility Guide for Chicago
- artgrp.exe 940322 WinNT drivers for Artist Graphics video card
- atib2.zip 930420 ATI Drivers (3/26/93) for Windows NT
- atrls12a.zip 940715 Ataman Rlogind and Telnetd Services (Alpha AXP)
- atrls12i.zip 940715 Ataman Rlogind and Telnetd Services (Intel)
- axp_dpml.zip 931020 Digital Portable Math Library (DPML) for Alpha AXP w/NT
- bctex.zip 931006 C version of TeX 3.1415, Metafont 2.71 for NT
- beta2fix.zip 931020 Fix exe/dlls that were built for NT prior to Beta 2
- bg.c 930219 Util to put an NT program in the background
- bitmap.zip 940617 Bitmap Changer for NT v1.0 (Intel)
- bog_nt.zip 930317 Boggle Game for MS Windows NT, October Beta or later
- bomb32.zip 940716 Bomb Squad Game for Windows 4.0, NT, and Win32s
- c320nt.exe 940322 winNT drivers for Crescendo C320 FDDI/CDDI NIC
- caplib.zip 921215 Microsoft Windows NT Call Profiler
- ccd150.zip 930714 NT App to Quickly Change Subdirectories
- chincdnt.zip 940210 WinNT drivers for Chinon CD-ROM w/ unsupported SCSI
- cinnti.zip 940623 SuperMatch Cinepak Codec for Windows NT for Intel x86
- cmd600.exe 940322 WinNT drivers for CMD EISA CSA-6000 SCSI card
- concol10.zip 930205 Set Color of your Console in Windows NT
- cordine.zip 930419 Windows NT freeware button accordion
- csd001.zip 931007 **please get revised update in file spi386.exe**
- csh-doc.zip 940706 Documents describing Hamilton C shell for Win/NT
- csh-ps.zip 940706 PostScript User Guide/Lang Ref for Hamilton C shell
- csh-txt.zip 940706 ASCII User Guide/Lang Ref for Hamilton C shell
- cshalpha.zip 940706 Hamilton C shell and utilities package (Alpha) [2.32mb]
- cshintel.zip 940706 Hamilton C shell and utilities package (Intel) [893k]
- cshmips.zip 940706 Hamilton C shell and utilities package (Mips) [1.65mb]
- ctf30.exe 940322 WinNT drivers for Cabletron F30XX FDDI DNI NIC
- ctf70.exe 940322 WinNT drivers for Cabletron F70XX FDDI DNI NIC
- ctt20.exe 940322 WinNT drivers for Cabletron T20XX token-ring NIC
- ctt30.exe 940322 WinNT drivers for Cabletron F30XX token-ring NIC
- cxxp4w.zip 930315 C++ Programming for Windows Oct NT
- ddklic.zip 930301 License agreement for the DDK
- ddkmk.zip 931201 Updated MAKEFILE.DEF for MS VC++/NT on x86
- deskfo.zip 940710 Desktop Font and Icon Spacing Control Panel Applet
- dmpacl.zip 940616 Dump permissions (ACLs) for file system and registry
- downtug.zip 940221 Info on Delphi Online Windows NT User Group
- dtc3290.zip 930224 Jan93 drivers for the DTC3290 controller for NT
- dyndlg.zip 921215 Sample to show how to create Win32 dialogs
- dz17cn.zip 940816 DeZkTop 1.7c for NT: launcher/shell
- ee16nt.exe 940106 Intel ethernet adapter drivers for WinNT
- elink3nt.zip 930716 NT driver for 3Com Etherlink III (3C509) adapter
- emacs.zip 940106 *emacs v19.17 WinNT port. intel, mips, alpha binaries
- emacssrc.zip 940106 *emacs v19.17 WinNT port. source
- embh_n.zip 930301 Embedded animated Help-Objects for *.HLP files
- ex2501.exe 940615 winNT driver for exabyte 2501 tape drive
- faxsrv.zip 940714 Windows NT Fax Server [851k]
- fileeat.zip 931215 trash can like utility for Windows NT on Intel-Systems
- finger32.zip 940824 NT 32 bit port of windows finger program
- fingrd12.zip 940819 NT Finger Daemon
- fioben.zip 930301 File I/O Benchmark
- fl32nt.exe 940322 WinNT drivers for intel etherexpress flash32 NIC
- flag2.zip 921215 Flagger - A batch porting tool for Oct 92 Beta
- fm_ext.zip 921215 DLL for File Manager Extensions for Oct 92 Beta
- fmant11d.zip 940210 FM Applic (NT) 1.1d - Applications menu for NT
- fracv2.zip 940621 FracView 2 for Windows 4.0, NT, and Win32s
- fragcknt.zip 940823 FragCheck For Windows NT
- gd25s.zip 940111 Modified sources to build GNU diff v2.5 for NT
- gnugrep.zip 940221 NT sources of GNU grep and Intel binaries
- gnurcs.zip 921215 Revision Control System for NT
- gp41i.zip 940616 GrabIt Pro 4.1 for NT/Intel
- gr564b.zip 940111 GNU Diff and GNU RCS Binaries for NT
- gr564bnt.zip 940216 exe/docs for NT GNU RCS v5.6.4 w/exes of GNU diff v2.5
- gr564s.zip 940111 modified sources to build GNU RCS v5.6.4 for NT
- grep16.zip 930301 Gnu grep and egrep 1.6 (src+MIPS-EXE)
- grep32.zip 931007 Grep for NT
- gs261.zip 940411 Port of Ghostscript 2.61 to Windows NT [1.5mb]
- gzip.zip 940106 *gzip v1.2.4 WinNT port. intel, mips, alpha binaries
- gzipsrc.zip 940106 *gzip v1.2.4 WinNT port. source
- hang_nt.zip 930317 Hangman for MS Windows NT, October Beta or later
- he32.zip 940330 HEdit32 v1.2, Hexadecimal Ed for Binary Files (Intel)
- help.zip 921215 Convert OS/2 IPF files to Windows RTF
- hg-nt.exe 930926 Beta NT display driver for the Hercules Graphite cards
- holep.zip 921215 HOLEPORT porting tool
- hop.zip 940824 Hop check and IP trace route util for NT
- hpisa.exe 931109 winNT drivers for HP ISA ethernet adapters
- hpmca.exe 931106 winNT driver for HP MC LAN adapter/16 TP
- hpscan2.zip 940615 HP ScanJet drivers 10/93 update for NT [1.09mb]
- iarlgd10.zip 940530 Ataman Rlogind (Intel) W../indows NT
- ibison.zip 930219 NT GNU Bison for i386+ processors (Feb 1993 build)
- ibm4mm.exe 940322 WinNT drivers for IBM 2gig 4mm tape drive
- ibmsyn.zip 930301 IBM Multiprotocol Adapter Driver SRC
- icompres.zip 930219 NT GNU Compress for i386+ processors (Feb 1993 build)
- iconbar.zip 940823 IconBar for Windows NT Version 2.00Beta
- idiff.zip 930219 NT GNU Diff for i386+ processors (Feb 1993 build)
- iflex.zip 930219 NT GNU Flex for i386+ processors (Feb 1993 build)
- iftpd.exe 930503 03May93 Ver FTP-Daemon for NT (runs as a service) 80x86
- igrep.zip 930219 NT GNU grep/egrep for i386+ processors (Feb 1993 build)
- imnt34.zip 940616 Icon Manager for Windows NT version 3.4
- ised.zip 930219 NT GNU Sed for i386+ processors (Feb 1993 build)
- iunzip.exe 930219 NT Unzip for i386+ processors (Feb 1993 build)
- izip.zip 930219 NT Zip for i386+ processors (Feb 1993 build)
- jx4nt107.zip 940609 Jax4th Forth Compiler for Windows NT
- k5426-d5.zip 940124 GD5426/28 Drivers for Win NT 3.1 release 1.41
- kb-ren.zip 940315 Script renames WinNT KnowledgeBase files to full names
- kbuser.txt 930301 How to use the MS Knowledge Base on CI$
- keyclick.zip 940621 KeyClick Utility for Win 4.0 and NT
- klotz4nt.zip 931101 Klotz game for NT version 3.05
- kmglos.zip 930205 Replacement Tables of Contents/Glossary for NT Beta
- littles.zip 940201 Three little NT console apps (kill,ps,nice)
- lkbackup.zip 940824 Tape backup program for Windows NT
- lkstart.zip 94824 Replacement for NT 'start' command
- lmousent.exe 930224 Logitech Windows NT mouse drivers
- lpr10.zip 921215 lpr, lpq, lprm - TCP/IP printing to remote hosts
- ls_nt12.zip 940815 ls - unix DIR command for windows NT
- m93nt1.zip 930321 ATI MACH8/MACH32 MARCH 93 BETA Windows NT Drivers
- makfon.zip 921215 Oct 92 Beta version of the source to make a FON file
- mar93hcl.zip 930319 Hardware compatibilty list for March beta of Windows NT
- mapmem.zip 930301 Device Driver to map physical Memory
- mbison.zip 930219 NT GNU Bison for MIPS R4000 processors (Feb 1993 build)
- mcompres.zip 930219 NT GNU Compress for MIPS R4000 (Feb 1993 build)
- mdiff.zip 930219 NT GNU Diff for MIPS R4000 processors (Feb 1993 build)
- mdipad.zip 930301 MDI Template
- medit1.zip 930205 Programmer's Editor w/multiple windows for NT
- melt.zip 921215 Melt Screen Saver module for NT Oct 92 beta
- mewn1m.zip 920402 MicroEMACS for Mar93 NT exe
- mews1m.zip 920402 MicroEMACS for Mar93 NT src changes for 1.1a
- mftpd.exe 930503 03May93 Ver FTP-Daemon for NT (runs as a service) R4000
- mypal.zip 930301 Updated Example from the October SDK
- mflex.zip 930219 NT GNU Flex for MIPS R4000 processors (Feb 1993 build)
- mgawk.zip 930219 NT GNU Awk for MIPS R4000 processors (Feb 1993 build)
- mgrep.zip 930219 NT GNU Grep/Egrep for MIPS R4000 (Feb 1993 build)
- mipbez2.zip 921215 October beta WINBEZ demo program for MIPS platform
- mjb_nt.zip 930317 MIDI JukeBox for MS Windows NT, October Beta or later
- mrcs.zip 930219 NT GNU RCS for MIPS R4000 processors (Feb 1993 build)
- mpegnt.zip 930315 Port of Berkeley Public Domain MPEG player for NT
- msed.zip 930219 NT GNU Sed for MIPS R4000 processors (Feb 1993 build)
- msg1.zip 921215 Messages from Week 1 of the MSWIN32 forum on CompuServe
- msg2.zip 921215 Messages from Week 2 of the MSWIN32 forum on CompuServe
- msg3.zip 921215 Messages from Week 3 of the MSWIN32 forum on CompuServe
- mtm_nt.zip 940314 Mitsumi CD-ROM drivers for NT
- mudwhont.zip 940824 Connects to RWHO server/grabs WHO lists of every mud
- munzip.exe 930219 NT Unzip for MIPS R4000 processors (Feb 1993 build)
- mzip.zip 930219 NT Zip/Unzip for MIPS R4000 processors (Feb 1993 build)
- mxxnt8.zip 930218 ATI's NT drivers for 8514/Ultra, Ultra+, Ultra Pro,etc
- nbody.zip 940705 Gravitational N-Body Simulation (version 1.0 alpha)
- nethaknt.zip 930915 NetHack 3.1.2 for NT
- newmk.zip 921215 Build environment. New make file for shrmem
- nflex.exe 940322 WinNT drivers for compaq netflex NIC
- ni6510nt.zip 930930 Win NT drivers for Racal-Interlan NI6510 ethernet card
- notent2.zip 921215 A Windows New Technology Text Editor for Huge Files
- notez3.zip 931201 NoteZ is a simple information manager.
- nrlogind.zip 940221 rlogin client/server for Windows NT (x86 src/exe)
- nt-130.exe 921215 Trantor NT drivers for T130 SCSI adapter,etc.
- nt-logo1.zip 940315 Alternative WinNT logon screen
- nt-logo2.zip 940315 Another alternative WinNT logon screen
- nt-logo3.zip 940315 Yet another alternative WinNT logon screen
- nt_13.lzh 921215 comp.os.ms-windows.programmer.win32 news (Oct 3-10)
- nt_14.lzh 921215 comp.os.ms-windows.programmer.win32 news (Oct 10-17)
- nt-doscl.zip 940403 DOS client software for WinNT [4.6mb]
- nt_intro.zip 930319 Intro to NT (DOS program)
- nt16faq.zip 940121 FAQ to list Win-16 Software that will run under NT
- ntcgrp.zip 921215 Customize DLL for controlling NT Dialog Editor
- ntchkmem.zip 940322 Memory monitor for Windows NT
- ntdrag.zip 921215 Drag 'n' Drop and EXETYPE Utilities for NT
- ntff.zip 940322 File finder for Windows NT
- ntfiles.zip 940713 List filename, owner and size of all files on NTFS dev
- ntjade.zip 930915 winNT logon screen (.bmp)
- ntkb.zip 940315 All WinNT KnowledgeBase files as of 3/11/94 [2.1M]
- ntlpr.zip 940111 Berkeley LPD client for the NT console
- ntls.zip 940111 ls - Windows NT directory listing utility (version 1.7)
- ntperf.exe 931028 NT Perfomance utils for NT ResKit (2.1mb file)
- ntperls.zip 930915 Source for Perl for windows NT
- ntremote.zip 930930 Provides the remote start function in NT
- ntreskit.exe 931028 Windows NT Resource kit (Note: a 4.2mb file)
- ntreskit.txt 940103 Listing of files in the Windows NT Resource kit
- ntroach.zip 940418 NT adaptation of the X program, xroach
- ntsh01.zip 930301 Korn-like-Shell for NT
- ntslrtme.zip 940322 SOLARTME 1.2 for NT: worldmap showing the terminator
- ntspin.zip 921215 Spin control for NT Dialog Editor
- nttools.zip 940304 Windows NT Tools (logoff,shutdown,reboot,etc)
- ntunzip2.zip 940824 Windows NT Unzip Utility
- ntutil.zip 940718 Ver1.40 4/94 clySmic Drag 'n' Drop Utilities
- ntvip.zip 940322 Phonebook for NT (supports BMPs and AVIs)
- ntwhich.zip 940724 Find first matching executable in path (w/src)
- ntxsta.zip 921215 XStatic control for NT Dialog Editor
- ntz31n.zip 940816 NoteZ Application for NT
- ntzip201.zip 940824 WinNT Unzip utility
- nwc-x86.zip 940207 NetWare redirector public beta release 2 [1.06Mb]
- os2ss.zip 921215 Porting NT to OS/2
- p9_nt.exe 940316 Windows nt drivers for orchid p9000
- perf.mak 921215 Nmake macros for building Windows 32-Bit apps
- pfe0507i.zip 940713 v0.05.007 of Programmer's File Editor for NT/Intel
- pixfnt.zip 940416 PixFolio NT Image Catalog System version 2.0.128
- pov22-nt.zip 940303 POVray v2.2 raytracer WinNT port
- pshdr.zip 930205 Replacement psheader.ps missing from Oct Beta
- psview.zip 921215 Win32 PostScript Viewer
- pt04bp19.zip 940617 v04bp19 of PTerm, the multi-threaded Zmodem term prog
- ptnt.zip 940824 Two multi-processor benchmarks for Windows NT
- pwatch.zip 940616 PWatch reports usage of NT system resources
- pzl8_nt.zip 930317 Puzzle-8 for MS Windows NT, October Beta or later
- qlogic.exe 940615 winNT driver for Qlogic SCSI adapters
- qrlogind.zip 940217 TCP/IP rlogin daemon for NT
- qvtnt397.zip 940228 3.97 release of WinQVT/Net for Windows NT
- qws3270a.zip 931104 QWS3270 3270 terminal for winNT version 2.0a
- queue.zip 921215 DosQueue functions of OS/2 ported to NT
- rcalc_nt.zip 930317 Talking RPN Calculator for MS Windows NT, Oct Beta
- regfind.zip 940909 RegFind - a win32 registry search utility
- regmps.zip 921215 Utility (for MIPS platform) to Capture Sysinfo
- regx86.zip 921215 Utility (for x86 platform) to Capture Sysinfo
- resc.zip 921215 Updates to the tools in ResConv and Annotate
- resdll.zip 921215 Oct Beta Ver of samples\resdll files
- resfmt.zip 921215 Win32 Binary resource formats
- ripbnt60.zip 940510 RipBar 6.0: Iconbar program for Windows NT (Intel)
- rips32.zip 940616 RipSpace 2.5: Analyze disk space usage
- s4mm.exe 940322 WinNT drivers for Sony SCSI tape drive
- sankyo.exe 940322 WinNT drivers for Sankyo SCSI tape drive
- sb_nt.exe 940503 Final Release of Creative WinNT drvrs: SBP2/SB16/CDROM
- scrcapa.zip 940510 Screen (desktop) capture for Windows NT on DEC Alpha
- scrcapi.zip 940510 Screen (desktop) capture for Windows NT on Intel
- servic.zip 930301 Simple Service Example for NT
- setsbvol.zip 930317 Sets the volume of your sound card (w/src) for NT
- smc16.exe 940322 WinNT drivers for SMC 16-bit ethernet NIC
- smc32.exe 940322 WinNT drivers for SMC ethercard elite 32 ultra NIC
- smtpgate.zip 940822 SMTP Gateway for Windows NT
- sossntr3.zip 931130 A port of the SOSS NFS server program to NT
- source.exe 931106 winNT POSIX utilities source code
- sp2i86.exe 940207 WinNT US Service Pack 2 for Intel [10.03Mb]
- spi386.exe 931106 Win NT US Service Pack 1. 11/1/93 NT update (6.4Mb!)
- spooks.zip 921215 Spooks Screen Saver module for NT Oct Beta
- srvnw-a.zip 940616 WinNT netware services rel version for alpha [1.83mb]
- srvnw-i.zip 940616 WinNT netware services rel version for intel [1.34mb]
- srvnw-m.zip 940616 WinNT netware services rel version for mips [1.66mb]
- ssp_nt.zip 931203 NT Screen Saver Pack
- sw_nt.zip 930317 Stopwatch for MS Windows NT, October Beta or later
- swtchz.zip 931203 SwitcheZ is a simple task switcher for NT
- tape.zip 940824 Tape utility to use with win32tar
- tar.zip 940106 tar v1.11.2 WinNT port. intel, mips, alpha binaries
- tcfax.zip 940201 32 bit native client-server based Class 2 Fax software
- tclk_nt.zip 930317 Talking Clock for MS Windows NT, October Beta or later
- tctok.exe 940322 WinNT drivers for thomas-conrad token-ring NIC
- times10.zip 940317 Time Synchronizer v1.0 for Windows NT
- tmtn14.zip 930301 Time and Money-Tracker
- tools.zip 930313 Available NT Development Tools in Excel and Word Format
- tr32-2.zip 921215 Trash Manager for NT Help Contents
- tty32.zip 921215 TTY Sample allowing TELNET connections
- ue312n.zip 931203 MicroEMACS 3.12 for Windows NT (i386)
- umiami.zip 931116 Windows NT Animated Cursor
- uniput.zip 921215 Input Unicode characters with the mouse
- unzipnt.zip 931017 unzip 5.0p1 compiled for NT
- upc12bn1.zip 931004 UUPC/Extended UUCP Clone for NT
- upc12bn2.zip 931004 UUPC/Extended UUCP Clone for NT
- upc12bn3.zip 931004 UUPC/Extended UUCP Clone for NT
- v7mirnt.exe 940118 Latest Spea V7 Mirage Video drivers for Windows/NT
- view11.zip 921215 PostScript TEXT viewer - NT version: Beta October 92
- vivo32.zip 940323 Conway's Life for WinNT
- vmail104.zip 930727 VanceMail: SMTP Send mail agent for NT
- vnt101.exe 940526 Viper VLB Windows NT release 1.01
- vpcint.exe 940316 Viper PCI Windows NT drivers v.1.00
- vprnt100.exe 931115 Diamond Viper drivers for MS Windows NT,version 1.00
- w31_32.zip 921215 While You Were Out Msg System for NT
- wavlan.exe 931106 winNT driver for NCR WaveLAN AT and MCA adapters
- wavout.exe 930205 Wave Output Controller for NT
- we32d30d.zip 931029 WinEdit for Windows NT Ver 0.99D (DEC Alpha)
- we32i30d.zip 931029 WinEdit for Windows NT Ver 0.99D (Intel)
- we32m30d.zip 931029 WinEdit for Windows NT Ver 0.99D (MIPS)
- week15.zip 921215 Messages from Week 15 of the WINNT forum on CompuServe
- week16.zip 921215 Messages from Week 16 of the WINNT forum on CompuServe
- week17.zip 921215 Messages from Week 17 of the WINNT forum on CompuServe
- whaley.zip 940221 Intel bins for cat,chmod,cp,du,head,ls,mv,pr,rm,etc.
- wimamp20.zip 940708 WinImage 2.0: Windows Disk Imager WinNT Mips R4000
- wimant20.zip 940708 WinImage 2.0: Windows Disk Imager Windows NT Intel
- wimaxp20.zip 940708 WinImage 2.0: Windows Disk Imager Win NT Dec Alpha
- winbez2.zip 921215 October beta of WINBEZ demo program for x86 platform
- windesk.zip 940710 Read and set system vars, list boxes, etc. w/src
- winf01.zip 930313 Available NT Development Tools in OS/2 .INF Format
- winner.zip 921215 NT Programming Environment
- winnt.txt 930205 Contents of WINNT forum libraries on CIS (31 Jan 93)
- win32tar.zip 940310 GNU tar NT console app
- winntnet.zip 930215 Win-NT-Net File Distribution Network Info
- wm_frn.zip 940720 Mind pour Windows 3.1 et NT
- wmodnt10.zip 921027 MOD-Player for Windows/NT
- wn0789.zip 940322 WinNT disabled users access info
- wnt001.zip 921215 NT, Beta October 1992 - Boot Workaround
- wnt003.zip 930205 Fixes for HP Deskjet printing with NT
- wnt004.zip 930205 Fixes bug with Floppy based install of NT
- wnt005.zip 930301 Fixes the problem with Cirrus Video Cards
- wntdl.txt 931106 Microsoft Windows NT Driver Library contents 10/28/93
- wntw32.zip 940210 WinNT Tseng W32/W32i/W32p Video Driver 12/30/93
- wtalpha.zip 940619 WAIS Toolkit for NT [467kb]
- wvn921nt.zip 940810 NNTP newsreader for Windows/NT
- wywo32.zip 930301 While you were out NT Version
- wzbetant.zip 940708 WinZip For Windows/NT - Pre-release Version #2
- xboard.zip 931030 Clipboard enhancement tool for Windows NT
- xmpl.zip 921215 Holeport OS/2 to Nt porting example
- xvi.zip 940616 xvi for WinNT [470k]
- xvi.exe 930215 Port of xvi for NT (exe)
- xvidiff.zip 930215 Port of xvi for NT (src diffs)
- xvisrc.zip 930215 port of xvi for NT (src)
- zm5nt.zip 931203 Zip Manager for Windows NT
- zip-nt.zip 931209 Info-Zip zip v1.9 and unzip v5.0 for WinNT
- **
- ** Index of Aldus PageMaker Files in ~ftp/pub/pc/win3/pagemkr
- ** at ftp.cica.indiana.edu [].
- **
- ** Last Updated: Tue Aug 9 11:24:04 1994
- **
- ** Please Note--The definitive PageMaker ftp site is located
- ** at ftp.dopig.uab.edu:/pub/info/pagemakr
- ** On the WWW, check out:
- ** http://www.cs.purdue.edu/homes/gwp/dtp/dtp.html
- **
- gifimp.zip 940121 Installs a GIF graphics import filter for PM (any ver)
- pm50a.zip 940124 Aldus Pagemaker 5.0a Interim Release Update Files
- pm5tips.zip 940124 Aldus Technical Docs on Pagemaker
- pminfo.exe 940124 Print info about Page Setup and Styles in a PM5 File
- pmtags.exe 940124 Check/fix style tags in PageMaker ASCII import files
- table.zip 940121 Update for Aldus Pagemaker Table Editor
- wd6.zip 940710 Word 6 Import Filter for PM 5**
- ** Index of Windows Applications Patch and Program Update files in
- ** ~ftp/pub/pc/win3/patches at ftp.cica.indiana.edu []
- **
- ** Last Updated: Mon Aug 22 21:31:14 1994
- **
- **
- adw20c.zip 940516 Patch from v2.0-2.0b to After Dark v2.0c
- ami301a.zip 930713 Maintenance Update to AMIPRO 3.0 (1 of 3)
- ami301b.zip 930713 Maintenance Update to AMIPRO 3.0 (2 of 3)
- ami301c.zip 930713 Maintenance Update to AMIPRO 3.0 (3 of 3)
- c7ptch.zip 921006 Microsoft patch file for C/C++ 7.0
- cm-64gm.zip 940725 General Midi Patches for Roland CM-64
- cvw305.zip 910527 Updated MS CodeView Modules (5-16-91 version)
- db101u.zip 930728 Patch applicable to Dashboard for Windows 1.0
- dpxlib.zip 940513 DocuPower Pro Supplemental Utility Pack
- ds4aptch.exe 940204 Micrografx Designer upgrade 4.0 to 4.0a [1.5mb]
- excel5.exe 940708 DLLs for PC Tools for Windows 2.0 to view Excel 5 files
- fifixnd.zip 940530 Patch for Freeman Installer & Uninstaller v1.1 beta
- fix32b.exe 940708 Patch for PC Tools Win 2.0 Disk-Fix 32bit access W4WG
- ipmgr20a.zip 940822 Patch for the IPMGR.EXE included in util/ipmgr20.zip
- mod1.zip 920723 Patch to Fix WinFax to Work on High Speed Modems
- msdrv191.zip 910412 Updated HIMEM.SYS, RAMDRIVE.SYS, SMARTDRV.SYS from MS
- netrm302.zip 931025 Netroom 3.02 Free Upgrade Patch
- nfs50b.zip 931029 PC-NFS 5.0b upgrade patch
- patchv11.zip 940802 Alloallo! Patch Version 1.1 for previous versions
- pgmakr4.zip 920728 PageMaker 4 Filter/Driver Update (7/12/92)
- pw100.exe 930913 Procomm 1.00 to 1.02 upgrade
- pw101.exe 930913 Procomm 1.01 to 1.02 upgrade
- qw3r7.zip 940317 Upgrade Quicken for Windows Version 3.0r7 [711k]
- s32bfa.exe 940820 Updates Stacker for Win4WG 32-bit File Access
- threed.zip 931023 Upgrade to threed.vbx for Visual Basic 3.0
- upda.exe 930909 Update from Lotus Improv 2.0 to Improv 2.1 (1 of 3)
- updb.exe 930909 Update from Lotus Improv 2.0 to Improv 2.1 (2 of 3)
- updinf.exe 930909 Update from Lotus Improv 2.0 to Improv 2.1 (3 of 3)
- vc+patch.zip 930727 Visual C++ Version 1.0 DLL Runtime Library Patch #1
- vcp1-3.zip 930727 Additional Visual C++ Ver 1.0 Patches
- vcp2-3.zip 930727 Additional Visual C++ Ver 1.0 Patches
- vcp3-3.zip 930727 Additional Visual C++ Ver 1.0 Patchesb
- wc094pch.zip 930628 WinCIS patches.
- wfnpch.lzh 910129 Corel Draw Patch for Converted WFN to ATM fonts
- wfx304.zip 940221 Patch for Derina Winfax for Windows V.3 [432k]
- wfx305.zip 930918 WinFax PRO 3.0 Maintenance Release (1 of 2)
- wfx306.zip 930918 WinFax PRO 3.0 Maintenance Release (2 of 2)
- wfx401.exe 940718 Patch for WinFax Pro 4.0
- wfx4not.exe 940718 Notes to accompany patch for WinFax Pro 4.0
- wmodem.zip 931025 Modem configuration file for Procomm Plus for Windows
- word6.exe 940708 DLLs for PC Tools for Win 2.0 to view Word 6.0 files.
- wprocom.zip 920807 ProComm for Windows Patch
- wsfax41e.zip 940412 Updated WinFax software for IBM MWave WindSurfer Card
- ww0548.zip 921125 MS App Note: Win87em.dll Patch for Intel 80387
- ww0981.exe 940214 Win 3.11 Upd:COMMDLG,GDI,KRNL386,PSCRIPT,UNIDRV,SHELL
- xbs110.exe 930803 Updated XBase driver, version 1.00.0002
- zip2x.txt 931206 Central Point Sftwr patch to PCT-WIN: Supports v2 zips
- **
- ** Index of Windows Applications Patch files for Symantec
- ** Products in ~ftp/pub/pc/win3/patches/symantec at
- ** ftp.cica.indiana.edu []
- **
- ** Last Updated: Fri Jun 24 10:02:43 1994
- **
- **
- 30a02.zip 940118 NAV 3.0's definitions update 2 for AntiVirus Lab
- 30a03.zip 940128 NAV 3.0's definitions update 3 for AntiVirus Lab
- 30a04.zip 940218 NAV 3.0's definitions update 4 for AntiVirus Lab
- 30a08.zip 940614 Norton AntiVirus 3.0 Virus Definitions update
- 30a08b.zip 940622 Norton AntiVirus 3.0 Virus Definitions Interim update
- cmpa15.exe 931022 Symantec C++ 6.00 COMPILER patch to ver 6.01a15
- com611.exe 940422 Symantec C++ Compiler update to version 6.11
- idde-a5.exe 931004 Symantec C++ 6.00 IDDE patch to ver 6.01a5
- lnka08.exe 931022 Symantec C++ 6.00 32-Bit Linker patch to ver 6.01A8
- mfclib.exe 931007 Latest version of the Symantec C++ 6.00 MFC libraries
- mfcsim.exe 931102 Symantec C++ MFC SIM update
- mfcsm2.exe 931102 Symantec C++ MFC SIM update
- n1a08.zip 940614 June update for network version of NAV
- pro61.exe 940104 Symantec C++ Professional Edition 6.1 Update (4.37MB)
- rtl611.exe 940422 Symantec C++ version 6.11 update to Run Time Libraries
- rtlall.exe 931007 Symantec C++ Patch Series (see rtlupd.txt)
- rtldos.exe 931007 Symantec C++ Patch Series (see rtlupd.txt)
- rtlinc.exe 931007 Symantec C++ Patch Series (see rtlupd.txt)
- rtllib.exe 931007 Symantec C++ Patch Series (see rtlupd.txt)
- rtlsnn.exe 931007 Symantec C++ Patch Series (see rtlupd.txt)
- rtlsrc.exe 931007 Symantec C++ Patch Series (see rtlupd.txt)
- rtlwin.exe 931007 Symantec C++ Patch Series (see rtlupd.txt)
- src611.exe 940422 Symantec C++ version 6.11 update to Run Time Lib Srcs
- std61.exe 940104 Symantec C++ Standard Edition 6.1 Update (2.25Mb)
- updcvp.exe 931007 Latest version of CVPACK Symantec C++ 6.00
- **
- ** Index of Paradox for Windows Files in ~ftp/pub/pc/win3/pdoxwin
- ** at ftp.cica.indiana.edu []
- **
- ** Last Updated: Tue Aug 30 08:13:55 1994
- **
- pdxcica.zip 940812 Load/Display version of cica INDEX using Pdoxwin 4.5
- pi0794.zip 940705 Paradox Informant files for July 1994 issue
- pi0894.zip 940810 Paradox Informant files for August 1994 issue
- pi0994.zip 940825 Paradox Informant files for September 1994 issue
- scorcard.zip 930217 Sports Card Database for Paradox Engine
- **
- ** Index of Windows Code, Programming Files and Utilities
- ** in ~ftp/pub/pc/win3/programr at ftp.cica.indiana.edu
- ** [].
- **
- ** Last Updated: Mon Sep 12 22:35:31 1994
- **
- 3dlib30a.zip 940315 C++ & Pascal 3D graphic animation package (1/2)
- 3dlib30b.zip 940315 C++ & Pascal 3D graphic animation package (2/2)
- addend.zip 921215 Unicode 1.0.1 Addendum
- ani11.zip 930428 Animated Cursor Resource (.ANI) File Format Compiler
- appmaker.zip 931008 AppWizard-like utility for use with MS Visual C++
- appsrcs.zip 940503 The complete sources of AppBar 4.00.6 [532k]
- atbsb002.zip 940104 DLLs to create Tool Bar & Status Bar v1.2 w/demo
- atc15.zip 940519 Advanced Toolbar Control developer library demo
- atcopy.zip 930210 DLL to copy, del, rename, set attribs for files
- atre27.exe 930211 Atree Adaptive Logic Network (ALN) Simulation Package
- blandmdi.zip 910826 Examples (in C) of a Mimimal MDI Application
- blrplt.zip 921021 BiolerPlate: Startup for OWL Programming
- brainw32.zip 940608 Win32 System Services: The Heart of Windows NT
- bstate.zip 931021 CBStateButton is an MFC class based on PushButton
- catch.zip 930310 Catch Batch Programming Language for Windows
- cdbw.zip 921102 Database Toolkit for Windows Programmers
- cenviw1.zip 930810 C-like batch language for Windows
- check02.zip 910226 C Syntax Checker for Microsoft Windows (Alpha Release)
- cktblmfc.zip 940911 Cktbl16 Spreadsheet Control for MS Foundation Class 2.5
- clean-wp.zip 920718 Same as cleanup.zip as a WPWin file
- cleanup.zip 920414 List of routines req'd after a Win Resource is used
- clgraph1.zip 930902 C++ Graphics Class Library for MS Windows
- codekp12.zip 940829 Code Keeper for Windows [869k]
- codelib4.zip 940607 Code Libararian for Windows version 4 [695k]
- codepad.zip 910412 Windows Programmer's Editor (80386 only/Crippleware)
- compres.zip 940716 Compress for Tkern 1.0 (w/src)
- cxtw104.zip 940912 C Exploration Tools for Windows [405k]
- cxx_faq.zip 931201 C++ Frequently asked questions in WinHelp (3.1) format
- ddeapp.zip 911027 Position Paper on Dynamic Data Exchange Spec
- ddesc012.zip 940315 Takes DDE script and passes to a specified DDE Server
- des16.zip 940616 16 Bit MS-Win DLL libs for Data Encryption Standard
- diagext.zip 930917 Microsofts redistributable 3d library
- diff.zip 940716 Diff for Tkern 1.0 (w/src)
- dosutils.zip 940716 DOS Utilities for Tkern 1.0 (w/src)
- dpmi_lib.zip 911107 C-Library for the DPMI 0.9
- dpmigcc4.zip 940527 RSX the DPMI-DOS-Extender for EMX/GCC and DJGPP GNU-C
- drdobbs.zip 931012 Info on the internal structure of window .hlp files
- drfrank.zip 920118 Dr. Frank: Windows Postmortem Debugging Tool
- drwat079.zip 911106 Dr. Watson UAE Interpreter Version 0.79
- dxtw104.zip 940912 DBASE Exploration Tools for Windows
- ecjdll11.zip 930909 WinECJ Dynamic Link Library version 1.1 JPG decoder
- editada.zip 930501 Ada programmers editor for Windows 3.1
- ewdll011.zip 940321 DLL for displaying 256-color bitmaps in .HLP files
- except.zip 930315 Windows NT - Exception Handling Example
- f4w3api.zip 920415 Fortran for the Windows 3.0 API kit
- faultw.zoo 920715 Trap Application Exceptions
- fileutil.zip 940716 File Utilities for Tkern (w/src)
- fxtw104.zip 940912 FORTRAN Exploration Tools for Windows
- gap.zip 940725 Graphically Assisted Programming Interface
- gnused.zip 921215 GNU Sed
- grep.zip 940716 Grep for Tkern (w/src)
- hag.zip 930210 Windows Help Authoring System (get whag.zip too)
- hdk1001.zip 931209 HLPDK V10.0+ System Extension Library
- hdk110a.zip 940111 Hypertext Help Development Kit (part 1 of 2)
- hdk110b.zip 940111 Hypertext Help Development Kit (part 2 of 2)
- hdk110l.zip 940111 HLPDK System Library Documentation
- hyplk2.zip 921021 HyperLink: Link between src code and SDK online system
- i3dkit10.zip 931209 Create your own interactive 3D programs in C
- il2hdk31.zip 940411 Interrupt List to help dev kit conversion program
- indy.zip 930719 Index for the 32-bit API help file (api32wh.hlp)
- intw42a.zip 940818 Ralf Brown's interrupt list V42 as winhelp (1/3) [1.1m]
- intw42b.zip 940818 Ralf Brown's interrupt list V42 as winhelp (2/3) [1.1m]
- intw42c.zip 940818 Ralf Brown's interrupt list V42 as winhelp (3/3) [916k]
- iwf12.zip 940228 Image WorkFrame v1.2: Image Proc Prgrmmrs Tool [502k]
- jfklib.zip 910705 Class Library for Borland C++
- kputil.zip 920218 KnowledgePro Compile Utility (ver 1.0)
- krnlkb.exe 931216 Win SDK Knowledgebase for API calls to Windows Kernel
- lowpass.zip 920603 Sample MultiMedia File I/O Svcs to r/w RIFF Files (C)
- lxtw104.zip 940912 LISP Exploration Tools for Windows
- lzsslib.zip 920223 Windows LZSS Compression library
- makemdi2.zip 921125 MDI adaptation of the MAKEAPP application template
- mapwin.zip 920111 Examine API funcs, .DLLs, and Device Drivers
- mb_view.zip 920415 Create/Display Message Boxes
- menuba.zip 921021 menubar.dll: allows custom toolbars for programs.
- meta2.zip 921022 A Discussion of Metafiles
- metaed10.zip 930315 MetaEdit, a multi-method graphical CASE tool
- mndfra11.exe 940125 MindFrame for Windows: app to help learn obj modeling
- msd11036.zip 911020 WW0440: The Dr. Watson and MSD Diagnostics
- msdn100.zip 940411 FreeWare MSDN Index/Abstract Reader
- msjv6-5.zip 910919 Microsoft Journal Vol 6 No 5 Listings
- multipad.zip 921126 Demonstrates an MDI Application with Edit Control
- netbios.zip 911108 NetBIOS DLL/Network Chat Utility for Windows
- newexe.zip 911110 Provide More Information about Windows NE exe file
- newspy.zip 910829 Clone of MicroSoft's SPY Program
- odbc.lzh 921211 ODBC Interface Documentation
- odbcsnif.zip 940525 ODBC Sniffer for Windows Version 1.1
- oew_proj.zip 930727 The Object Engineering Workbench for C++
- ole2book.zip 930917 Implement OLE 2.0 features into your application
- olespec.zip 930917 OLE 2.0 Design Specification Document (Postscript)
- oot-104d.zip 921118 Object Oriented Analysis Documentation Tool
- patchedt.zip 910929 Fixes the bug with a multiline editbox /w sources
- pfe0507.zip 940712 Ver 0.05.007 of Programmer's File Editor
- pff1_3.zip 911027 Programmer's File Formatter
- pfp219.zip 920415 Windows Programmer's File Printer Utility
- pipes.zip 931130 32bit app spawns 16bit app/talks via named pipe (w/src)
- plpak1.zip 940506 The Plumber Custom Control Pack
- progwin.zip 921101 Many Examples of Windows Programming Source Code
- printerh.zip 910826 printer.h: Defs of the funcs in _SORT, _BRUTE, _SPOOL
- qcard.zip 940502 A DLL for writing card games with Visual Basic or C++
- qdhelp.zip 940411 Quick and Dirty Help writer's assistant
- rc2hdk30.zip 940503 Takes Win Res Desc files and makes a HLPDK template
- refresh.zip 921113 Sends a Repaint Event to Every Window
- rsxwin2a.zip 940329 Run EMX/GCC programs in a MS-Windows 3.1 window
- rtfprsr.zip 930325 RTF PARSER module for applications
- rtx2000.zip 940221 Forth cross compiler for Harris RTX2000 chip
- runtime.exe 921201 Runtime module for ObjectVision 2.0
- rx.zip 910930 RX - a reverse Windows(tm)3.0 resource-compiler
- sanity.zip 920819 Schedule Rest Stops While Programming
- segheap.zip 920626 Implements a Segmented Heap in Global Memory (C)
- sdkhlp03.zip 920418 Provide quicker access to the SDKWIN.HLP help file
- smpi.zip 930315 Win32 SCSI Miniport IOCtl Program sample, SMPI.C
- spmate13.zip 931123 Spelmate DLL allows you to add spelling to your App
- status.zip 930211 DLL to display status information in a window
- stdg44.exe 940112 Stdg is a cross-platform graphics library
- svga.zip 921211 DLL for Turbo Debugger for Windows
- swtools.zip 930330 9 functions to give your programs an expiration date
- t-bcinfo.zip 920226 Misc Tips/Tricks for TurboC
- tabdlg2.zip 940821 Implement Word 6.0-style tabs in a dialog box
- tabvie.zip 940817 Visual C++ MFC-derived tabbed dialogs w/source
- tar.zip 940716 Tar for Tkern 1.0 (w/src)
- tdwin.zip 920416 Borland TurboDebugger Patch for Win3
- tdwgui.zip 930914 New Turbo Debugger Video DLL
- tee.zip 940716 Tee for Tkern 1.0 (w/src)
- telsock.zip 940210 Port of WSOCK from 32-bit Visual C++ compiler
- template.zip 940303 Windows Application Template Sources
- textview.zip 910622 TextViewDLL:Tools for Writing Text to a Window
- tkern10.zip 940716 Tkern 1.0: Standard I/O system for Windows w/src
- tkquick.zip 940716 Tkern 1.0 applications without sources
- toolbar.zip 910811 Library to Implement Tool Bars (C source)
- toolhelp.zip 910701 TOOLHELP.DLL Alpha Release 2, May 9, 1991
- tran02.zip 921212 Return the Ascii Values of Each Character in a String
- tsh10.zip 940716 Troy's Shell For Windows, command line shell w/Source
- upc12bs1.zip 931004 UUPC/extended 1.12b Windows 3.x source (1 of 2)
- upc12bs2.zip 931004 UUPC/extended 1.12b Windows 3.x source (2 of 2)
- userkb.exe 931221 Windows SDK Knowledgebase for USER.EXE func calls 11/93
- uniq.zip 940716 BSD uniq for Tkern 1.0 w/src
- vdt.zip 921216 Screen expander, hiercl group mgr, grphcl disk manager
- vfygrb.zip 921207 Displays version numbers of DISPLAY/GRABBER/VDD
- vlib200.zip 931124 VISUALIB (c) Graphics Library
- vlibbc.zip 920204 Windows Graphics Library (for SDK or BCC)
- vwfd.zip 921021 Determine whether app is full-screen or windowed
- vwpd.zip 920104 Virtual 386 Write Protect Device System
- wcb105a.zip 940405 Windows CodeBack (WCB) disassembler
- we-30d.zip 931020 WinEdit programming editor w/button bar
- wedl20.zip 921021 Windows Enhanced Dialog Libary (C)
- wfwhlp.zip 921204 Info on Constructing Windows Help Files
- whag.zip 930210 Windows Help Authoring System (get hag.zip too)
- whag-toc.zip 931116 DOC-file of the Microsoft Windows Help Author Guide
- what.zip 930728 Tools and templates for Help Authoring Guide (hag.zip)
- win32kb.exe 931221 Windows SDK Knowledge base for Win32 API spec 11/93
- winb30a.zip 910424 Windows Batch Language Version 3.0a
- wincap.zip 930313 Code from MS on working with bitmaps (capture to file)
- windes.zip 930817 Windows DLL for Data Encryption Standard (DES)
- winexit.zip 930804 Quickly exit Windows (.exe with source)
- winnn093.zip 940518 Neural Networks (NN) package for windows 3.1 [545k]
- winprog.txt 920623 Join a Windows Programming Discussion Magazine
- winsock.lzh 921211 Windows Sockets: Interface for Network Programming
- winsockc.zip 940405 files needed for building winsock 1.1 compliant apps
- winspect.zip 940912 Winspector v1.0 A debugging tools for Windows
- wrip143.zip 911215 Intercepts FatalExit Msgs from Windows Debug Ver
- wpa06.zip 910820 WPEdit: Programmer's Editor for Windows (ver 0.6)
- wparse00.zip 930830 WinDevKit:inspect the format of a WordPerfect document
- wpj-mag.inf 921210 Calls for Submissions: Win Prog Journal
- wpjv1n2.zip 930204 Issue #2 of the Windows Programmer's Journal
- wpjv1n3.zip 930303 Issue #3 of the Windows Programmer's Journal
- wpjv1n7.zip 930802 Issue #7 of the Windows Programmer's Journal
- wthrds.zip 920608 Complete Multithreading Library for Windows
- wtj006.zip 930222 WinTech Journal code listings July 1992
- wtj007.zip 930222 WinTech Journal code listings August 1992
- wtj008.zip 930222 WinTech Journal code listings September 1992
- wtj009.zip 930222 WinTech Journal code listings October 1992
- wtj201.zip 930222 WinTech Journal code listings January 1993
- wtj208.zip 930912 WinTech Journal code listings August 1993
- wxwindem.zip 930727 Portable GUI toolkit for X and Windows 3
- xrayodbc.zip 940912 X-Ray/ODBC - ODBC API trace/debugger for Windows 3.1
- **
- ** Index of Borland C++ Windows Programming Files
- ** in ~ftp/pub/pc/win3/programr/bcpp at ftp.cica.indiana.edu []
- **
- ** Last Updated: Tue Mar 22 21:51:04 1994
- **
- appmaker.zip 930929 App for Visual C++ based on dialog not Doc-View arch
- atoolbar.zip 930429 DLL to create ToolBar ctrl from resource script w/src
- bachtocc.zip 920418 BACHTOCC.C: Bach Toccata in D Minor Prog Example
- bmploadr.zip 920314 C Source to Load BMP onto Desktop
- button.zip 930420 design BWCC style bitmap buttons
- bwcc.zip 930419 latest version of BWCC.dll
- classlib.zip 920226 Doc on TC++ container class libraries
- clikbr15.zip 930324 A Borland Resrc Workshop Custom Control Toolbar DLL
- cmmdlg.zip 921021 Implement Descendant Shells around CommonDialogs
- ddispatc.zip 920115 How OWL Does Dynamic Dispatch Virtual Tables
- grepbrws.zip 940311 GrepBrowser from Oct93 Windows Tech Journal [700k]
- mclbk100.zip 930906 Allows C++ apps to use member funcs as callback funcs
- mfc-bc.zip 920805 Using Microsoft Foundation Classes (Borland doc)
- mfc&bc.zip 930805 How to use MFC 2.0 with Borland C++ 3.1
- mksym.zip 920901 Create valid symbol files (*.SYM) from a BCPP map file
- modem2.zip 931012 Simple serial communications app (.cpp)
- owlbwcc.zip 920212 Examples of Custom Controls with ObjWinLib (OWL)
- owldlgs.zip 920115 Examples of Using Dialog Boxes with ObjWinLib
- owlgen.zip 930920 OWL Template Code Generator
- spheres.zip 931021 Screen saver (w/src) based on OWL screen saver
- wsupd1.zip 920212 Updated to BC++ WinSight Files
- **
- ** Index of Windows Turbo Pascal Programming Files
- ** in ~ftp/pub/pc/win3/programr/tp at ftp.cica.indiana.edu []
- **
- ** Last Updated: Mon Aug 22 21:13:35 1994
- **
- 3dlib25.zip 940104 3D Graphic objects library V2.5 for Turbo Pascal
- arrays.zip 921021 Implement Huge (64k+) Data Arrays
- calunit.zip 920115 Objects for Creating a Simple Calendar
- chkwin.zip 910820 Code to Check if Windows is Running
- coldem.zip 921021 Borland demo routines for colordialogs
- ctl3dpas.zip 931005 TP Module to let you use CTL3D.DLL from Microsoft
- custom.zip 921021 Custom Bitmap Buttons for TPW
- dllmkr11.zip 940303 Assemble Turbo Pascal for Windows Units into a DLL.
- dnd.zip 921021 Two Drag & Drop demo programs
- dndlb11.zip 940822 Drag&drop listbox subclassing w sources (TP)
- docdem.zip 920115 Illust use of Icons, Strings, Menus and Dialog Resrcs
- dprin101.zip 920616 TP Routines to access installed printers
- drovtb.zip 921021 Drover Toolbox: Input validation routines for TPW
- foyeh201.zip 931004 DLL of Turbo Pascal commonly used routines
- hugecoll.pas 920724 Implement Huge Collection in TurboPascal for Windows
- janusw.zip 940530 Dialogs as MDI childs version 1.31
- list10.zip 940317 TheLister v1.03 source lister for Pascal
- modem.zip 920115 TP Modem Routines
- ownrdraw.zip 920115 TP OwnerDrawDemo
- orntdll.zip 920828 TP DLL for Changing Printer Orientation (port/land)
- parstp25.zip 940221 Recursive Decent Expression Parser for Turbo Pascal
- percnt.zip 921021 TP Routines for Control Windows in Dialog Boxes
- pchart.zip 910820 TPW Charting Program
- printbmp.zip 920115 BitMap Printing Routines
- printit.zip 920115 Windows Print Routines
- plife.zip 910820 TPW Implementation of the Game of Life
- ribbon.zip 921021 Setup non-MDI Child Window in MDI Window
- rubber.zip 920115 Rubberband Demo
- sird.zip 940621 Calculate single image stereograms in TP (w/src)
- splash.zip 920115 Splash Demo
- sycolor.zip 920115 Set System Colors
- toolpa.zip 921021 PowerCode: Extensible Code Generator Sample
- tpu2tps.zip 910825 Extracts SYSTEM.TPS from TP6.0/TPW1.0 Runtime Library
- tpwfort.zip 920612 Combine TP for Windows Program into Fortran Subrtns
- tpwin31.zip 920413 Updated files for TP for use with Windows 3.1
- tpwmi2.zip 921021 Samples of useful source code files for TPW
- tpwpxeng.zip 920115 Paradox Engine 2.0 under Turbo Pascal For Windows
- tstrings.zoo 911210 Implement Null Terminated Strings
- tpw-mmex.zip 911218 TP4WIN Multimedia Extensions DLL-Link Units
- upconv22.zip 910911 Turbo Pascal Case Converter Version 2.2
- wint&t.zip 921021 Tips and Techniques for TP for Windows
- wsound.zip 920212 Turbo Pascal Sound Routine
- wtch11.zip 920430 Update Time/Date Stamps on Files (w/TP src)
- **
- ** Index of Windows Program Listings from Publications
- ** in ~ftp/pub/pc/win3/programr/listings at
- ** ftp.cica.indiana.edu []
- **
- ** Last Updated: Thu Jun 25 16:46:28 1992
- **
- blx12.zip 920115 Borland Language Express Spring 1991, v1 #2
- blx13.zip 920115 Borland Langauge Express, v1 #3:
- blxv1.zip 920115 Borland Language Express Winter 1991, v1 #1
- ptv2n5.zip 920115 Source code from PC Techniques (v2n5)
- wintech1.zip 920114 Source code from WinTech Journal (v1n1)
- **
- ** Index of VisualBasic (VB) Files in ~ftp/pub/pc/win3/programr/vbasic
- ** at ftp.cica.indiana.edu []
- **
- ** Note---The Microsoft Visual Basic Runtime Library (vbrun100.dll)
- ** Version 1 may be found in win3/util/vbrun100.zip. Version 2
- ** of the Runtime Library (vbrun200.dll) is also in the
- ** win3/util subdirectory. Version 3 of the Runtime Library
- ** (vbrun300.dll) also lives in the win3/util subdirectory.
- ** One of these versions will indeed be necessary to operate
- ** and run most Visual Basic applications contained herein.
- **
- ** Last Updated: Mon Sep 12 23:16:48 1994
- **
- 3dctrl.zip 930222 Using CTL3D.DLL from Excel to apply 3D effects
- 3dctrls.zip 931117 VideoSoft Custom Controls Library
- 256vbcol.zip 920724 VB Picture Box Control w/256 colors
- afxvbx.exe 931023 Display a VBX control in a dialog box resource AFXDLL
- alarm11.zip 940105 Alarm Custom Control (VBX) <ASP>
- apiref.zip 910712 Xref of Win API Calls to Their Defining DLL
- atx_pa.exe 940504 edit box VBX allows mult fonts, colors, styles, fmting
- barcod12.zip 940401 Bar Code Control (VBX) <ASP>
- bc_cdk.zip 911009 Doc Using BC++/IDE w/MS VBASIC Control Development Kit
- biblio.zip 930719 Browser for Biblio.MDB file in VisualBasic 3.0 Pro
- blaster.zip 940505 Message Blaster Custom Control Modifications
- bmpkit.zip 911106 Routines for .BMP Files From Within Visual Basic.
- bmplst17.zip 940401 List Box with Bitmaps Control (VBX) <ASP>
- bv0442.exe 920418 Huge array support for Microsoft Visual Basic
- bv0447.exe 920418 WINAPI.TXT: Win 3.0 API Declarations for Visual Basic
- bv1.zip 930222 Basically Visual Issue 1 (.HLP fmt magazine)
- bv2.zip 930222 Basically Visual Issue 2 (.HLP fmt magazine)
- canimate.zip 940624 Visual Basic Animation Control
- clpsib.zip 911106 Set WS_CLIPSIBLINGS style bit for all a Form's windows
- cmdlg2.zip 930222 Using common dialogs from Visual Basic
- codelbvb.zip 940607 CodelbVB: A ver of Codelib that doesn't have data DLLs
- colors.zip 910712 VB Color Editor Demo
- cursor.zip 930910 Load icon as custom cursor w/source
- dataex.zip 930827 Example of using the Visual Basic 3.0 Access engine
- datmgr.exe 930803 Source code for the Visual Basic Data Manager
- ddeuti.zip 910712 VB Tool for Testing DDE Code
- dfinfo14.zip 940105 Disk and File Info Control (VBX) <ASP>
- dskinf.zip 930222 DLL to get disk info from VB
- emedit.zip 940809 Improved edit control (VBX) supports much larger files
- entask.zip 930222 DLL callable from VB to end a task
- enumfont.zip 911106 Allows Visual Basic to Call Windows API Font Functions
- filebox.zip 911106 Fake a Windows Style File-Open Box From Within VB
- fmdrop11.zip 940401 File Mgr Drag and Drop Control (VBX)
- fxtool.zip 930924 vbx file with various visual effects, fades, etc
- generic.exe 930803 Missing files from Professional Features Book 1
- grid.exe 930803 Updated GRID.VBX, version 3.00.0538
- gticon.zip 931106 GTICON.DLL is a VisualBasic 3.0 DLL
- gttbar01.zip 931129 GT Toolbar Kit v1.0 is a Visual Basic VBX
- health.exe 930803 HEALTH: VB 3.0 Pen Healthcare Application
- huge.zip 910712 VB & DLL for Creating Arrays <64K
- hugary.zip 930222 Enhanced huge array for VB
- huge2.zip 930222 Enhanced huge array for VB update with addl features
- icondemo.zip 911009 Demo of Icon Drawing with Vbasic
- inicon30.zip 940401 INI File Manager Custom Control (VBX) <ASP>
- inpout.zip 920603 InpOut.dll: INP and OUT Replacement for Vbasic
- insure2.exe 930803 Insure2: VB Pen Insurance Application
- ipport09.zip 940809 IPPort VBX Control Version 0.9
- ipxspx.zip 940614 IPX & SPX Custom Controls for Visual Basic 3.0/Win 3.1
- joystk12.zip 940501 Joy Stick Custom Control (VBX) <ASP>
- leninp.zip 930222 VB source file for keystroke detection
- loanapp.exe 930803 VB Pen Loan Application
- mbboot21.zip 920809 MB-Boot Quickbasic Program
- mdspbs11.zip 940214 MDS PowerBase - SQL query tool using ODBC [1.9mb]
- menuev30.zip 940401 Menu Event Notification Control (VBX) <ASP>
- metalib.zip 921022 Routines to create, draw, save SDK Metafiles
- mhctl.zip 930222 Get a menu's control handle in a custom control
- mhelpvb.zip 930222 Demo programs for Microhelp's tools for VB
- mhfs200.zip 930315 MhFormScroll allows controls to be scrolled on VB form
- mlist110.zip 930725 enhanced listbox control for Visual Basic
- mscomm.exe 930803 Updated MSCOMM.VBX, version
- msgblast.zip 940823 Updated Message blaster custom control
- msgbox.zip 911106 VB MsgBox Places the Corresponding Code on Clipboard
- mslot10.zip 940105 W4Wg Mailslot Control (VBX) <ASP>
- mulpik.zip 911106 Multiple Selection ListBox for VB
- mwatch.zip 930222 Mouse monitor .dll for Visual Basic version 1
- naming.zip 931006 Visual Basic Naming Conventions Cheat Sheet (.wri)
- opendl.zip 930222 VB custom control to use some of common dialogs
- real_ltd.zip 920229 Realizer Limited: A Basic Interpreter for Windows
- receipt.exe 930803 VB Pen Order Application
- rw2vb10.zip 940722 X-lates Resource Workshop RC dialog scripts to vb forms
- pbcwin.zip 930222 General Purpose DLL for VB (78 different routines)
- percnt24.zip 940401 Percentage Bar Custom Control (VBX) <ASP>
- prompt11.zip 940201 Prompt VB Control allows users command-line input
- qcard.zip 930628 dll with playing card faces and backs
- scroll.zip 910712 One of 2 Scrolling Picture VB Demos
- setup1.exe 930803 Updated SETUP1 files
- setupkit.exe 930803 Updated SETUP.EXE & SETUP.INI, v1.00.002
- setupwiz.exe 930803 Updated SETUPWIZ.EXE, version 1.00.0544
- simcomm.zip 931023 Simple COM Device Control Block (DCB) data structure
- sndex.zip 911106 Create String Functions for VB
- soundx13.zip 940401 Soundex and Metaphone Control (VBX) <ASP>
- spsoun.zip 910712 VB & DLL for Making Sound
- srcprint.zip 940821 SourcePrinter ver. 1.0 for printing Visual Basic code
- stdpro.zip 911106 PropView Tool for VB
- subvbx.exe 931023 Windows subclassing on a VBX control using MFC 2.0
- tabbed21.zip 940302 VBX enables VB apps tabbed-style dialog boxes
- tlstvbx2.zip 931106 GT Tabbed List Box Custom Control (.VBX)
- tbox100.zip 931031 Visual Basic Toolbox demo with mini title bar
- toolbars.zip 940504 VBX for easy implementation of a status bar
- toolbr14.zip 940822 Button-bars and status-bars in any Visual Basic App
- vb2sql.zip 931023 Visual Basic to DB-Library Interface API
- vb3d.zip 940214 Custom control to give a 3-D look and feel to VB
- vb4ctrls.zip 911118 Four Design-Mode Custom Controls
- vb_kbase.zip 911104 Create a System-Modal Program/Window in Visual Basic
- vb_run10.zip 930713 Issues the File/Save Project and Run command in VB 3.0
- vbasic.zip 910712 First 2 InfoWorld Tech Talk Columns on VB
- vbasicv.zip 940617 .dbf of Vendors providing VB related tools and code
- vbawk.zip 930727 vbx file that simplifies parsing of text files
- vbbakres.zip 931202 VB Backup/Restore your VB project files
- vbbas10.zip 940422 Visual Basic Module Files v1.0 common modules
- vbcal.zip 931025 Calendar.vbx: pop-up calendar
- vbcards.zip 930628 DLL for card faces and backs for use with VB
- vbcomdem.zip 920316 Visual Basic Communications Demo
- vbfindid.zip 911106 Determine or Define the IDs of Controls in VB Forms
- vbgetdec.zip 911009 Create a File Containing DLL Procedure Declarations
- vbhw18.zip 940824 VB HelpWriter: Help authoring tool for VB [1.3mb]
- vbhwnd.zip 911106 Support function for getting the hWnd of any control
- vbio.zip 940822 File/Disk I/O functions in a VBX file for Visual Basic
- vbkb_bug.zip 940119 VB Knowledge Base 12/93 Bugs and work-arounds (.hlp)
- vbkb_tip.zip 940119 VB Knowledge Base 12/93 Tips and Hints (.hlp)
- vbknowlg.zip 920803 Visual Basic Online Knowledge Base
- vbmask.zip 911009 Display Bitmap with Center of it Being Transparent
- vbmdixpl.zip 930628 Genric Visual Basic MDI-Application. REQ: VB2.0, VBX
- vbo092.zip 930826 Visual Basic Office (VBOffice) add-on (original)
- vbo097.zip 930826 Visual Basic Office (VBOffice) add-on (new release)
- vbo100.zip 930907 VB Office ver 1.00 Full release
- vbptr.zip 911106 DLL for Pointer Support
- vbprimer.zip 930315 Microsoft Visual Basic Version 2.0 Primer Edition
- vbprint.exe 930803 Demonstrates Printing in Visual Basic
- vbpxen.zip 911106 Visual Video/Paradox Engine for database access
- vbrc10.zip 920813 Generate Dialog Templates from VB Forms
- vbre150s.zip 930727 VbReader application
- vbrotfnt.zip 930727 allows you to rotate fonts (tt only!) in a vb text box
- vbrowbuf.zip 931023 A VBSQL module? should be removed for no docs
- vbscfil2.zip 930803 allow vb to view files larger than 32k
- vbscrl.zip 910712 Second of 2 Scrolling Demos (see scroll.zip)
- vbterm.zip 920316 Visual Basic VT100 Emulator (w/src)
- vbtbox.zip 930910 demo of a floating toolbox in VB
- vbtips19.zip 940801 Visual Basic Tips & Tricks 1.9 Help File
- vbtool20.zip 930727 vbx file and dll to allow you to create toolbars in vb
- vbtools.zip 910805 MicroHelp VBTools Demonstration Program
- vbtps894.zip 940909 Aug94 VBTips magazine in Word 2.0 format
- vbtrans.zip 930823 Demo use of transparant pictures in Visual Basic
- vbwsk01a.zip 940119 A Winsock Custom Control for Visual Basic (V0.1 alpha)
- vbz01.zip 930325 A sample issue of VBZ- a visual basic digest pub
- vcp1-3.zip 930628 Visual Basic patches for C++ 1/3
- vcp2-3.zip 930628 Visual Basic patches for C++ 2/3
- vcp3-3.zip 930628 Visual Basic patches for C++ 3/3
- vh.zip 940124 MicroHelp VBTools Demonstration Program
- vlib205.zip 940516 VISUALIB global declarations for Visual Basic
- vprint22.zip 940601 VPrint v2.2 (rel) VB/Win Source Format/Print
- vsvbx.zip 940318 VideoSoft's V4.0 Elastic,Folder-tab,AWK custom controls
- vxbase.zip 921215 VB Custom Ver of xBase DLL functions
- vxbdoc.zip 921215 Documentation for vxbase.zip
- w31api.zip 920627 3.1 Ver of Windows API Declarations for VB
- wbasic14.zip 931021 BASIC development system
- winapi.zip 911012 Complete Definition of the WIN API for VB
- winfo.zip 911109 Routines for Getting Windows Info (mem, etc)
- win_vw11.zip 930805 VBasic program to snoop around a window's attibutes
- zipinf10.zip 940105 ZIP File Info Custom Control (VBX) <ASP>
- **
- ** Index of Visual Basic Function Libraries in
- ** ~ftp/pub/pc/win3/programr/vbasic/vblib at
- ** ftp.cica.indiana.edu [].
- **
- ** Last Updated: Fri Jul 8 22:51:23 1994
- **
- **
- 3d.zip 940708 Routine to give a frame a 3D-look
- basfun.zip 940411 Functions for complex and real numbers
- bin2mem.zip 940411 Store large chunks of binary data in memory
- bmpfill.zip 940405 Fill a form with a bitmap
- clipexam.zip 940517 Use API calls to clip cursor to windows/rectangles
- crypt.zip 940708 App to store encrypted passwords in an INI-file
- dijkstra.zip 940322 Dijkstra's Algorithm VB Function Library
- formpos.zip 940411 Library for saving and restoring a form position
- genlib.zip 940516 General-purpose lib Subs and Functions
- prntlrge.zip 940708 Subroutine for printing large text-strings
- ttsetup.zip 940405 Install TT-fonts in Windows
- winini.zip 940411 Functions to smoothen out dealing with WIN.INI
- **
- ** Index of MicroSoft Supplemental Development Libraries (SDL)
- ** in ~ftp/pub/pc/win3/sdl at ftp.cica.indiana.edu []
- **
- ** Last Updated: Nov 27 12:13 1990
- **
- diskindex 901031 Cumulative Index of the SDL Disks 1-7
- sdldisk1.zip 901126 Disk One of the SDL
- sdldisk2.zip 901126 Disk Two of the SDL
- sdldisk3.zip 901029 Disk Three of the SDL (09-20-90 release)
- sdldisk4.zip 901126 Disk Four of the SDL
- sdldisk5.zip 901029 Disk Five of the SDL (HPPCL5A.DRV) (09-20-90 release)
- sdldisk6.zip 901029 Disk Six of the SDL (PSCRIPT.DRV) (09-20-90 release)
- sdldisk7.zip 901126 Disk Seven of the SDL
- zipindex 901127 Zip Listing of SDLDISKS 1-7
- **
- ** Index of Windows Sound Files and Utilities in ~ftp/pub/pc/win3/sounds
- ** at ftp.cica.indiana.edu []
- **
- ** Last Updated: Mon Sep 12 22:32:15 1994
- **
- 12thman.zip 940831 Wave files from the CD - "Still The 12th Man" [1.32m]
- 14-wavs.zip 920714 14 .WAV Files for Windows 3.1
- 84wavs.zip 920416 84 .WAV Files for Windows 3.1
- abcd14.zip 940809 A-B-CD v1.4 multimedia CD-ROM player and database
- adlibw.zip 920616 Play WAVE files through the adlib sound card
- acdp.zip 921205 Audio CD player, Also Catalogs CDs in Paradox format
- alab11d.zip 940223 Audio Lab V1.1d sample editor for Windows 3.1
- aladdin.zip 940728 Small sound bites from the Disney film [1.2mb]
- alarmc.zip 930814 Alarm clock plays your favorite .WAV file
- alcomp11.zip 940124 Aleatoric Composer Music System for Windows
- amer_pie.zip 921101 American Pie Song **REMOVED: COPYRIGHTED**
- aspwave1.zip 930502 Plays a random WAV file at Windows 3.1 startup/exit
- audio31.zip 910902 Simulate Various Types of Equalizers and Crossovers
- audiocd.zip 921026 Windows 3.1 Audio CD Player (w/src)
- awhole.zip 940614 A Whole New World Sequenced Song [3.2mb]
- bbmisc.zip 940731 Miscellaneous Beavis & Butthead wavs
- bbwav.zip 920625 Bob Barker WAV File
- big_trou.zip 921101 Few sounds from the movie Big Trouble in Little China
- black1.zip 930222 Miscellaneous WAV Files
- black2.zip 930222 Miscellaneous WAV Files
- blueswav.zip 920716 106miles/94dollar/mission WAV Files
- boombx10.zip 940517 Play your favorite WAV files based on Windows events
- btmstr11.zip 930923 BeatMaster: sequencing software for Windows
- bucket.zip 940716 Bucket 'o Tab Tablature Creation System for Windows
- bundy1.zip 930928 Twelve WAVs from Married with Children
- bundy2.zip 931101 Twenty more WAVs from Married with Children
- cant_sng.zip 921101 Several Cantonese Songs in WAV Format
- cdaud150.exe 940131 CDAudio for Windows, version 1.50
- cddb07c.zip 940202 Windows 3.1 CD Player/Database
- cdjmr211.exe 940330 Freeware CD Player for Windows
- cdplay12.zip 940708 CD Player Version 1.2 for Windows
- cdppro45.zip 940127 CD-Player Pro 4.5 Windows Audio CD Player
- cheers.zip 921021 Cheers TV Show Intro Song (WAV)
- chimes.zip 930814 Play constrained random notes through MIDI
- convert.zip 940103 Convert WAV and VOC files to Covox sound file formats
- cool131.zip 931214 Cool Edit v.1.31 is a waveform editor
- crow.zip 940801 WAVs from the film The Crow [1.2mb]
- crow2.zip 940814 More .WAV files from the film The Crow [1.5mb]
- dapf094.zip 930223 Combination CD, .WAV and .MIDI player
- datawav.zip 930728 WAVs from the Star Trek: The Next Generation
- digiwar.zip 940209 Exmple of cyberpunk-techno-thrash music (.voc) [2.09mb]
- digsig.zip 931006 Digital signature calculation and management package
- dropit.zip 930215 Drag & Drop *.WAV & *.MID files to play
- dropwav.zip 921003 Drag and Drop WAV Files to Play Them
- drum.zip 920501 Petzold's MIDI Drum Machine for Multimedia Windows
- dunewav1.zip 921026 Sounds from movie The Dune (part 1)
- dunewav2.zip 921026 Sounds from movie The Dune (part 2)
- dunewav3.zip 921026 Sounds from movie The Dune (part 3)
- duranwv1.zip 940112 22Khz WAV files of snippets from Duran Duran
- encore.zip 930927 Music transcription/MIDI prog
- finpatch.zip 930401 Finale 2.2 upgrade from Finale 2.0.1 (Coda Music Tech)
- fm10.zip 910910 Use FM Synthesis Abilities of Your Sound Card
- fm31.zip 930310 Update for FMSOUND10, the fm music driver program
- gldwav21.zip 940811 GoldWave multi-file digital sound editor/player
- grail1.zip 930402 Monty Python and the Holy Grail .WAV sound clips
- grail2.zip 930402 Monty Python and the Holy Grail .WAV sound clips
- grail3.zip 930402 Monty Python and the Holy Grail .WAV sound clips
- grail4.zip 930402 Monty Python and the Holy Grail .WAV sound clips
- gsfiles1.zip 930402 **REMOVED: COPYRIGHTED SOFTWARE**
- gusdemo.zip 940624 OLE demo of the Gravis Ultra Sound soundcard
- h-impwav.zip 921003 WAV Files from TV Show Home Improvement
- hhguide1.zip 940307 The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy WAVs [1.3Mb]
- hhguide2.zip 940307 The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy WAVs [1.43Mb]
- hhguide3.zip 940307 The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy WAVs [1.28Mb]
- hhguide4.zip 940307 The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy WAVs [1.34Mb]
- hhguide5.zip 940307 The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy WAVs [1.22Mb]
- highland.zip 921021 Sounds from the film Highlander
- homeimp.zip 930520 More Home Improvement Wav files
- impvz120.zip 940831 Improvise 1.20, algorithmic real-time MIDI composition
- jp100.zip 931206 SHAREWARE sound file player for WIN 3.1
- juker44.zip 940809 Multimedia jukebox for Windows (MID/WAV/AVI/FLI/etc.)
- k4v311.zip 940131 Kawai K4 synthesizer patch editor
- karaoke.zip 940426 Plays and records Karaoke songs on your PC [484k]
- kbmidi.zip 920418 Petzold's Keyboard MIDI Player for Multimedia Windows
- kidplay.zip 921213 Simple .WAV file player for kids
- ksedit02.zip 940716 sound editor/sysex utility for the Ensoniq KS32 synth
- locutus.zip 921021 Star Trek The Next Generation Soundbite
- logan_w.zip 940112 22Khz WAV files of snippets from Logans Run
- m2m_v12.arj 930312 Convert Amiga MOD files to MIDI files
- m4w200sl.zip 940706 MOD file player (lite/standard version)
- m4w200sx.zip 940706 MOD file player (extended version) [1.3mb]
- mash_wav.zip 930713 WAV files from the movie M*A*S*H, 22khz, mono
- maui112.zip 940218 v1.12 of MAUI control program
- mauiinf.zip 940218 Programmers interface to MAUI information
- megamix1.zip 920917 Sample Sound Mix (WAV) File
- micplay1.zip 930719 WAV and MID player, supports 4DOS description
- mididevs.zip 920418 Petzold's Multimedia Windows MIDI Device Capabilities
- midijb.zip 940620 MIDI JukeBox for Win 3.1 v. 1.09
- midikap.exe 920609 MIDI Interface for Windows (req. sound board)
- midim201.zip 930217 Midi Monitor, displays incoming MIDI streams
- midimac.zip 940706 Midi Machine for Windows V0.89B
- midiplyr.zip 940620 Midiplyr is a Windows midi and wav player
- midithru.zip 931107 MidiThru 1.0 - Windows MIDI utility; requires BWCC.DLL
- mkwv121.zip 921213 Makin' Waves Ver 1.21 Sound Util
- mmwslt10.zip 931115 Multimedia Workshop for Windows
- mod4win.zip 931207 MOD file player for Microsoft Windows
- modsngs1.zip 940314 Various MOD sounds and songs [1.45mb]
- modsngs2.zip 940314 Various MOD sounds and songs [1.45mb]
- modsngs3.zip 940314 Various MOD sounds and songs [1.17mb]
- moo.zip 930317 .WAV file of a cow
- mourning.zip 940813 16-bit Digital recording @ 22.1 KHz (.wav) [2.9mb]
- moviewav.zip 921118 Sounds from TV and Movies
- mpgaudio.zip 931103 MPEG AUdio Player for Win3.1
- msgshow.zip 921110 Util to Show Message Boxes and Play Associated Sound
- music14.zip 940710 Music Sculptor 1.4 for Windows Midi Sequencer
- musictim.zip 930927 Same as Encore, except max of 6 staves vs 64
- muzika2.zip 930816 Music Notation System for Windows
- mwcsamp.zip 930930 Samples (.au) from Married with Children
- nm201.zip 940104 NoiseMaster 2.01 is a shareware sample-editor
- notaxes.zip 930724 Sound clip of Bill Clinton
- nwave-01.zip 920512 39 .WAV files (was wave-01.zip; file is 1Mb comprsd)
- oldsnds3.zip 911008 Original Version Sounds
- pas144.zip 921219 ProAudio sound drivers for Win31 v1.44
- plas_snd.zip 920907 Sounds from Rally's Commercials (ChaChing?!)
- playnow.zip 921214 Windows Program to play .wav file on the command line
- playwv11.zip 940303 WAV File Player
- rb103.zip 930226 RockBox, .WAV jukebox player
- renstimp.zip 920707 Ren and Stimpy VOC and WAV Sounds (zipfile is 1.1Mb)
- ranwav1.zip 920829 Random WAV Sound System
- repowavs.lzh 920812 Sounds from Repoman Film
- rndsnd11.zip 920822 Randomize Windows System Sounds
- robowav.zip 920716 RoboCop WAV Sounds
- rockysnd.zip 920907 Rocky Horror Picture Sounds
- s-tools.zip 940322 S-Tools conceals files within Windows WAV sound files
- sb31m.exe 930215 Creative Sound Blaster Driver for MCA Bus
- sbp-dlx1.zip 931214 SoundBlaster Pro Deluxe Driver disk 1 of 2
- sbp-dlx2.zip 931214 SoundBlaster Pro Deluxe Driver disk 2 of 2
- sbp2w31.exe 930923 Latest Sound Blaster Pro 2 Drivers
- sbpupd.exe 940119 More Latest Updated Sound Blaster Pro Drivers
- sbw31.exe 920922 Creative Sound Blaster Pro Drivers (Sep92)
- sen-snds.lzh 920730 Various Music .WAV Files
- sf-steam.zip 931103 Railroad sounds - Santa Fe steam loco .wavs
- sf2wav.zip 920913 Street Fighter2 Sounds
- sfxwin31.zip 921105 Windows 3.1 drivers for the ATI Stereo F/X Card
- sndexamp.zip 911003 Using SOUND.DLL v3 w/ Excel & Word
- sndp151e.zip 920708 SoundPro Tool 1.51e
- sndsrc.zip 920604 Sound Source Driver for Win3.1
- sndtl33.zip 931008 SoundTool v3.3 to Play Sounds
- sonowave.zip 930727 SonoWave 1.0 WAV Player
- soundr3b.zip 910927 Sounder 3b: Play Sounds on Your PC
- sounds1.zip 940819 Sounds! 1.0 The ultimate .WAV player for Windows
- sox4d.zip 920714 SOund eXchange: Universal Sound Sample Translator
- spacial.zip 940121 Digitized Music in a wav file (2.3mb zipfile)
- sp-steam.zip 931106 Railroad sounds - Southern Pacific steam loco .wavs
- speak.exe 920603 Microsoft PC Speaker Driver (updated)
- srfmd101.zip 930905 Mycroft's MIDI Surfer: "jukebox" plays of midi files
- starfox.zip 930328 STARFOX sound file in the beginning of mission
- sthing.zip 921217 Covox Speech Thing Driver for Windows
- stngthm.zip 931115 Opening theme (.wav) of ST:TNG (3.4Mb!)
- stngwav1.zip 921025 Various Soundbites from Star Trek: The Next Generation
- stngwav2.zip 921025 Various Soundbites from Star Trek: The Next Generation
- stngwav3.zip 921025 Various Soundbites from Star Trek: The Next Generation
- stngwav4.zip 921025 Various Soundbites from Star Trek: The Next Generation
- stngwav5.zip 921025 Various Soundbites from Star Trek: The Next Generation
- stngwav6.zip 921025 Various Soundbites from Star Trek: The Next Generation
- stngwav7.zip 921025 Various Soundbites from Star Trek: The Next Generation
- stngwav8.zip 921025 Various Soundbites from Star Trek: The Next Generation
- stngwav9.zip 921025 Various Soundbites from Star Trek: The Next Generation
- stopen.zip 930216 Opening Music and Kirk's Speech from Classic Star Trek
- surf11.zip 930808 Audio Toolbox for Windows WAV Files
- surfsup.zip 930727 Surf's Up! allows you to attach sounds to your icons
- syma-100.zip 920415 Synth Manager for Yamaha TX81Z and Casio MT-260
- td400.zip 920826 The Drums Sound Maker
- tg100drv.zip 921211 Yamaha's Win Driver for TG100 from a PC serial line
- tglocut.zip 931023 WAV files of Locutus (Picard) from Star Trek:TNG
- tidalwav.zip 930221 Play/Organize WAV Files Quickly
- timallen.zip 930210 Four Grunts by Tim Allen of Home Improvement (WAVs)
- tr808wav.zip 940911 Roland TR-808 Composer Sound Sample Set 1.0.0 [7.6mb]
- tran10.zip 931001 Transcribe: figure out how to play various songs
- traxthm.zip 931123 Intro to Time Traxx
- twave21.zip 920901 Converts .voc->.wav and Raw Voice Files to .wav
- uniqwave.zip 940809 WAV Files w/a personality to replace system sounds
- vfxlib.zip 931207 A librarian for the Ensoniq VFX synth familly
- voc2wav.zip 920413 .VOC->.WAV and .WAV->.VOC File Conversion
- voyetra.zip 920807 Voyetra V22, V24s, and V24sm Midi Drivers
- vt_steam.zip 931108 Railroad sounds-Virginia & Truckee RR steam loco .wav
- wanewrld.zip 930713 Waynes World Wav files
- warnrbro.zip 940619 Warner Bros cartoon wavs (11mhz, 8 bit mono) [835k]
- warp.zip 921020 Warp Sound from Star Trek
- wavawav.zip 920818 Wav After Wav: Plays all of your WAV files
- waveedit.zip 921028 WAV File Editor
- waveit.zip 920410 .VOC to .WAV Converter
- waveptch.zip 940910 Wave Patch utility for TurtleBeach midi boards [1.15m]
- wavepool.zip 920415 WAVEPOOL programming language for creating sound files
- wavr15.zip 940716 WaveRave 1.5 Windows WAVE Player [1.40mb]
- wavfltr.zip 931129 Filter and analyze Windows sound files
- wavply11.zip 930302 Wave file player for Windows 3.1 - version 1.0
- wavshell.zip 921130 Simple WAV File Player
- wavtest.zip 940202 A simple .wav player: Multi-file select and play
- wavutl23.zip 931210 The Wave Utilities 2.3
- wavwor11.zip 931013 High performance editor for sound files
- wcd130.zip 920723 CDROM Audio Support for Win3.1 (CDROM req'd)
- wdisc320.zip 940117 Easy to use, powerful audio CD player
- welcome.zip 920716 Welcome.WAV File
- wham131.zip 930826 Waveform Hold and Modify Tool for Digital Sounds Files
- whoop30.zip 930727 Whoop It Up!--Maximize the sound functions in Win3.1
- win142.zip 921118 Pro Audio Spectrum Plus/PA Spectrum 16 Drivers
- wincdp30.zip 940803 Windows CD (Audio) Player
- wincovox.zip 940103 Covox sound drivers for Windows
- winmod10.zip 920816 WinMOD is a MOD file player for Windows (386/sx req)
- winmusic.zip 930818 Easy to use MIDI sequencer
- winplay.zoo 910326 Windows Music Player
- winwv199.zip 931105 Winwave, the wave associator program
- wjmr23.zip 940214 WinJammer 2.30 - Windows Multimedia Sequencer
- wjpro.zip 940427 WinJammer Pro
- ws21.zip 930727 WAV-Sorter 2.1
- wsc55v1.zip 940105 Misc utilities involving Midi and Roland SoundCanvas
- wmp004b.zip 930717 Mod player for Microsoft Windows
- wolfwavs.zip 931028 20 sounds from Wolfenstien 3D
- wplny09b.zip 931028 Windows Play Any File - version 0.9b
- xfile1_1.zip 940730 sound clips taken from the show The X-Files [765k]
- xfile1_2.zip 940730 sound clips taken from the show The X-Files [768k]
- xfile1_3.zip 940730 sound clips taken from the show The X-Files [778k]
- xfile1_4.zip 940730 sound clips taken from the show The X-Files [461k]**
- ** Index of Asymetrix ToolBook Applications
- ** in ~ftp/pub/pc/win3/toolbook at
- ** ftp.cica.indiana.edu []
- **
- ** Last Updated: Thu Sep 1 17:42:49 1994
- **
- 10qtest.zip 930807 Sample ToolBook application in Chemistry
- aamn.zip 930920 Anatomy & Anaesthesia of the Mandibular Nerve Tbook
- avisamp.tbk 930218 How to Use a Video for Windows .avi file in TBook
- bbsfiles.zip 920416 BBS ToolBook Application
- catalist.zip 940218 TB app:Telnet library IP nodes by region,alpha [600K]
- child.zip 920421 Parent/Child ToolBook Example
- crayons1.zip 921025 Crayons for Windows ToolBook Application (Part 1)
- crayons2.zip 921025 Crayons for Windows ToolBook Application (Part 2)
- dendev.zip 930920 Dental Development Courseware for Tbook
- fullcat.exe 911010 Catalist 1.0 ToolBook Application
- g_book.zip 921204 A Book Created by Third Grade Children from Italy
- hypcpp25.zip 940112 Toolbook Guide of Communicative Positioning Program
- idc140a.zip 940729 Interactive Document Compiler for Toolbook [1.1mb]
- import.zip 920416 Import Toolbook Application
- lectbx20.zip 931108 'Lectric Toolbox Application
- listserv.zip 930802 convert &/or import from tab-delimited files into TBK
- longtext.zip 920416 Loadlong Toolbook Application
- menu.zip 940610 Front end for a variety of different ToolBook apps
- minispy.zip 930925 Provides access to all ToolBook objects and properties
- missef2.zip 930420 Demo showing the use of the Pie Menu
- mmcat10.zip 940611 The MULTIMEDIA CATALOGUE v. 1.0 UK
- mmdesk10.zip 931102 Multimedia Desktop Toolbook App (req sounds/mmwslt10)
- mmwwwpc.zip 940901 MultiMedia World Wide Web PC Toolbook App
- musthave.zip 920416 Must Have Toolbook Application
- newdlg.zip 920416 Dialog Application for Toolbook
- penbook.zip 931118 The Pen Command Area (for Pen Windows) Toolbook App
- piemnu330.zip 930803 Menuing System for Hypermedia Applications
- pinboard.zip 911031 Pinboard Wizzard V.1.0 ToolBook Application
- ruler.zip 910923 The Ruler ToolBook Application
- snark12.zip 920828 Icon Bar/Launch Toolbook Application
- swatch.zip 921030 Simple Stop Watch for Toolbook
- synrgy.zip 930805 Demo catalog of backgrounds and buttons for TBK
- tbk-comm.zip 920416 Communications Toolbook Application
- tbkc93a.zip 931108 Proceedings of the first UK TBK Users Conf(1 of 2)
- tbkc93b.zip 931108 Proceedings of the first UK TBK Users Conf(2 of 2 3mb!)
- tbkcomm.zip 921030 Control Up to Four Serial Ports in Toolbook
- tbkdll.zip 940621 ToolBook 1.53 Run-Time (1 of 4)
- tbkexe.zip 940621 ToolBook 1.53 Run-Time (2 of 4)
- tbkfaq10.zip 931025 ToolBook FAQ in Windows HLP Format
- tbkmm.zip 940621 ToolBook 1.53 Run-Time (3 of 4)
- tbkopen.zip 920416 Adds Open Dialog Box Capabilities to Toolbook
- tbksort.zip 920416 Adds Sorting Capabilities to Toolbook
- tbksup.zip 940621 ToolBook 1.53 Run-Time (4 of 4)
- tiff.zip 921030 TIF Graphics File Import Filter for Toolbook
- toolbox.zip 921029 Toolbook Application Development Kit
- **
- ** Index of Windows Utilities Files in ~ftp/pub/pc/win3/util
- ** at ftp.cica.indiana.edu [].
- **
- ** Last Updated: Mon Sep 12 22:14:01 1994
- **
- **
- _packwin.zip 940624 Windows Executable File Compressor
- 2dov11.zip 931220 2Do 1.1B Personal Task Manager (PIM) for Windows
- 3dbench.zip 930920 VGA video benchmark program
- 3x3_10.zip 930814 easy-to-use method of producing labels for 3 1/2" disks
- 4acalc.zip 921213 Calculator Utility
- 4alnch11.zip 930820 File Launcher Browses Disk Drives
- 4win110.zip 910821 A 4DOS-Like Shell for Windows (ver 1.10)
- 5in1.zip 910513 Collection of Utilities for Windows (shell,memory,etc)
- accent.zip 921206 Accent Version 2.0a - The Diacritic Key Translator
- access21.zip 920203 Accessess 2.10 for Windows Desktop Organizer
- accis11.zip 920831 Windows Access CompuServe Manager (Beta version)
- acclip.zip 921116 Ack Clip: Text Format Clipboard Stack Saver
- account.zip 930906 Simple checkbook program
- acctmn13.zip 940111 Account Manager 1.3 -- Time usage tracking program
- achart12.zip 910606 ASCII Chart for Windows
- adder21.zip 931129 Accumulated-sum calculator
- addmnu41.zip 920707 AddMenu: Add options to your system menus (w/src)
- addres17.zip 921029 Address Manager, Envelope Printer, Phone Dialer
- adrbk101.zip 940506 AddressBook 1.01 address organizer/lbl printer [WinMag]
- adrbk13u.zip 940104 AddressBook is an address manager for Windows 3.1
- adrbook.zip 940613 1/4 size pocket address booklet, labels, envs, lists
- adressen.zip 940106 Adressverwaltung V0.99 for Windows 3.1 (German ver)
- adrs10d.zip 940203 Adressverwaltung V1.0 German Address Book for Win 3.1
- advent.zip 901205 Advent Calendar, ver 1.0
- aimspice.zip 930420 AIM-Spice simulator package
- allini21.zip 930718 INI file editor
- allov12.zip 940824 ALLOALLO! V1.2 Communication Software [1mb]
- alm31.zip 931004 Version 3.1 of Almanac for Windows 3.1
- alw114.zip 940603 Astronomy Lab v. 1.14:Prediction, Graphing & Simulation
- alwin15.zip 910404 Active Life 1.1 Scheduler for Windows
- amortw28.zip 930419 Master Amortizer for loan analysis
- amps13.zip 940601 Print Screen 1.3 for Windows
- amw10.zip 921102 ArcMaster for Windows: Pkzip Front-End
- ansmach.zip 921206 Answering Machine for Windows
- apdock2c.zip 910809 A NeXT-like Tool Bar/App Dock for Windows (w/icons)
- apdocs.zip 901121 Documentation for Aporia
- aplanr22.zip 940321 A project/event planner v2.2
- apnw100e.zip 940706 AlertPage for NetWare: stand-alone paging application
- aporia14.zip 901109 Powerful Object-oriented User Interface for Windows
- appad40a.zip 930921 Application Pad: Formerly NeXT App Bar (ver 4.0a)
- appbar46.zip 931106 Win3.1 update of Application Bar (ver 4.6)
- appshl.zip 911009 App Shell 1.0 - Template for File-oriented Applications
- arch11.zip 920826 Archon Desktop Information Management Tool
- archives.zip 920203 Archives: Pkzip/unzip Front-End for Windows (ver 3.08)
- arcshl13.zip 930713 ArcShellL zip/arc/lzh/arj shell for Windows (ver 1.3)
- arjndw.zip 920910 ARJ File Interface for Windows
- asc-10.zip 920713 ASCII Table and Font Viewer
- ascii-3.zip 910312 ASCII Table for Windows
- ass_a01.zip 930421 Kill one Windows COM app so you can run another
- assoc1.zip 930521 Easily edit file association settings
- at12.zip 910127 Schedule Program Events Under Windows
- atalk15.zip 940912 A-Talk v1.5.0.8 multi-featured telecomm package [755k]
- att302.zip 931209 All The Time: Customizable Clock w/Resource Mon
- audit.zip 920427 AUDIT.ZIP: Stats on GDI/User heaps/MemMgr (w/src)
- autok21.zip 921102 AutoSave Feature for Window Applications
- autostub.zip 920725 Launch Windows from WinAPP from DOS (w/ASM src)
- auxil15.zip 920109 DOS device driver that directs AUX output to CON
- awin220.zip 921130 Archiver shell for windows
- axess210.zip 921204 OpenAccess File Selection Dialog Enhancement
- backdesk.zip 910919 Combines BackMenu and BigDesk
- bail_20.zip 940523 BailOut v2.0 - Windows Quick Exit Utility
- bbase15.zip 940730 BioBase: bibliographic database for Win (req vbrun200)
- bbsedit2.zip 940827 Windows Text Editor with multilingual support
- bbsmail2.zip 940727 PowerBBS - MS Mail Gateway version 2.0
- bcalc.zip 940621 BCalc! is a replacement calculator for Windows
- bcalc2.zip 940606 Business Calculator V2.00 for Windows 3.1
- bcards20.zip 940516 BusinessCards free form database program
- bcwin30a.zip 940705 BCOM Quefile/FAX Win comm program
- bedit14.zip 940404 Bedit v1.4: MS-Windows text editor w/drag-drop [648k]
- bedshr13.zip 931104 Configurable editor for Windows with good vi emulation
- benchg11.zip 910115 PC Magazine Windows 3 Benchmark Test Suites
- benvelop.zip 920313 Print Envelopes/Labels via Windows
- bfile1a.zip 930910 buttonFile 1.0. Easy to use Windows database (1 of 5)
- bfile1b.zip 930910 buttonFile 1.0. Easy to use Windows database (2 of 5)
- bfile1c.zip 930910 buttonFile 1.0. Easy to use Windows database (3 of 5)
- bfile1d.zip 930910 buttonFile 1.0. Easy to use Windows database (4 of 5)
- bfile1e.zip 930910 buttonFile 1.0. Easy to use Windows database (5 of 5)
- bibfil12.zip 940322 BiblioFile Version 1.2 is a reference library manager
- bitman.zip 930325 View bitmaps in .EXE or .DLL files
- bizwiz.zip 930728 Business/Financial Calculator
- bkwrm091.zip 921108 Bibliographic Database Manager for Windows 3.X
- blinc204.zip 930405 The Total Mailing List Manager for Windows
- bonds20.zip 930226 Tracks U.S. Savings bonds
- bookbase.zip 921116 BOOKBase: Win3.1 Database Manager for Books
- boom10.zip 920917 Create Dialog Boxes to open/save freq used files
- boxplt13.zip 910820 Create Box Plots for Loudspeakers Version 1.3
- bprint12.zip 940516 BinaryPrinting is a drag-and-drop utility for printing
- bputil.exe 930205 Win3.1 Update of Barry Press Window Utils
- bpwin10w.zip 921205 Blood pressure monitor, chart your measurements
- browser.zip 921209 NeXT Program Manager/File Manager Replacement
- btngo.zip 930819 One-click launching (PCMAG)
- budget04.zip 940715 Application for managing household budgets
- builder.zip 901103 An Applications Util Builder
- bwe.zip 930323 Windows Quick exit utility
- c-line11.zip 930419 Command Line, a program launcher for Windows
- calcpd10.zip 930728 Windows scientific calculator program
- calmst11.zip 940404 version 1.1 of Calendar Master
- capcn10.zip 920906 CapsControl: Config CapsLock/Ctrl Key
- cardmat1.zip 940519 Extract useful info from a cardfile (.CRD format)
- cardxlt2.zip 930728 Translates Wincard files to Text and back
- casemakr.zip 920723 Audio Cassette Label Maker
- caslnr39.zip 930804 Print Audio Cassette Liners
- cassette.zip 940712 Cassette label program
- cbill12.zip 931123 Client Biller v.1.2 for Windows 3.1
- cbwlite.zip 940329 Colorado Backup for Windows Lite, Version 1.10 [887k]
- ccizip20.zip 920910 ZIP File Management Utility for Windows
- ccplus12.zip 940504 Credit Card Plus 1.2 for Windows [473k]
- cdlab202.zip 940611 CD Jewel Box Label Maker
- changeit.zip 930902 Change drive letters in any .GRP, .INI, or .PIF file
- chastity.zip 920908 Prevent Children from Accessing Areas of Windows
- chcomb.zip 930508 Cherry Hill VM Replacement COMM Buffer Driver
- cica2db2.zip 920519 Converts Master Index file to comma and quote file
- cicadir2.zip 940207 Manipulate CICA Index Files
- circul10.zip 930323 Circular File v1.0: Drag and drop deletion utility
- cledi09a.zip 940407 CoolEdit-Win Command History and Filename Completion
- clen.zip 930814 Three apps to organize your icon, sound and .BMP files
- click13.zip 910705 Click! 1.3 Filer Util for Windows
- clinr39c.exe 940314 Print Cassette Tape Liners
- clipdial.zip 920202 Windows Clipboard Phone Dialer
- clockr23.zip 940111 A personal/network program scheduler for Windows 3.1
- clrqwk11.zip 940822 ColorQWK 1.0 for Windows
- cmm21f.zip 920519 Cinetic Internet Mail Mgr (was EZ-Mail) Win3.0 Engine
- cmm21s.zip 920519 Cinetic Internet Mail Mgr (was EZ-Mail) Win3.1 Engine
- cod100.zip 930310 Clock of Doom: Clock with U.S debt, murder rate, etc.
- codep220.zip 931101 CodePrint, ascii file print utility w/fmt controls
- commodea.zip 921204 Delete (flush) files using drag-n-drop technique
- convrt25.zip 940722 App to convert metric and US measurement systems
- cook.zip 920508 Freeform Recipe Database Manager for Windows
- cp-80g.zip 921201 Command Post Text-based Shell 8.0g for Windows
- cptape13.zip 930508 Utility for Central Point Backup for Windows v7.x
- cpuuse16.zip 921012 CPU Usage Indicator Version 1.6
- cqwk14.zip 940503 CmpQwk v1.4 Win 3.1 QWK off-line mail reader [1.6mb]
- cram15.zip 940715 Print up to four text pages per sheet w/TT fonts
- crd2txt2.zip 930718 Convert Cardfile (.CRD) files to text files
- cred10.zip 930905 Personal Credit Repair and management software
- crlf10.zip 930818 Convert Unix style text files to DOS files
- ctamer20.zip 930807 Chart Tamer: Creates graphs and charts
- cupd131.zip 931111 CMPQWK Version 1.31 Update Module Only
- cusbut10.zip 901222 Custom Buttons 1.0 (Customize Buttons for Hotkeys)
- cvtit200.zip 930403 Convert It! measurement unit conversion program
- cycle.zip 910103 Cycle Among Active Windows
- dagw.zip 931129 Disk at a Glance, hard drive usage charts
- datcon10.zip 910211 Data Conversion (Ver. 1.0) for Windows
- dater.zip 920609 Set Date/Time on Range of Files
- daycross.zip 911219 DAYCROSS v. 1.10 Calendar (req VBasic Runtime DLL)
- daygold.zip 901214 Toolbook Util Daily Gold (Bible verses, trivia, etc.)
- db11us.zip 901112 Windows dBase .DBF File Browser
- dbankwin.exe 940721 GUI OS 4 time-series data (filer/editor/exporter)
- dc21.zip 940716 DigiCard: free-form flash card program
- dcopy21.zip 930922 Disk Copier for Windows
- ddp20b.zip 940814 Drag and Drop Printing, Version 2.00b
- ddwin13.zip 931122 DingDang Chinese word processor for Window 3.1
- debtbstr.zip 920920 Debt Buster Financial Program for Windows
- defkey.zip 920831 Preliminary Keyboard Macro Program
- delta3_0.zip 940513 Delta reports on changes in your drive due to installs
- desc20.zip 930815 View/Edit 4DOS File Descriptions in Windows
- dialexe.zip 940506 General purpose dialer for Windows ver1.0E
- digi135.zip 930330 Take a Scanned X,Y Plot and Digitize it (ver 0.9)9
- digital.zip 930831 Digital Architech, a circuit simulation program
- dirclm15.zip 930813 Directory/File Utility for Windows
- dirinfo.zip 931020 dirinfo lists all directories on the hard drive
- dirutil.zip 931102 manipulate directories, Size, Delete, Change Attributes
- diskfac.zip 940429 DiskFactory:multitasking copy/compare/format utility
- diskfree.zip 921014 Display Free Disk Space Utility
- disktool.zip 910610 Compliments FileManager (Disktool Ver 1.50)
- ditto11.zip 930302 Directory Copy Utility for Windows
- djboth13.zip 920630 Print Double Sided Pages on DeskJet500
- dllchk10.zip 940513 Reports which DLLs are called by an app and vice versa
- dllman32.zip 940615 Windows Dynamic Link Library Investigator v1.9
- dmap.zip 910204 Disk Map Util (shows free space, disk stats)
- dmenu.zip 930226 Right click brings up launch menu
- dml_win.zip 940713 dMail for Windows v1.0b
- dmn_pass.zip 940825 Change Domain Password NT/WfWG
- docrun13.zip 930302 Create Multiple Associations for Document Files
- doors.zip 910524 Provides a Gateway to a Directory in DOS or App
- doorway.zip 910412 A DOS Command Line Doorway from Windows
- doshlp11.zip 930310 Puts Menu Bar with Help Dialog into Windowed DOS
- doupro20.zip 940225 Dough Boy Install Program and Disk Set Builder
- dragfl.zip 940506 Drag And File File Manager [896k] (WinMag)
- dragview.zip 930309 File Viewer
- dragzp30.zip 931129 Drag and Zip, ZIPfile manager add-in for File Manager
- drvwtch.zip 920207 DriveWatch: Monitor hard disks and system memory
- drwats75.zip 910821 MicroSofts Diagnostic Tool for UAEs (ver 0.75)
- dsiz10.zip 910711 Dsize: A Win3 Utility to Manage Drives
- dsktrk26.zip 930419 Diskette Cataloging Program
- dsweep.zip 931020 Tracks file usage/accesses to identify unused files
- dswvb1.exe 940210 Disk sweep: moves old files out to floppy (nagware)
- dt0120.zip 931020 Print directory tree
- dtp23.zip 921215 Detect Changes to Your Hard Drive(s)
- dump31.zip 920904 Dump files to printer
- dumpv12.zoo 911216 Print Files in Background (v 1.2)
- dupe14d.zip 930907 Find duplicate files on your system and clear off
- dvimsw26.zip 930310 TeX .dvi Previewer Util for Windows3 (ver 2.6)
- dviwn271.zip 930728 TeX DVI viewer and printer with graphics support
- dworks.zip 920725 xBase File Manager for Windows
- dz21.zip 930510 Drag and Drop Files into PKZIP'ed 2.04g Files
- easyref.zip 930405 Pop-up help of system.ini settings
- edit14.zip 940801 Editeur V1.4 text editor for Windows 3.1
- editm21.zip 940911 Edit Master v2.1 for Windows
- editpro.zip 940814 EditPro is a Windows disk based text or hex editor
- edos365d.zip 930915 Enhances DOS in Windows 386 Enhanced Mode
- egress12.zip 940105 Quick-exit from Win or Reboot or Restart or run DOS App
- ehi10.zip 931008 Essential Home Inventory for insurance purposes
- elana11.zip 910820 REMOVED: BUGGY. TRASHES WINDOWS.
- element3.zip 910820 Periodic Table of Elements
- eliz098x.zip 940624 WinEliza v0.98 AI application
- encryp.zip 940506 Private Cryptographer, version 1.19 (WinMag)
- enhpcp1.zip 921203 Three Procomm Plus for Windows scripts
- enigma20.zip 940422 Enigma v.2,0: A Win3.1 Data Encryption Engine (DES)
- envel233.zip 940516 PrintEnvelope V2.33 prints any env or lbls (WinMag)
- equatr13.zip 940502 RPN Calculator for Windows
- etc120.zip 921203 Et Cetera, Macro Language to Automate Windows Apps
- ewexec15.zip 930215 Exit Windows, Run a DOS App then Restart Windows
- ewtdebug.zip 901204 Windows Debugging Tools
- extrac20.zip 940708 Extract 2.0: Extracting files from disk image
- execfile.zip 931101 ExecFile Manager Version 1.0
- execpg.exe 940811 Executive Page alphanumeric paging program [1.42m]
- exit10.zip 900731 Exit to dos from Win 3 Util--fast!
- exitwin.zip 940718 Gee another Windows shutdown utility
- explogo.zip 921205 Create your own screen saver from a 16-color .GIF file
- ext-pc.zip 911025 ExtractorPC Expands Files in CompactPro archives
- extrct34.zip 920802 Windows UUEn/Decoder
- exw31a.zip 940429 ExitWin 3.1a - Utility to exit Windows (WinMag)
- ezadr12.zip 921021 Easy to use address book using vbrun100.dll
- fax-v152.zip 940815 FaxMail for Windows (V1.52) Fax App for Windows/DOS
- faxmail2.zip 940911 Background FAXing while in Windows and/or DOS [676k]
- fbuild14.zip 920129 Folder Builder for Windows (ver 1.4)
- fc-20c.zip 920914 FileCommander 2.0c: FileMgr Extender for Windows
- fclip41.zip 940304 FileClip, File Manager substitute w/clipboard features
- fedez13.zip 921222 Prints Federal Express airbills on dot matrix printer
- ff10.zip 911016 Send Commands to EPSON compatible printers on LPT1
- ffw200a.zip 930801 Fast File Find for Windows
- fgraph.zip 930816 Shareware X-Y plotting program for Windows
- fileclip.zip 930902 Rplcmnt for FileMgr plus provides a Clipboard stack
- filema21.zip 920313 Small File Mgr for (copy/move/rename/delete)-ing files
- filer.zip 921016 Util to find files, print out dirs, etc. (vbrun100.dll)
- files104.zip 930906 Save files automatically in all active apps
- filesave.zip 910204 Utility to Autosave your Work
- filework.zip 930215 Easy to Use File Manager for Win (req vbrun200.dll)
- financ.zip 920723 Windows Loan Amortization Program
- find11.zip 930805 FIND.DLL: A Text-Search Utility (PCMag)
- findit36.zip 931129 File finder, even searches inside archives
- finst152.zip 940831 Freeman Installer & Uninstaller version 1.52 [681k]
- fixgrp.zip 920725 Repair Windows 3.x Program Groups Files
- fline110.zip 930825 Util that predicts your typing, lets you complete it
- flipper.zip 910117 Change Printer Orientation (Port/Land) via Icon (11/90)
- flows300.zip 930420 Create Q.71 and Q.73 information flow diagrams
- flash_30.zip 940523 Flash Card Memorization Program
- flshcrds.zip 930927 Flash Cards program to aid in vocabulary memorization
- fmagic2.zip 930419 File Magician, dual-screen file manager
- fmapp11d.zip 940210 Applications menu for Win File Manager
- fmdu12.zip 940221 File Manager Extension adds analysis by file types
- fmstep26.zip 940731 File Manager StepUp <ASP> v.2.6 4Win3.1&WfWG
- fmtbar16.zip 940731 File Manager Toolbar v.1.6 for Windows
- fmv3_5.zip 931208 File Mgmnt sys, 116 custom Buttons, Menus, & Macros
- fmw12.zip 931129 FormatMaster 1.2 floppy formatting util
- fndups.zip 940723 MS-Win 3.x utility for locating duplicated filenames
- folder.zip 930802 File management system for Windows
- folder31.zip 910820 Folders: Allow Groups within Groups Ver 3.1
- fonew30.zip 931129 DiaLog phone dialer with logging feature
- fornr321.zip 940405 Foreigner: Copy Spcial Characters to the Clipboard
- free101.zip 930907 Continuously displays the amount of free disk space
- freemem.zip 931005 Metz Free Memory Utility
- freev11.zip 940216 GDI,System and User heaps display
- freeze.zip 920215 Windows Compression Utility (Ver 1.0 Beta)
- fres131.zip 920829 Free System Resources in Icon
- frontw20.zip 920513 FrontWindow: Sophisticated File Manager
- frun100.zip 921205 Tracks last 15 programs run; launch with mouse click
- fsave10.zip 940828 Highly configurable fast filesave for Windows
- fsd130a.zip 940321 File Seek & Destroy 1.30a
- fsr.zip 930323 PCMAG's Free System Resource Utility and source
- ftask123.zip 940712 FTaskman is a replacement for Windows Task Manager
- fundmn62.zip 940705 FundManager:monitor your investment's performance
- fv01.zip 930728 FrameView: desktop publishing software (alpha ver)
- fview105.zip 940820 Text File Viewer for Windows 3.1 and up
- fview20.zip 931101 File Viewer 2.0 by Maze Computer
- gander10.zip 910905 Windows File Viewer
- gatr01.zip 940712 Gator Edit 1.0: Powerful and easy-to-use text editor
- gatspl.zip 940712 Spell-checking dictonary for Gator Edit 1.0
- getset20.zip 940310 Select Different Configs at Windows Start up
- getver.zip 940509 Reads the resource version information out EXE/DLLs
- gfile20a.zip 930315 GFile combines often used features of the Prog/FileMgrs
- gila110.zip 940309 GilaMenu: small popup menu system
- globlabb.zip 940516 Type less with Global Abbreviations v1.5 [690k]
- glomed01.zip 940304 Medical abbreviations for globlabb.zip
- glue.zip 910725 Glue v1.0; glues DOS programs to Windows programs
- glvideo.zip 930419 Fast/powerful dbms that uses internal SQL Statements
- goslip10.zip 940103 Serial Line Internet Protocol (SLIP) Dialer App
- gpaper.zip 921102 Graph Paper Printer for Windows
- gpt34doc.zip 930728 GNUplot for windows and dos ver 3.4
- gpt34src.zip 930728 GNUplot for windows and dos ver 3.4
- gpt35win.zip 931002 GNUplot for windows and dos ver 3.5
- gramxprt.zip 930211 Grammar Expert Utility
- grep15.zip 940408 Windows Grep Version 1.5
- grmat13w.zip 940426 Graphmatica equation plotter
- grped12.zip 940801 Program Group Editor 1.2
- gs260fnt.zip 930510 GhostScript Fonts
- gs261exe.zip 930728 GhostScript Execs for DOS/Windows, docs, ini, examples
- gs261src.zip 930728 GhostScript Sources
- gs26wi3b.zip 940710 Ghostscript for Windows 2.6.x Command Line Interface
- gsview10.zip 930805 Graphical interface for MS-Windows Ghostscript
- gttskmgr.zip 940527 GT Task Manager is a replacement for the TaskManager
- guitar21.zip 900810 Latest Guitar Modes and Scales Program Util
- gw10f.zip 940715 ProComm +/Windows Script is a utility for Ghost BBS
- gwinfo.zip 920927 Trouble Shooting Util for Windows
- ha11.zip 920413 Heap Alert 1.1 GDI Snooper (VBRUN100.DLL req)
- hangul.zip 930328 Hangul (Korean) Editor for windows v.3.1
- hb20.zip 940824 Home Budget, easily budget and manage home finances
- hcalc.zip 930403 Handicapping calculator for horse races
- hdc320.zip 920628 hDC MicroApp Manager Upgrade (ver 0x0212)
- hedit.zip 940112 HEdit v1.2, Hexadecimal Editor for Binary Files
- helped19.zip 931123 Help Edit V1.9 Windows Help File Generator
- hexcnv10.zip 910805 Hex/Decimal/Binary File Converter for Windows
- hexedt15.zip 921102 Hex Editor for Windows
- hgoph22.zip 930906 Gopher Client For Windows 3.1 (Version Beta 1.0)
- hifi201.zip 910826 High Finance Personal Financial Management System
- hkfr110.zip 930419 Yet another system monitor/free res reporter
- hlpdk40.zip 930429 Help System Development Kit for Windows
- hlppcp30.zip 931118 Windows Help files creator
- hnter30a.zip 920606 File Hunter and Finder for Windows
- homeacct.zip 930419 Windows Home Accountant
- hotkey.zip 900813 Assign WinApps to Single Keystroke Util
- hotlin12.zip 930205 Windows 3.1 Diagnostic Utility/Error Handler
- hpcalc.zip 901118 RPN Calculator
- hrmetr12.zip 940524 Track your Windows usage (in hours)
- hsw30.zip 940708 HelpSTAR for Windows, help desk automation software
- htky14.zip 940731 HOTKEYS v1.4 - Hot Key program launcher
- htls14.zip 940731 HTOOLS v1.4 - Powerful utilities for Windows
- htmed10.zip 940620 HTMLed - An HTML Editor for Microsoft Windows
- hwab50_1.zip 940725 Help Writer's Assistant for Windows 1/2 [533k]
- hwab50_2.zip 940725 Help Writer's Assistant for Windows 2/2 [492k]
- hydk431.zip 920126 HyperDisk Cache for Windows/DOS Apps
- hyper.zip 930728 Program for analysis of enzyme-kinetic data
- ifa301.zip 940616 Adds file management to any application
- ikk.zip 930226 International Keyboard Kit: switch languages in Winapps
- inboard.zip 911102 An Electronic In/Out Board
- inctrl.zip 920704 InControl: PCMag App to Control App Installations
- indxit10.zip 930916 Index-It V1.0 Windows Text file Index Program
- inform1a.zip 921205 Performance Meter for MS-Windows 3.1
- informer.zip 930224 Resource Monitor for Windows 3.x
- infspy.zip 931101 Shows Heap, Windows, Tasks and Modules
- ini10.zip 920628 INI 1.0: PCMag DOS-based command-line INI-File Editor
- inied102.zip 920302 IniEdit: WIN.INI Editor
- inip10.zip 931101 Another .INI file editor/manager
- install.zip 930728 Automate Windows program installation simply
- instez12.zip 940713 INSTALL/EASY: Windows Application Installer
- inswin.zip 920501 EDI Install for Windows (Version 1.3)
- invest.zip 931008 Version 1.00 of Investment Manager
- invit200.zip 930323 Invoice-It makes sales invoices, uses .dbf format
- inwineq2.zip 920415 Batch Utility: test if Windows is loaded
- ipmgr21.zip 940828 IP Manager 2.1: Track/manage IP addresses
- iqw.zip 920716 I-Queue Print Queue
- irciiwin.zip 940706 IRCIIWIN: MS-Windows version of the IRC II client
- issumn12.zip 940912 Issue Manager 1.2 -- An issue/problem tracking system
- it15a.zip 931216 The It Utilities: File Manager Add In (1 of 2)
- it15b.zip 931216 The It Utilities: File Manager Add In (2 of 2)
- jeepersw.zip 940720 Jeepers v1.1 <ASP> - Bibliography dbs for Windows
- jnal10.zip 920723 Journal Program: Daily Information Manager for Windows
- jnl101.zip 931108 Sensible Home Journal Database System
- jqcalc11.zip 940813 JQCalc for Windows
- jqhfl12b.zip 940813 J.Q.L. Horse Form Lite for Windows
- jqpool.zip 940813 J.Q.L. Pools Plan for Windows
- jqwm2a.zip 940813 J.Q.L. Weights & Measures for Windows
- jrehome.zip 920908 Home Inventory System for Windows (vbrun100.dll req)
- keypro12.zip 930821 KeyPro Text File Editor Version 1.2
- kfree511.zip 940310 Kfree - free memory & disk space monitor Util
- kiswap.zip 940711 Remap/redefine standard keyboard
- kiviat.zip 901105 Dynamic System Resource Indicator
- krm075.zip 921213 Kermit for Windows Ver 0.75
- kymous20.zip 910810 Turn Keyboard into Mouse for Windows
- labelp21.zip 940502 Makes] labels for 3,5" disks
- lanprt2.zip 920913 LAN Print Manager for Windows
- lasso001.zip 940730 Lasso 0.1 (beta) multiline Zmodem for Excalibur BBS
- lasvegas.zip 900816 Cardfile of Las Vegas area hotels and casinos
- lblwiz23.zip 940613 All-purpose label utility program
- letbox.zip 940620 LetterBox: replacement DOS subsystem for MS Windows
- life10.zip 940707 Lifetime for Windows PIM v1.00
- lman524a.zip 940705 Laser/ink jet printer utility for ASCII text files
- loadmon.zip 911102 LoadMon: Yet Another System Load Monitor for Windows
- lock.zip 910322 Lock Your Windows Terminal
- lp102.zip 920820 Windows Line Printer Utility
- lu2_1.zip 940309 LaserUser prints a cover page for any document
- lywhit.zip 900921 TASKS and DRIVES Utility for Windows (status programs)
- ma11.zip 920427 Memory Alert 1.1 WinApp (VBRUN100.DLL req)
- macaw103.zip 910815 Multiple Alignment Construction & Analysis Workbench
- macsee43.zip 940813 Read/Write Macintosh Disks on Your PC
- mark30.zip 900626 Mark Applications "safe" for Windows 3 Util
- match110.zip 910527 Un*x like "diff" Utility for Windows (ver 1.10)
- mboot61.zip 940104 MicroBoot, multiple-boot and sys conf utilities
- mbview13.zip 920904 Micro-View File Viewer for Windows
- mc.zip 920619 PCMag Masters of Ceremony App Launcher
- md140.zip 921125 Mortgage Designer Tool for Windows
- medit221.zip 940726 M-Edit 2.21, ASCII/Binary Text Editor for Windows
- mekanix.zip 921008 A Cornicopia of Utils: WIndows Mekanix Ver 1.1
- memmon.exe 940910 Memory Monitor for Windows
- mempro12.zip 920927 MemoryPro: Memory Analyzer/Status Utility
- memtls21.zip 940820 Memory Tools 2.1 for Windows
- metcn100.zip 901128 Metric Converter: handles fourteen metric conversions
- meter.zip 920415 Windows Magazine disk space meter
- metrix44.zip 930420 METRIX Metric/Imperial Converter
- metz-lck.zip 931005 Metz Desktop Lock Utility
- metz-rnr.zip 900629 Metz Runner Util
- mew11.zip 921013 MicroEmacs 3.11c Port to Windows (.exe package)
- mewh11.zip 921013 MicroEmacs 3.11c Port to Windows (help file)
- mewr11.zip 921013 MicroEmacs 3.11c Source for Help Files
- mews11.zip 921013 MicroEmacs 3.11c Full Sources
- mf-db.zip 931220 MF is a high-performance Windows 3.x database
- minidb10.zip 940104 Gizmo Mini-DB, small, all-purpose database program
- mixcs136.zip 921207 Change the Case in Text Files
- mking102.zip 940725 Mortgage Analysis Program for Windows 3.1
- mlk105.zip 940516 MicroWerks Microlink Version 1.05 Comm Software
- mmaker21.zip 931109 Match files between two diff drives and/or directories
- mmtype04.zip 940621 MasterMind Typing Tutor for Win 3.x (Ver 1.04)
- modman2.zip 921112 Utility to Display Loaded Windows Modules
- momath.zip 930928 MoneyMath,v1.1, Financial Analysis Tools for Win3.1
- momwn20a.zip 931206 Mom for Windows PIM v2.0a, Events, Alarms,Names,dialer
- montor.zip 931129 Disk, resource, memory monitor (PC Mag)
- mousky13.zip 940617 MouseKey V1.3 - Assign keys and command to mouse bttns
- mredit.zip 910409 Mr. Edit: Yet Another Windows Editor
- mrformat.zip 940221 Background disk formatter
- mrmci13g.zip 940719 MailRoom for MCI Mail v1.3g, A Windows Mail Manager
- mrun211.zip 930510 MailRun PROCOMM+4Win ASPECT script for auto BBS work
- mscalc1.zip 930215 Money Smith Financial Calculator
- mscpls21.zip 940503 Music Plus:database to track your music collection
- msgm300.zip 920602 MessageMaster Fido/BBS Message System
- msgpad.zip 940405 MAPI Message Pad 3.0a Telephone Message System W4WG
- mswext35.zip 931020 MswLogo Version 3.5 for MicroSoft Windows (1 of 3)
- mswlgo35.zip 931025 MswLogo Version 3.5 for MicroSoft Windows (2 of 3)
- mswsrc35.zip 931025 MswLogo Version 3.5 Source (3 of 3)
- mtedit10.zip 940707 MultiEdit for Win: replacement for notepad
- mtm20.zip 921001 Metz Task Manager
- mtools11.zip 930907 Micro-Tools v1.1 Tool Box Launcher
- multip.zip 910118 MultiPad Multiple File Editor
- musiclib.zip 920814 Updated Music Librarian Tool/Music Media Management
- mwmenu3e.zip 930719 MiddleWorld Menu is an enhanced shell for MS-Win 3.x
- myclock.zip 921021 Simple Clock and Reminder
- nag6.zip 921222 Date Reminder Program for Windows 3.x
- nagme8.zip 921201 NagMe 1.0 - With 8-bit Samples
- nameit23.zip 940912 NameIT for Windows ver 2.3, File Description Utility
- navobs.zip 920819 Align your Clock with the Naval Observatory
- ndw2_clk.zip 920622 Puts Clock in Norton Desktop's Title Bar
- ndwfresh.zip 920730 Norton Desktop Util: Deletes Old Drive Info Files
- needv10b.zip 931104 Addr bk, note mgr, journal mgr, schedlr, task mgr, PIM
- newsrd20.zip 930727 A Newsbyte reader for Windows
- ngchr105.zip 931110 Chartist: Create and Print Org and Flow Charts
- nibuild2.zip 940328 Util for Norton Desktop: create .NILs from ind icons
- nocr025.zip 920422 Delete the Final CR/LF from the Clipboard
- nodee1a.zip 910921 Strip ^D's (reset) from PostScript Print Jobs
- noexit.zip 930204 Hinders the user from exiting Windows
- nonag.zip 920629 Allow older WinApps to run under Windows 3 Util
- nonag2.zip 920628 Removes Nag Screen from Apps
- notbk110.zip 940321 Information storage system
- notebk16.zip 910828 A Windows Text Editor
- notebk1j.zip 931129 Notebook text editor handles large files
- noteman.zip 910404 A Notes Database Manager
- notfy11b.zip 940520 Notify for MS MAIL (version 1.1 beta) [520k]
- ntz31w.zip 940816 NoteZ Application for Windows
- nvelope.zip 931110 Prints envelopes, and serves as a contact manager
- objorg.zip 930810 Mail-Aware OLE-Object Manager
- odmetr12.zip 930820 Reports sys,GDI,Usr Res,Mem, disk, etc.
- oledger.zip 940418 Credit and debit journal editor
- omnicn10.zip 940615 OmniCon 1.0 - Powerful and fast unit converter
- onexit.zip 911202 Execute Commands on Windows Exit
- oppwin10.zip 940316 Opportunity for Windows 1.0 PIM
- ora112.zip 921222 Orator: Off-Line Mail Reader for Windows
- org162.zip 930727 Organize!: Windows 3 Personal Information Manager
- otsc16a.zip 940505 OttoSource 1.6a:Search/browse files with stream editing
- otsk10.zip 931117 OttoTask - An Enhanced Task List for Windows 3.1
- ox.zip 910211 Win Debug Tool re/direct in/output to/from AUX device
- paste113.zip 930217 Fast-Paste clipboard function enhancer
- payoff22.zip 920902 Calculate Payments for Loans
- paywin10.zip 940119 PayWindow, automated payroll package
- pbbs35a.zip 940724 PowerBBS FOR WINDOWS v3.5 <ASP> (Disk 1/2) [1.36m]
- pbbs35b.zip 940724 PowerBBS FOR WINDOWS v3.5 <ASP> (Disk 2/2) [1.11m]
- pbnotepd.zip 920801 Powerbook Notepad Editor with Toolbar
- pboy190.zip 940308 Offline SLNP/Helldiver news reader
- pbwrite5.zip 930714 Button Bar for Windows Write Editor
- pcfa.zip 931216 PC Financial Advisor Version 2.0
- pcomm200.zip 920809 PowerBBS Frontend
- pcredits.zip 940724 CREDITS.DLL add-on for PowerBBS.
- perfm202.zip 910806 Windows Performance Meter (Histographic Icon)
- pengytxt.zip 940323 PenGy is a Windows text editor [414k]
- pfld.zip 920908 Drag-Drop File Delete Util/Pattern File Delete
- pftime04.zip 921110 Switch Printers without using Control Panel
- phmsm1.zip 910711 PhoneMessage Utility (need vbrun100.zip too)
- phnview.zip 940216 PhoneView: address and telephone dbms for Win [877k]
- phoneman.zip 930215 Phonebook Manager V0.5
- phones34.zip 921001 Metz Phones for Windows
- phonev11.zip 921222 PhoneVu, phone call tracking database
- pifhlp20.zip 920415 PIF Helper Ver 2.0: Start App from PM w/one icon
- pifinfo.zip 920827 PIF Viewer
- pinup12.zip 920424 PinUp Notes Version 1.2
- pinups.exe 940827 Pin Ups 1.1a LAN Bulletin Board System
- pins099b.zip 940422 Install application for windows (beta freeware)
- pkback2.zip 931020 PkBackup is a utility acting as a front end to PKZIP
- pktmux12.exe 930216 TSR to Allow Multiple TCP/IP Stacks in Windows (v1.2b)
- pktwin21.zip 940216 Packet controller program for Amateur Radio [390k]
- pmast17.zip 931020 The Phone Master for Windows
- pmtls1.zip 920811 PageMaker4 Toolkit: tool bar for PM4
- polltakr.zip 940502 Poll Taker 1.1 automated questionnaire for Windows 3.x
- popcal.zip 930727 Month-at-a-time perpetual calendar with clock
- postman.zip 910514 Postman -- Windows PostMessage Utility (w/src)
- pow10.zip 940104 PowerLine offline .QWK reader
- powcom15.zip 920314 PowerBBS Front End for Windows
- powrdn1.zip 940726 PowrNODE v1.0: PowerBBS Node Status Bar
- ppd11.zip 910409 PowerPad Windows Text Editor
- ppintro1.zip 940218 Page Plus Intro: desktop publishing pkg (1/2) [620k]
- ppintro2.zip 940218 Page Plus Intro: desktop publishing pkg (2/2) [703k]
- pract11.zip 930923 Integrated To-do list and program launcher
- prenv232.zip 921211 Complete Windows Mailing System (envelopes/barcodes)
- printf16.zip 931129 PrintFlip is a quick printer changer and setup
- printps.zip 940811 Freeware to print an ASCII file on a PostScript Printer
- prntre30.zip 930226 Print a copy of your drive's directory tree
- probcalc.zip 940823 Probability Calculator for statistical probability
- progset.zip 910821 Progset: Clean Up Your win.ini (PC Mag w/src)
- proqwk20.zip 940815 ProQWK v2 for PCPWin 2 ProComm +/Win QWK/REP mgmt util
- psdkv35.zip 940724 PowerBBS Software Development Kit v1.00
- pshel29f.zip 920819 A Command Shell for Windows
- pspic54a.zip 940531 v5.4 of PSpice elec circuit sim app (1/3) [1.0mb]
- pspic54b.zip 940531 v5.4 of PSpice elec circuit sim app (2/3) [1.2mb]
- pspic54c.zip 940531 v5.4 of PSpice elec circuit sim app (3/3) [930k]
- pspice2.zip 930228 PSpice 5.1 for Windows 3.x (2 of 2)
- psw13.zip 930726 PrintSwitch 1.3 utility to switch default printers
- ptable.zip 930811 Periodic table for windows
- ptas12.zip 920624 Parity Technical Analysis System Ver 1.2
- ptoolz.zip 940601 Collection of Windows Power Toolz v1.00
- pubtech.zip 900912 PubTech FileOrganizer/BatchWorks/TextEditor **DEMO**
- pulsar3.zip 930907 LaserJet printer utility
- pwf20.zip 940120 A front end for Phil Zimmermanns PGP
- pwrtbox.zip 920628 hDC PowerTool Box Button Bar (needs hdc320.zip)
- qdex108.zip 930913 Replacement for Cardfile
- qdhelp.zip 921021 Use DOS Editors to Create WinHelp Files
- qdtool.zip 921021 Searches Win EXEs to Create Help
- qfcs24.zip 921222 Prints fax cover sheet, keeps log, db of addressees
- qfind22.zip 931101 QFind, index-based fast file finder
- qinst11.zip 930828 Fast & easy Install Program for Windows
- qlist1a.zip 940308 App to view attribs of files and launching apps
- qread12.zip 931208 Read text files quickly and easily in Windows
- qs.zip 920416 QuickSwitch: Switch Between Windows
- quikpg30.zip 940713 QuikPAGE v3.0 - Paging system for Windows
- quit303.zip 940711 Quickly exit Windows
- quitwin.zip 920927 Another Windows Shutdown App
- qvtne397.zip 940228 QVTNet 3.97: TCP/IP Services (Telnet/Ftp/Rcp) for Win
- qzip21.zip 930303 Windows zip and unzip (Pkzip 2.04 compatible)
- rcalc105.zip 940620 Talking RPN Calculator for Win 3.1 v. 1.05
- rcfunds.zip 921213 Database Tracks Mutual Fund Transactions
- rckfrd25.zip 920807 Util to Design/Print Business Cards
- rcpwin20.zip 910820 Recipe Maker for Windows
- recbse10.zip 930717 RecBase 1.0d Windows Database System
- redbtn.zip 920415 Yet Another Quick Windows Shutdown Util
- refs742.zip 940718 Util for create/browse/maintain reference databases
- remind18.zip 940330 Yet Another Reminder Utility
- reminder.zip 910722 A Reminder Utility
- rephone.zip 930916 Windows Phone Book Utility
- requires.zip 940517 Tell which DLLs an application requires (PC Mag)
- rescng.zip 930311 Resource Changer: animates the arrow cursor
- resgauge.zip 920908 Windows Resources Gauge (w/src)
- restor55.zip 901127 Backup/Restore for Windows
- restpm.zip 921022 Restores Program Manager
- rfdml120.zip 940209 Windows-based front-end to ASCII-based email services
- riteon01.zip 930323 Right mouse button emulates any keyboard key
- rkinst24.zip 940810 RK-Install 2.4 : Install program with data compression
- rm_20a.zip 930915 Windows Reminder 2.0A
- rmnewl1a.zip 940324 Removes hard returns within paragraphs w/drag-drop
- rndst10.zip 920428 Random Configuration Program for Windows 3.1
- rnprg200.zip 910820 Run programs maximized, minimized, normal, etc.
- rptp40.zip 930329 Ron's Print To Printer program, RPTP V4.0
- rrr30.zip 940717 Rapid Exit and Restart of Windows
- rs232mon.zip 921024 Monitor Serial Port Activity
- rserv1.zip 940513 Allows a DOS PC to execute NT commands remotely
- rsxwin2a.zip 940223 RSXWIN2a:run EMX/GCC programs in a DOS window
- rtimr140.zip 940425 Execute Tasks For at Specific Times (ver 1.40)
- rummage.zip 921221 Duplicate file finder and deleter
- run18.zip 930315 Run a Windows App from a DOS prompt w/in Windows
- runit10.zip 910402 Alternative to ProgMgr "Run" Command
- sabdu240.zip 931129 SAB Diskette utility; copy, format, compare diskettes
- saferase.zip 921021 Manage/Recover Deleted Files
- salvtn.zip 930215 Salvation: Combination File and Program Manager
- sblite.zip 920823 SitBack Lite: Backup/Restore Utility
- scanner.zip 940520 Scanner .TXT editor Program
- scopy.zip 930814 Automatic backup of important system files
- se100.zip 920702 SpellEdit 1.0
- searchit.zip 930825 Full Text Retrieval Program
- secgp113.zip 940301 SecureGroup - Protect your program manager groups
- seclau.zip 940104 Security Launcher w/passwd, also disables "file...run"
- setc1234.zip 910412 Stores port addr you specify in the BIOS for COM1-COM4
- setuser.zip 930228 Allows up to 4 custom user profiles in Windows 3.1
- sftcat10.zip 920913 Software Catalog Program for Windows
- show-pif.zip 931017 Info on any .pif file
- showcard.zip 930930 View/print your cardfile
- shrd11.zip 921015 File Shredder
- simple.zip 940404 Simple replacement/add-on for Program Manager
- skymp20a.zip 940105 SkyMap 2.0 Windows 3.1 Planetarium (1 of 2)
- skymp20b.zip 940105 SkyMap 2.0 Windows 3.1 Planetarium (2 of 2)
- skyview.zip 930217 SkyView 1.00 is an astronomy application
- sl-10.zip 920415 Superload: Another way to launch Apps at startup
- smartcat.zip 930215 Disk cataloguer with scanner, archive interfaces
- smesme12.zip 931102 Xfer files from one computer to another via floppy
- smi20.zip 940523 SmilerShell v2.0 <ASP> - Windows commandline
- smishl12.zip 931020 SmilerShell v1.2 <ASP> - Windows commandline
- smtacc13.zip 940111 Smart Accounts V1.3 - Personal Account Mgmnt
- smtadr12.zip 940217 Smart Address V1.2 - Address Management [231k]
- smtcat16.zip 940111 Smartcat Plus V1.6 - Windows Disk/File Cataloger
- smtdoc12.zip 940224 SmartDoc 1.2 - Converts Windows Help to PlainText
- smtsum12.zip 940602 SmartSum 1.2 - Windows Printing Calculator
- softerm1.zip 920927 SoftTerm Plus Terminal Emulator (w/Zmodem) 1 of 3
- softerm2.zip 920927 SoftTerm Plus Terminal Emulator (w/Zmodem) 2 of 3
- softerm3.zip 920927 SoftTerm Plus Terminal Emulator (w/Zmodem) 3 of 3
- solarw11.zip 920926 Daylight Position Map for Windows
- solutio2.zip 940301 Algebraic Mathematical Software for Windows [968k]
- sotcalc2.zip 930318 SOT-Calc v2.0 Calculator for Windows
- speeder2.zip 920413 Change PC speed by modifying refresh rate
- speedy.zip 930226 Graphics and display speed test for Windows
- spell.zip 940506 Spelling Sentry; spelling checker for TXT and WRI files
- spellsen.zip 940411 Win spell checker: checks/corrects .wri/.txt/clipboard
- sp]arta10.zip 930308 A Macintosh like File Manager for Windows 3.1 (ALPHA)
- splt221w.zip 940322 SPLOT V2.21: HP-GL (or DXY-GL) pen plotter simulator
- sprbar20h.zip 940404 SuperBar 2.0h Toolbar App
- srchr135.zip 930714 Search BBS file lists for filename or string
- stampb.zip 920415 StampBase: Stamp collection inventory system
- stamper.zip 940622 Change the Date/Times on a range of files
- start11.zip 940104 Utility to selectively bypass programs in Startup group
- startup.zip 920309 Analyze Windows Startup Config (via load= statement)
- stats20a.zip 921020 Statistical Package for Windows (needs VBRUN100.DLL)
- stdm15.zip 940214 Create demo or tutorial for any Windows 3.x app
- sticky13.zip 930106 Very simple inter-PC comm using PostIt Notes Metaphor
- stikum.zip 920606 Micro Message Object Compiler (OLE)
- stopthat.zip 931129 Controls shift, num, scroll lock keys on keyboard
- stopw13.zip 920307 Windows Stop Watch: Measure tim in apps
- strack12.zip 930822 SofTrack is a software/hardware inventory database
- strip10.zip 921208 Calc Transmission Props of microstrip/strip lines
- stub.zip 910412 Start Windows and an App by typing application name
- suprrm.zip 911029 SoftBlox Resource Monitor for Windows 3.0
- sw.zip 940620 Stopwatch for Win 3.1 v. 1.04
- sword10a.zip 940813 SoftWord Lite Windows Shareware Word Processor [990k]
- sysbck30.zip 940517 Windows System Files Backup Routine
- sysgraf4.zip 910815 System Load Average as a Graphic Version 4
- sysres15.zip 920804 Yet Another System Usage/Loadmon Utility
- sysup15.zip 940103 Utility for Showing Windows Uptime
- sysuse13.zip 921023 Utility for Showing System Resources
- syswit.zip 911106 Switch Between Five Alternative SYSTEM.INI File Configs
- t2cd10.zip 940404 Txt2Crd: Create .CRD files from ASCII input
- tabstat.zip 920414 Statistical Table Generator
- takenote.zip 920807 TakeNote: Rolodex/Note System for Windows (Buttonware)
- tame260.zip 910330 Speed Up your Multi-tasking Environment
- tcc100s.zip 940418 Total Control Converter unit converter for Windows
- tcp32.zip 940818 MS TCP/IP 32 Release for Windows/Workgroups 3.11 [745k]
- tdl-v11.zip 940523 Maintain a list of "to do" items
- tenkey.zip 930814 Judy's Tenkey calculator with onscreen tape feature
- textprt.zip 930930 Windows utility for printing text files
- tft.zip 910418 Text File Searcher
- tgrep20.zip 940427 GNU grep for TKERN port of GNU's UNIX grep for Win
- thindi11.zip 940317 THINDISK v1.1: File Deletion Util (PCMag)
- thingz.zip 930217 Organizes info on people, tasks projects, meetings, etc
- tim-1.zip 900412 Tron Invoice Manager
- timcrd22.zip 940429 TimeCard: track time spent on multiple projects
- time.zip 931005 Metz Time Utility
- timecalc.zip 931020 A time calculator
- timeke23.zip 931208 TimeKeeper: clock program with several alarm settings
- timelog1.zip 920829 Track Time Spent in Windows Apps
- tisk15.zip 940727 Tisk Printing/Spooler Utility
- tinyutil.zip 910715 Two Utils: Uptime and Reset for Windows
- tm200.zip 930720 Enhanced TaskManager Replacement
- tmplus.zip 920415 Another TaskManager Replacement
- todow105.zip 931105 Simple To-Do manager for Windows 3.x
- torque.zip 930323 Windows video subsystem test from Steve Gibson
- traxx32.zip 940513 Calculate time necessary to download files (modem)
- trmnat.zip 920724 Terminate Apps and Tasks (with C source)
- tsh091.zip 940323 Command line shell w/Source (needs programr/tkern091)
- tsync1_0.zip 931221 Synchronizes the local PC clock with a remote unix host
- ttdw11.zip 921222 Things To Do task list and reminder
- ttrac12.zip 940707 Time Tracker for Windows Version 1.2
- tts30.zip 940705 The Torok Scheduler Cron-like app
- turboed.zip 940221 TurboEditor for Windows
- tw112.zip 921125 TextWatch: Monitor/Log Document Changes
- txtime15.zip 940801 TraxTime 1.5 is a personal time/punch clock
- txtman21.zip 940222 Text Manager Editor V2.
- txtscn12.zip 920629 TextScan: Reports Stats on ASCII Files (word count,etc)
- txtvu120.zip 940218 Text View, file viewer for ASCII text files
- typemate.zip 910424 Set Typematic Speed
- u2d.zip 940404 Convert Unix text files to MS-DOS
- uc3g-1.zip 920730 UniCom 3.0g: Windows Communications Pkg (NagWare)
- ucopyw10.zip 940812 Copy/move new & updated files skipping unchgd files
- udh11.zip 940912 Universal Directory Handler Utility for Windows
- ue312dev.zip 930628 MicroEMACs-Complete development SRC-all platforms 1/2
- ue312ins.zip 930628 MicroEMACs-Install kit for OS/2,DOS, DOS Win3.1 2/2
- un4win15.zip 931007 Uninstall for Windows
- unarjsw.zip 921213 Shell to extract/list .ARJ files
- uniqwk3a.zip 940608 Windows .QWK Mail Reader (Multilanguage)
- unixcn13.zip 940705 Adds Windows commands to any DOS prompt
- unmacit.zip 930330 UNSIT and UNHQX for Windows (Mac utils)
- upc12bw1.zip 931004 UUPC/extended 1.12b Windows 3.x executables (1 of 3)
- upc12bw2.zip 931004 UUPC/extended 1.12b Windows 3.x executables (2 of 3)
- upc12bw3.zip 931004 UUPC/extended 1.12b Windows 3.x executables (3 of 3)
- upd8r_30.zip 940523 Manage files on two machines via floppy
- updown14.zip 940707 UpDown: Control Program/File Mgr restore/minimize
- updt15.zip 930823 Keep newest ver of data with you and all computers
- usher14c.zip 910812 Usher Assists Windows Users Find/Launch Applications.
- uucode20.zip 930301 Uuencode/Uudecode for Windows
- uwin.zip 920512 U/Win Utilities Ver 1.1a
- uwserver.zip 911204 Source Code for UW Server (see uwwin102.zip)
- uwwin104.zip 930926 MultiWindow Interface to Unix Connected to Windows
- uzpwr110.zip 940718 Uzpower - Laptop Power Monitor App for Windows
- varcon.exe 940809 Variable Conversions: 12,000+ conversions on 900+ units
- vbaha124.zip 940408 utility for writing Windows help files
- vbbook.zip 911009 Print ASCII files to LaserJets in Booklet Format
- vbrdr14.zip 930215 VBReader: .QWK format offline mail reader
- vbre201s.zip 931115 VbReader 2.01 is an off-line QuickMail reader
- vbrun100.zip 910610 MS Visual BASIC Runtime Library (vbrun100.dll) Ver 1
- vbrun200.zip 921117 MS Visual BASIC Runtime Library (vbrun200.dll) Ver 2
- vbrun300.exe 930803 MS Visual BASIC Runtime Library (vbrun300.dll) Ver 3
- vbrun301.exe 940322 MS Visual Basic Library 3.01 fix for vbrun300.dll
- vbscfile.zip 930727 quickly browse large text files
- vehpro.exe 931207 Vehicle management software for home or business
- vfile.zip 921021 Simple Text File Viewer for Windows
- vh.zip 931026 Visual Help-A Windows 3.1 Help File Creating Program
- viacom10.zip 940331 Via Commander, resizeable toolbar launcher
- viaprint.zip 940104 ViaPrint prints labels, business cards, more
- vismod30.zip 920829 Examine/Alter Settings Visually for USR/HST Modems
- vlfm10.zip 931108 Volume Library File Manager
- vocabb2c.zip 930324 Popup vocabulary builder
- vprt22b2.zip 940324 VPrint v2.2 Public Beta #2
- vsw14c.zip 940429 VidSwitch 1.4c - allows quick changing of video res
- vt100.zip 920913 Remap Terminal Program Keypad for VT100 Compatibility
- w3setcom.zip 910117 Configure COM3/COM4 for Windows
- w_bcs03b.zip 931005 Basic Checking System V0.3a
- w_one49.zip 940502 Win_One Enhanced DOS Command Shell for Win 3.1 [1.7m]
- w_ounarj.exe 940811 UNARJ utility for WinOne v4.9 or higher
- w_ounzip.exe 940811 PKUNZIP utility for WinOne v4.9 or higher
- wab2b.zip 910903 Strings-like Util for Files (uses Notepad for Display)
- wasc310a.zip 921014 WinASCII: Ascii File Viewer
- wb31c.zip 930727 WINBACK 3.1c Windows Backup Program
- wb_41e.zip 931008 WinBatch Interpreter version 4.0Q Win Batch Language
- wbank22.zip 940104 Bank Expert, home accting and pers financial management
- wbar15.zip 910409 Windows Bar Code Generator
- wbase20.zip 930226 Win3 Data Collection, Storage, and Retrieval Utility
- wbt31c.zip 920627 Wilson WindowWare's WinBatch version 3.1c
- wchem14.zip 930730 Chemical for Windows Version 1.4
- wchg10.zip 930718 Globally change data in .INI, .PIF and .GRP files
- wclib.zip 930509 PCMAG dynamic link library for the WINCMD utility
- wcmd140e.zip 940818 Windows Commander V1.40, NC-like winfile-replacement
- wcpumtrx.zip 910412 Yet Another CPU Meter
- wcron23a.zip 930317 Windows Task Scheduler (ver 2.3)
- wctrl110.zip 931022 Access Windows faster, Watch Mem, Task Manager
- wcutil10.zip 930820 WinCIS Utilities (a.k.a. WCUTIL) version 1.0
- wdasm15.zip 930303 Windows Disassembler Ver 1.3
- wdial11.zip 930628 Auto-dialer for XTALK
- wdk411td.zip 930727 WinDisKlone v4.11: one-pass diskette copier
- wdlite11.zip 940328 Windows zip file ID generator
- wdrm2_9c.zip 931022 Windows Directory Comparison Utility
- we01a.zip 940810 World Editor - GUI MUD Area Editor
- wem_demo.zip 940721 Pearl Software's port of GNU Emacs to Windows [2.93mb]
- wexit14.zip 940524 Quickly Exit Windows Util
- wfilx120.zip 931123 WinFileX V1.20 - A Filemanager Extender
- wfind23.zip 940710 File Finder Version 2.3 for Windows
- wfw13.zip 930814 Wyndfields: A Relational Database System for Windows
- wgrep12.zip 920519 Windows Grep-Like Utility
- wh307c.zip 920904 Windows HelpFile Viewer (Win 3.0)
- whelp.zip 920609 Command-line Interface to Win .HLP Files
- where12.zip 940322 File finder for Windows
- whisk26a.zip 920117 Program Mouse Macros
- whiznote.zip 930904 Super-notepad for Windows
- whrmeter.zip 940330 Track your Windows usage (in hours)
- wimade20.zip 940708 WinImage 2.0: Windows Disk Imager (deutch)
- wimalt20.zip 940708 WinImage 2.0: Windows Disk Imager
- wimatk20.zip 940708 WinImage 2.0<ASP>:The translation kit
- win100.zip 910727 Kermit Communications Package for Windows
- win16tmr.zip 940724 Windows Timer v1.1
- win32s.zip 930929 Run 32-bit Apps (w/no NT features) under Win3.1
- win3load.zip 910707 Win3Load: Multiple Statements WIN.INI "load="
- win4hier.zip 920628 Create Groups w/in Groups in Program Manager (Win3.0)
- win86.zip 910912 Another Series of Windows Benchmarks
- winagain.zip 921204 reboot/exit/restart Windows Automatically
- winbatt.zip 920413 Win3.x Battery Monitor for Toshiba Laptops
- winben.exe 940103 WinBench 4.0 from PCMag
- winbn311.zip 930328 PC Labs WinBench Version 3.11, Feb 16 1993
- winboot1.zip 930907 A Windows multi-reboot program
- wincat.zip 940429 WinCat: Disk&CD Catalog/FileManager
- wincd.zip 911003 WinCD 1.1 E: Make Apps Run in Specified Directories
- winchem.zip 930818 Another periodic table: Smaller than ptable.zip
- winck30n.zip 920415 Windows Checkbook Program
- wincmd12.zip 931008 Version 1.2 of Doug Boling's PC Mag Utility WINCMD
- wincmd76.zip 940710 Windows/Win-OS/2 Command Line Processor (WCL) [447k]
- wincode.zip 931020 WinCode, freeware UUencoder/decoder
- wincrd.zip 901107 Windows Cardfile Text Conversion Program
- wincron.zip 910929 Windows Cron-like Task Scheduler
- windebt.zip 930727 displays the National Debt in real time
- windlr14.zip 940118 REMOVED BY AUTHOR REQUEST
- windmail.zip 920603 Wind-Mail Mail/BB-Mail Software for Windows
- windock.zip 920415 Drag-Drop WinApp Launcher
- windos.zip 930905 Closes windows, runs dos app, then restarts windows
- windru4.zip 940414 WinDirUsage V1.4 Pie chart of disk usage stats
- windry.zip 920801 Dhrystone Benchmark System for Windows
- windu12.zip 920616 Disk Usage Utility for Windows
- windupe.zip 921102 Windows Disk Copier, Formatter, and Comparison Util
- wine02bx.zip 930330 Win-Emacs 1.00.02 beta (req 12Mb free disk space)
- winexit.zip 940303 A very short way to exit windows
- winexp.zip 940712 Small Expert System for Windows v1.0s
- winext.zip 910723 Increase Power of File Associations in FileMgr (PCMag)
- winez31.zip 921125 Windows Shell/Launch Utilities
- winfc1.zip 940707 Graphically identify the diff between two text files
- winfin16.zip 920626 Windows Financial Calculator
- winfit10.zip 921125 Nonlinear Least Squares Fitting Program
- winflash.zip 920421 Windows Flashcard Program
- winfnd10.zip 921023 File Finder for Windows
- winfo.zip 910723 Windows Information Utility (video, sys, etc.)
- winfsr21.zip 920306 Monitor Windows Free System Resources
- winfst21.zip 930209 Graphical Program Launcher for Win 3.1
- wingb.zip 910801 Read Chinese GuoBiao Coded Files Under Windows
- wingrab2.zip 930920 Telephone Contact Manager, Envelope and Label Printer
- winhog12.zip 931020 compute the space used by directories
- winhv20.zip 910729 WinHV 2.0: Windows HexView
- winima20.zip 940119 WinImage 1.0:Powerful Windows disk copy tool
- winiman.zip 940221 configure INI files based on any DOS env variable
- wink.zip 930901 Continuously displays the amount of free memory
- winkil11.zip 921126 Restarts or quits Windows or Reboots PC
- winknow.zip 940131 WinKnow: knowledge index util to store/find info
- winlite1.zip 931025 Rosenthal Winlite compresses MS-Windows programs
- winload.zip 910104 Load Windows at Bootup
- winlock.zip 930813 Windows Terminal Locking Program
- winmat10.zip 930807 Windows 3.1 program for comparing two text files
- winmdm3.zip 930714 WinModem V 3.00
- winmode.zip 920628 Displays the Mode in Which Win is Running (PCMag)
- winnav.zip 911211 Windows Navigator
- winnet02.zip 930201 W-Net: A user-oriented network manager
- winnetuk.zip 940127 UK Version 2.04 of WinNET Win Mail and UUCP [670k]
- winpark.zip 900731 Park your disk from inside Win 3 util
- winpgp10.zip 940719 Integrates PGP with Windows clipboard
- winphn12.zip 921202 Windows Telephone Book
- winpoem.zip 920415 Windows Poem Program
- winprof1.zip 930316 Windows Grammar checker
- winq200a.zip 920728 WinQwk: Win-based message reader for Qwk packets
- winrec13.zip 930907 Selectively updates two directories both ways
- winrip.zip 930730 Converts GIF, PCX, & others to RIP icon format
- winrun.zip 920606 Specify Programs at Windows Startup
- winset1.zip 930215 Windows installation utility for authors and vendors
- winshell.zip 900922 Utility to edit SYSTEM.INI to make utilities run as a
- winsp05.zip 940310 Windows Print Spooler
- winsp201.zip 920712 Check Your Spelling in ANY Windows Application
- winsql22.zip 940810 WinSQL single-user database system for Windows 3.1
- winst215.zip 931020 Winston Install:Install your programs into Windows 3.1
- winstart.zip 920628 WINSTART/WINGO:Start WinApps from DOS Cmd Line (PCMag)
- winsweep.zip 911030 File Browser for Windows
- wintch12.zip 930908 Wintach video benchmark
- wintex20.zip 931112 WinTeX:text editor dedicated to TeX or LaTeX files
- wintide.zip 910412 Linear Tide Clock
- wintune.zip 930818 Windows Magazine Test and Tune-up Suite
- winup9.zip 940119 Updated Windows client package for Novell NetWare
- winwait.zip 920805 Selectively Boot Windows at Startup (w/PAS src)
- winwealt.zip 920801 Wealth Management System for Windows
- winzip55.exe 940817 WinZip version 5.5 w/Built-in ZIP & UNZIP;Drag & Drop
- winzoo21.zip 920317 2.10 of ZOO Compiled for Windows
- wipew20.zip 940912 WipeForWin 2.0 wipes out files dropped on its window
- wisesw.exe 940820 Wise Installation System 2.0
- wizfmt30.zip 930323 Wiz Format, diskette formatting and one-pass copying
- wlit21.zip 920912 Create a light version of Windows 3.1 on a floppy
- wload.zip 911217 Asynch Loader for Win3+Topclock (time on all windows)
- wmc53.zip 940822 Multiple configurations for Windows [471k]
- wn100k.exe 900710 Windows3 VT100 Terminal Emulator Util
- wn32s115.zip 940811 Microsoft Win32s Kit Ver1.15a [1.13mb]
- wn4m110.zip 940705 wInformant 1.10: Uninstall, INIEdit & More
- wnbff20b.zip 940427 Mail Notice for UUPC,Waffle,FSUUCP,Pegasus,MHS, PC-NFS
- wncode22.zip 940429 Drag and Drop Windows File UU{en,de}coder
- wndc111.zip 920415 Single Pass Disk Copier for Windows
- wnders22.zip 920820 Winders: Chose to Run Windows at Boot
- wngrd-21.zip 940615 Prevent Program Manager groups or items from damage
- wnkerm23.zip 911109 Windows Kermit 2.3
- wnlist10.zip 921015 Drag/Drop File Printer for LaserJets and Compatibles
- wnmail10.zip 921221 Mail System for Windows
- wnmdm4.zip 940722 WinModem on-screen modem status lights
- wnot141b.zip 930810 Netware Util for Win: Inform Others of Your Whereabouts
- wnote21a.zip 940224 Will Notes v. 2.1a
- wnqvt480.zip 930928 WinQVT 4.80 Windows Communications Package
- wnrg11.zip 920902 Windows Gradebook Utility
- wnrip143.zip 910629 Util intercept FatalExits from Win Debug (get ox.zip)
- wnspd.zip 920415 WinSpeed 1.0 - Windows 3.0 Performance Analysis utility
- wnvel41.zip 920831 Windows Envelope Printing Utility
- words.zip 920818 Words and Terms Util for Windows
- wpcrack1.zip 930908 WPcrak Password Retrieval Software for WPCorp Files
- wprint.zip 920418 Win 3.1-specific: Print a text or bitmap files
- wprt102.zip 940802 Capture,print,control printer w/icon/hotkeys
- wprtscrn.zip 920818 Windows Print Screen Management System
- wpv12.zip 930913 McAfee Windows Integrated System Analyzer and Viewer
- wqh111.zip 921021 A Quick Help viewer for Windows
- wr120set.zip 940503 Wave Rider, .QWK and BlueWave-format mail reader 1.20
- wr30.zip 930825 WinRefer v3.0 - A Reference Management Sys for Windows
- wrcramp.zip 940601 Writer's Cramp word proc, keeps db of letters [1.3mb]
- wrestart.zip 930320 Exit Windows/Reboot PC
- wrkspa11.zip 920822 Windows Group Application Launcher
- wrn093.zip 921029 Waffle News Reader for Windows
- wrnsr094.zip 940211 WRN... Windows Read-News
- wru311.zip 921022 Extensive File Finder Utility for Windows
- wrv300.zip 940609 Windows Restart Version 3.00
- wscn115b.zip 940617 McAfee Viruscan for Windows 3.1 ver 1.15b
- wsend11.zip 931203 Front-end for Netware's SEND.EXE command
- wsend14b.zip 920415 LAN Broadcast Message Utility
- wshd10.zip 930318 Windows File shredder (drag and drop)
- wshel202.zip 920610 Command Line Shell for Windows
- wsim20.zip 930902 Windows 3.x based Simtel/CICA Index Search Program
- wsk320.zip 930905 Windows Performance Meter Util
- wsmooth.zip 901022 PC Mag SMOOTH File Scroll Util for Windows
- wsprterm.zip 940714 Whisper Terminal for Windows
- wt1.zip 931213 WinTune tests CPU, FPU, video, disks (1 of 3)
- wt2.zip 931213 WinTune tests CPU, FPU, video, disks (2 of 3)
- wt3.zip 931213 WinTune tests CPU, FPU, video, disks (3 of 3)
- wti386.zip 940619 WAIS Toolkit for Windows
- wtime.zip 931221 Synch the clock in your PC with AutoComputerTimeService
- wtpkt10a.zip 930831 Trumpet NNTP news reader/POP mail interface for Win
- wubench.zip 930216 Windows User Magazine Benchmark Suite
- wuna222.zip 930828 Windows Archive Extraction Utility
- wunz20x.zip 931206 Windows Info-ZIP Unzip, Version 2.0
- wwais103.zip 920531 WAIS client for Microsoft Windows 3.x
- www201.zip 940310 Time & usage monitor: track your tasks in Win [582k]
- wxi100.zip 940828 Win-eXpose-I/O v1.00 Files I/O tracer/debugger
- wxlslib.zip 920223 WXLS: Xlisp-Stat for Windows
- wywo.zip 920723 While You Were Out Messaging System for Windows
- wzbeta.zip 940720 WinZip 5.5 BETA ZIP/UNZIP Utility (Use w/caution!)
- wzmgr11d.zip 931012 Windows 3.1 File Manager add-on
- wzip21.zip 940622 ZZZip Shell 2.1 for Windows [845k]
- wzun11sr.zip 920514 Windows Info-ZIP Unzip, Version 1.1 (source code)
- x-it10.zip 930319 Exit Microsoft Windows v3.1 quickly
- x10win11.zip 911003 Win3 Application for Driving the X10 Powerhouse
- xantippe.zip 940104 Hypertext/hypergraphics authoring environment v2.03
- xcalc12.zip 930804 Reverse Polish Calculator (requires bwccdll.zip)
- xnot16.zip 940325 NotGNU is a lightweight emacs style editor for Win&NT
- xtimlog2.zip 930714 Application for personal time usage recording
- xspawn10.zip 940817 Spawn programs from Windows App and Wait
- yaptable.zip 931105 Periodic Table for Windows (.HLP)
- year.zip 920716 Windows Calendar Program
- zbwin110.zip 930826 Win app to catalog .ZIP files
- zdoda103.zip 930727 Zippity Do Da: Windows PkZip 2.04g shell/util
- zipit1.zip 940403 Another zipit shell for pk{un}zip{fix}, zip2exe v2
- zipmgr40.zip 930730 Zip Manager 4.0 for Windows
- zipw13.zip 920321 Flashpoint ZIP/ZIPX Utility for Windows (ver 3.01.03)
- zipwhack.zip 940707 ZipWhacker for Windows Unzipper program
- zm50.zip 931209 ZipManager version 5.00, self-contained archive manager
- zmw10.zip 940601 ZipMaster v1.0 for Windows
- zps310.zip 940330 ZipShell Pro 3.1, archive manager for ARJ,ZIP, LZH, ARC
- **
- ** Index of Windows Sockets (Winsock) Interface Apps in
- ** in ~ftp/pub/pc/win3/winsock at ftp.cica.indiana.edu
- ** []
- **
- ** Last Updated: Mon Sep 12 23:21:26 1994
- **
- bsdchat.zip 940727 Berkeley WinSock Daemon Talk Client
- cello.zip 940711 Cello WWW Browser Release 1.01a
- col_12b1.zip 940311 NCSA Collage for Winsock [203k]
- comt.zip 940812 COMt, the Telnet Modem for Windows
- cooksock.zip 931002 Cookie server for windows sockets interface
- dmailwin.zip 940721 dMail for Windows v1.0b (final) UUCP,SMTP,POP3,NNTP
- eudora14.exe 931217 PC Eudora 1.4 WinSockAPI 1.1 POP3/SMTP mail client
- ewais200.zip 940517 EINet WAIS client application for Winsock [1.5m]
- ewan102.zip 940823 EWAN a free Winsock 1.2 Telnet with VT100 [201k]
- fingd100.zip 940801 Windows Finger Daemon v1.0.0
- finger31.zip 930810 Windows Sockets Finger Client
- gcp_24.exe 940402 GCP++ TCP/IP Tools for Winsock v2.4.2 [1.06mb]
- gophbk11.zip 930713 GopherBook, ToolBook based Gopher Client for WinSock
- goslip11.zip 940422 GoSlip: A Winsock SLIP dialer (VB app)
- hgoph24.zip 940117 H gopher 2.4 is a Winsock compliant gopher client
- inetcon2.zip 940706 Internet-Connect, Version 1.1 Winsock Internet Access
- irciiwin.zip 940724 IRCIIWIN: Winsock-compliant ver of IRC II client
- ivc10.zip 940510 Internet VoiceChat, Version 1.0 (Winsock API)
- kalive.zip 940824 App (w/src) keeps Winsock connect alive by pinging it
- launcher.zip 940531 Launch a win app via URL from Cello/Mosaic WWW Client
- netd122.zip 940820 NetDial V1.22 Internet Dialer with many features
- netd122u.zip 940820 NetDial v1.22 Upgrade from previous versions
- nslookup.zip 940822 NSLOOKUP - name server lookup for Winsock v1.1
- mdt4_d1.zip 940727 JSB Multiview Desktop Winsock demo pkg 1/2 [1.3mb]
- mdt4_d1.zip 940727 JSB Multiview Desktop Winsock demo pkg 2/2 [1.4mb]
- phwin22.zip 940407 Full and free CCSO ph client using the winsock 1.1 API
- qvtws397.zip 940307 Windows-Sockets compliant version of TCP/IP WinQVT/Net
- qws3270.zip 940821 qws3270 winsock tn3270 emulator
- serweb03.zip 931209 World Wide Web Server for Windows 3.1 and NT
- smosaic.zip 940809 Simple configuration utility for Mosaic for Windows
- sticky.zip 940311 Sticky POST-IT(TM) Notes for Winsock
- tardis.zip 940824 Windows time synchronization utility that uses winsock
- tektel1b.zip 940622 Tektonix (4000) Terminal Emulation for Winsock
- trmptel.zip 940311 Trumpet TELNET (VT100) Terminal for Winsock
- tsync1_8.zip 940819 Winsock app sets your PC's clock to match a remote host
- txtsrv.zip 931002 ext server for Winsock API; speaks finger protocol
- vt220.exe 940519 Dart Communications VT220 for workgroups Winsock
- whois32.zip 940824 WinWhois for Winsock Applications, Beta Version 1.0
- wfngrd12.zip 940910 Winsock Finger Daemon Version 1.2
- wftpd19c.zip 940614 Windows FTP daemon 1.9c for Winsock 1.1
- wgopher.zip 940201 Gopher for Windows Version 2.2
- winapps.zip 931201 Winsock apps that were prev bundled with winsock.zip
- winelm.zip 940319 WinElm E-mail reader for Winsock
- winfsp12.zip 930810 FSP download application which uses WINSOCK.DLL
- winftp.zip 940111 WinSock FTP program executables for Windows NT
- wingp.zip 940311 Green Pages for Window Sockets 1.1 Winsock [951k]
- winpanda.zip 940311 Panda:gopher, ftp, e-mail & news clients for Winsock
- winsock.zip 940202 Peter Tattam's Trumpet Winsock ver 1.0
- wintap-2.exe 940822 SuperHighway Access for Windows Demo (expires 083194)
- wintelb3.zip 931202 NCSA Telnet for MS Windows (unsupported beta 3)
- winvn921.zip 940810 NNTP newsreader for Microsoft Windows 3.1 or Windows/NT
- winweb.zip 940810 WinWeb Version 1.0 A2: Web Browser
- wsftp32.zip 940911 Winsock FTP Client for NT (w/src)
- wsirc13a.zip 940615 Windows Winsock Internet Relay Chat Client [463k]
- wsntp14f.zip 940829 WINSNTP - A Simple NTP client for Windows
- wstim101.zip 940817 Windows Time (RFC 868) Client for Winsock
- wlprs40a.zip 940708 WLPRSPL v4a, a Windows Sockets based print spooler
- wmos20a4.zip 940502 NCSA Mosaic v. 2.0 alpha 4 for MS Windows
- ws_ftp32.zip 940810 WinNT Sockets FTP Client TEST App Version 2.01 940723
- ws_ftp.zip 940725 Windows Sockets FTP Client App Version 2.0 940725
- ws_ping.zip 931003 Windows Sockets PING Client Release 1 Version 93.10.03
- wsarch06.zip 940716 v0.6 alpha version of Archie Client for WinSock
- wsatest.zip 940311 WSA Test Program for Winsock
- wschesb1.zip 940318 Multiplayer Winsock Chess Beta 1
- wsck-nfs.zip 931029 Allow PC-NFS v5.0 to handle any Winsock compliant app
- wshost.zip 940427 Windows Sockets Host V1.00 (IP number to hostname)
- wsirc14a.zip 940810 WinSock IRC Internet Relay Chat Client Ver 1.14a [489k]
- wslpd.zip 931002 Winsock Line Printer Daemon LPD for Windows
- wsmtpd16.zip 931027 Windows 3.1 and NT SimpleMailTransProtocol Daemon
- wsnwdemo.zip 940518 Winsock Echo, Ping, Finger client apps
- wsock1b2.zip 930728 WinSock: Socket-DLLs for NCSA Telnet for Windows
- wtalk11.zip 940422 Version 1.1 of Winsock talk client/server
- wtwsk10a.zip 931002 Trumpet Newsreader NNTP for Windows Sockets API
- xraywi12.zip 940825 X-Ray/Winsock - Winsock API trace/debugger for Win 3.1
- yawtel02.zip 940723 Yet Another Windows socket Telnet Version 0.2 Beta
- **
- ** Index of MicroSoft Word for Windows (WfW) Files in
- ** ~ftp/pub/pc/win3/winword at ftp.cica.indiana.edu [].
- **
- ** Last Updated: Mon Sep 12 23:25:37 1994
- **
- 2cprt101.zip 930921 Macro to print 2 column of filenames per page
- 542xug.zip 940124 Winword format of 542x user guide / rel 1.41
- apaswen.zip 940607 APA American Psychological Association Stylesheets
- booklet.zip 911021 Print Booklets with Word for Windows without Paste-up
- collec.zip 930804 WfW macro to manage WinHelp src. Get hag.zip,what.zip
- cpretty2.zip 940407 Update to Pretty C Code Printer Macro
- cu_html.zip 940418 HTML doc template for Word for Windows 2.0 and 6.0
- default.dir 910110 Configure WfW's Default Working Directory
- dinger20.zip 910221 Macro to Insert Dingbats, Symbols, and W4W Chars (v.2)
- dp31w6.zip 940622 DocuPower Pro 3.1/W6 - WinWord Docmnt Mngmnt
- dp31w2.zip 940622 DocuPower Pro 3.1/W2 - WinWord Doc Mngmnt
- dpxlib.zip 940623 DocuPower Pro Supplemental Utility Pack
- drhelpe5.zip 931022 Macro to translate Word files to WinHelp files
- dwhat2.zip 940601 Dave's Windows Help Template for Word4Win v6.0
- env32.zip 910513 Enveloper 3.2: WfW Macro to Print Envelopes on HPLJs
- epsflt.zip 910315 Beta Version of MicroSoft's EPS Filter for WfW 1.1
- eqnedpat.zip 930405 Patch remedies WinWord's formula spacing problem
- fixwin.zip 920128 Macro to DwnLoad PostScript Fonts
- fnttab10.zip 920111 Macros for Displaying and Printing Font Samples
- fonts.zip 940113 Macro: display a string in different available fonts
- gading.zip 910207 InsertExtSymDing Macro to insert Symbol/Dingbats
- gbord1.zip 910520 BorderPage: Macro draws a rectangular box around page
- gcd30.exe 920918 ChooseDirectory: Macro to set working directory
- gljmrk.zip 910520 Macro Inserts a Print Field at the Current Insertion Pt
- gpsenv21.zip 910531 PrintPSEnveope Macro (PostScript Envelope Printer)
- gpsmrk.zip 910531 InsertPSMark: Insert watermark across a page (Pstscrpt)
- gshade13.zip 910520 ShadeParagraphPCL: Macro to grey-shade paragraphs
- gtbx10.zip 920519 29 Macros and 35 Additional Commands for WinWord
- gtools.zip 901208 Document of Macro Examples, Tricks, etc.
- heaven2.zip 930728 Word for Windows 2.0 Tricky Stuff
- helllp23.zip 940619 HELLLP! v2.3a Windows Help File Author aid for WinWord
- hlpdc122.zip 940520 Windows Help File to Winword Document File Conversio
- html.zip 940429 HTML for Word 2.0
- insert.zip 940124 Small macro to insert non-common chars easy and quick
- keynomac.zip 910917 Doc for WfW's Macro Utility MacroAssignToKey
- leedsbit.zip 940803 Perform multilingual word-proc in over 60 langs
- macros.txt 921012 Font Macros for WinWord
- macros2.zip 921108 Two Macros for WinWord
- macros3.zip 921220 Equation/Figures/Toolbar Macros
- pat4draw.zip 931109 Enhances and debugs MS Word 2.0 equation editor
- refmac.zip 911202 WfW Reference Database Macro (for biliographies)
- refmacro.zip 930907 LaTex type macro for WinWord
- smartbar.zip 930907 Toolbar-buttons for WinWord
- spell6.zip 940711 v6.0 of SpellList and Edit Dictionary for WinWord6
- spellist.zip 940711 v2.0 of SpellList and Edit Dictionary for WinWord2
- sw_hlp.zip 940617 ScriptWright is a Word for Windows add-in
- symbol.zip 910409 Help with Symbol Set/WfW
- tblnmbr.zip 910801 Table Numbering Macro (RichText Format)
- toolbar2.zip 940510 Button replacements for WINWORD V2.0
- w4w6.exe 940216 MS Knwldgbase of bugs, features for Word 6 (.hlp) [2mb]
- wbook17u.zip 940122 WordBook V1.7 is a WinWord Address/Phone Book Manager
- wfw2pm.zip 920530 WfW 2.0a Import Filter for PageMaker
- wingrab.zip 911030 Attach WinGRAB's DB Program to your Utilities Pulldown
- winword.fonts 901108 How to Access Fonts in WfW
- winword.trk 910101 Trick to Display Fireworks/Authors in WfW Ver1.1
- wmail11u.zip 930924 Electronic mail program for Word for Windows
- wopr-20a.zip 920618 WfW2 Office Power Pack Macro Collection Part A
- wopr-20b.zip 920618 WfW2 Office Power Pack Macro Collection Part B
- wopr60b.zip 940705 Woody's Office PoweR Pack v6.0b <ASP> for WfW6.x [1.4m]
- wordfast.zip 940911 Revert, Launch List, and Pre-press utils for Word 2.0x
- ww2sconv.exe 920612 WfW File Conversion Utility
- wwclip.zip 930730 Paste from clipboard directly into Winword text
- wwmbar.zip 930714 Use multiple Icon bars in Winword 2
- xl2word.zip 920626 Update WinWord Converter to Accept Excel 4 Files
- **
- ** Index of MicroSoft Windows 3.1 Resource Kit (WRK)
- ** in ~ftp/pub/pc/win3/wrk at ftp.cica.indiana.edu []
- **
- ** Last Updated: Fri Oct 30 12:10:06 1992
- **
- diskindex 901031 Cumulative Index of the WRK Disks (below)
- diskroot.zip 920610 Windows Resource Kit 4/3/92
- disk_drv.zip 920610 Windows Resource Kit 4/3/92
- disk_ipx.zip 920610 Windows Resource Kit 4/3/92
- disk_wrk.zip 920610 Windows Resource Kit 4/3/92
- mswrk31.txt 920515 Text file to accompany WRK
- testps.txt 920407 PostScript Printer Test
- wdl_aud1.zip 920530 Windows Resource Kit (Newer)
- wdl_dsp1.zip 920530 Windows Resource Kit (Newer)
- wdl_dsp2.zip 920530 Windows Resource Kit (Newer)
- wdl_msc1.zip 920530 Windows Resource Kit (Newer)
- wdl_msc2.zip 920530 Windows Resource Kit (Newer)
- wdl_ptr1.zip 920530 Windows Resource Kit (Newer)
- wdl_ptr2.zip 920530 Windows Resource Kit (Newer)
- wrk_doc1.exe 920610 Windows Resource Kit 4/3/92
- **
- ** Index of WordPerfect for Windows Files in
- ** ~ftp/pub/pc/win3/wpwin at
- ** ftp.cica.indiana.edu []
- **
- ** Last Updated: Mon Jun 6 22:42:50 1994
- **
- 2wpmacro.zip 930712 Bookmark Macro and Dual File Save Macro
- bibmacro.zip 930224 Two Bibliographic Management Macros
- gcatwn31.zip 940516 Graphcat Clip Art Cataloger v3.1/Win <ASP>
- gloss_10.zip 920908 WPWIN Macro to Expand Words from a Glossary
- gloss_20.zip 930712 Replacement for WPWin 5.2 (May 93 rel) glossary.wcm
- last4_11.zip 930713 Macro re-opens the files at the bottom of the File menu
- logmac32.zip 931003 Cycles through the open docs, logs filename, bookmarks
- save_11.zip 920625 WPWIN Macro to Save All Files
- repeat12.zip 930220 Repeat Text or Macro a Specified Number of Times
- sumrz_10.zip 921031 WPWIN Macro to Create Doc Summary in Current Doc
- typse_13.zip 921126 WPWIN Macros to Convert Quotes/Apostrophes/Dashes
- wparse01.zip 931020 WordPerfect File Parser